Note / Tag

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       Sorry , everybody , this isn't a chapter . They've tried to kill us at work this week , I've worked twelve - hour shifts three days in a row , and my brain is basically tofu right now . I promise that I'll get a new chapter up for y'all in the next couple of days . Thanx so much for being patient !

       But while I'm here , I got tagged earlier today by @offtotheracez , so I guess I'll take care of that now . Here goes !

Full name : Not gonna happen ! I don't even have that on my sign - in E - mail !  I will tell you that most people call me Annie , but that's still not my entire name .

Nickname : I guess it would be Annie .

In love ? : Not currently 

Embarrassing story about myself : I guess my most embarrassing moment would be when I was in college , and was in the car with my then - boyfriend in my driveway , getting a bit ... friendly , let's say . ( But not quite THAT friendly ) Where it becomes embarrassing is that the next day at work , one of our customers started talking to me , and made a comment about how much fun I'd had the night before . It turned out that he lived in the apartment building across the street from me , and could see everything while he and his roommates were grilling on their balcony .

Favorite color : Shocking pink and neon lime green 

Favorite Wattpad story : Kinda hard to choose , but right now I'd have to say that it's between three ; "The Journey", by @Jarrodactyl252 , because I'm a hardcore fantasy fan . Then there's " Sons of War" , by @Ms_SkyeClark , and "Sweet Voice" , by @BeckyBear , because I'm also a hardcore BVB fan . There are a lot of other really good stories on here , and if anyone is interested in what else I'm into , check out my reading lists .

Top or bottom : Depends on my mood at the time .

Tall or short : Doesn't really matter that much .

Introvert / Extrovert : Usually more introverted , except when we get together for D&D night , then I can get kinda loud . 

Messy / Neat : Can't lie about it , I'm what my roommate calls "organizationally challenged" .

Three biggest fears :  1 - SPIDERS ! Hate , hate , hate them ! ( Full body shudder )

                                           2 - Fire . Our house burned down when I was in eighth grade , so I'm a bit paranoid about it now .

                                           3 - Extremely deep water . I'm not the best swimmer , so I don't like being where I can't see the bottom .

       Turn ons : Guys with long hair ( preferably dark ) , intelligence , good sense of humor , guys who like animals .

       Turn offs : Willful stupidity , bigots , bullies , and people who refuse to take responsibility for themselves and their actions .

       Ten things that I like about myself : 

       1 : My ability to be calm under pressure .

       2 : My ability to speed - read 

       3 : My own cooking 

       4 : My ability to remember facts 

       5 : My hair 

       6 : The fact that I can wear , watch , listen to , or read what I want without worrying what anyone else thinks of me .

       7 : My dependability 

       8 : My creativity 

       9 : My willingness to accept people . I don't care what color or religion you are , or who you want to sleep with ( as long as they're legal ) . If you treat me decently , I'll return the courtesy .

       10 : My ability to function on minimal sleep . ( Most of the time , anyway ) 

       Why did I join Wattpad ? : I found it by accident , when I got my internet back after not having it for awhile , and I joined for two reasons . One , because there were some really good things to read , without blowing my budget at the bookstore , and two , because it gives me a place to put all of the ideas that keep crowding themselves into my brain , and see if they might accidentally interest someone else .

       Confession : Even though I'm mostly a classic / hard rock fan , I do have a secret fondness for some old '70's disco music . ( Guess it's not a secret anymore !) 

       Habits : Frequently applying lip balm , tapping on things ( tabletops , etc .) when I'm bored or stressed out , talking to myself .

        Something I want : To win the lottery , of course ! 

       Smoke or drink ? : Neither , never cared to start .

       Relationship status : Single 

       Favorite song : My favorite current song is "Last Rites" , by BVB , but my all - time fave is "After The Rain" , by Nelson .

       Fave movie : My three favorite flicks are the original "Halloween" , "Star Wars : A New Hope" , and "The Warriors"

       Talent that I have : Writing , hopefully ! I also make jewelry and crochet .

       Ideal first date : Something without a lot of pressure , like maybe a movie , and then a casual dinner where we can talk and get better acquainted .

       And finally , to perpetuate the cycle , I'm gonna tag @OceanaCamerons , @holysatans , and @MistressMage . Have fun , guys . 

       C - y'all soon , and next time , I promise there will be an actual chapter . And thanx to everyone who has read and voted !

     Hey there ! I got tagged again , by CatarinaValentineeee , so I decided to just keep them all in one chapter , at least until this book is finished . So here goes :

    Middle name : Anne

    Last music listened to : Just finished listening to "Waking Lions" , by Pop Evil

    Where do you live : In the US , in Missouri

    Last text : Yesterday , to my neighbor that I ride to work with , to let him know that I had to stay late .

    Last time you cried : A couple of months ago 

    Eye color : Brown 

    Crush : Nobody here currently , celebrity crushes are Ashley Purdy from BVB , and Tom Mison from "Sleepy Hollow"

    Favorite apps : YouTube and Ravelry

    How did you find Wattpad : I got my internet back , after not having it for awhile , and I Googled Ashley Purdy . I kept seeing all of these boxes pop up , so I clicked on one , and it wasn't long before I decided to make an account .

    Things that symbolize my life : I'm not sure . CD's , notebooks , and yarn , I guess .

    Status : Single 

    Biggest fear : Spiders ! I find them creepy and disturbing .

    Zodiac sign : Leo

    DOB : Aug . 15

    Age : Over 30

    Goals : To do well at work , hopefully publish something that people will find entertaining , and if I'm lucky , to win the lottery .

    Piercings : Three in each ear 

    And I tag  @coolcourtney5 , @maze-runner-26, and @Timegear33 .

   Hi again , I'm responding to a blanket tag by @american-satan in her spam book , for Top Three's , so here goes :

  My Top Three 

                             Records - 1 : Wretched and Divine -- BVB 

                                                  2 : Vale -- BVB

                                                  3 : The Sound of Madness -- Shinedown

                             Movies - 1 : Halloween ( 1977 original )

                                               2 : Original "Star Wars"

                                               3 : Tie -- Lord of the Rings / The Warriors 

                             Band - 1 : Black Veil Brides 

                                            2 : Black Stone Cherry 

                                            3 : Tie -- Shinedown / Apocalyptica 

                            Place - 1 : Concerts 

                                           2 : Flea Markets 

                                           3 : D&D game 

                            Songs - 1 : Last Rites -BVB 

                                            2 : Wake Up - BVB 

                                            3 : Devour - Shinedown 

                            Drink - 1 : Vanilla cream Dr . Pepper from Sonic 

                                           2 : Mr . Pibb 

                                           3 : Iced tea 

                            Food - 1 : Fried chicken 

                                          2 : Bacon 

                                          3 : Chocolate 

                            Actors - 1 : Peter O'Toole 

                                             2 : Robin Williams 

                                             3 : Gene Wilder 

                     TV Shows - 1 : Sleepy Hollow 

                                             2 : Homicide Hunter 

                                             3 : Paranormal Witness 

                            Books - 1 : The Dark Elf Trilogy / R . A . Salvatore ( I have the omnibus edition , so it actually IS one book that way )

                                             2 : The World According To Garp / John Irving 

                                             3 : The Stand / Stephen King 

               Video Games - ( this one's tricky , not much of a video gamer )

                                             1 : Tetris 

                                             2 : Mah - Jongg 

                                             3 : Video Pinball 

              And I tag  @skatelizard , @TheWalkingDaryl , @Georgely4ever , @MistressMage ,  @Jarrodactyl252 ,and @wild_one_lydia ,  . Have fun , y'all !

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