Second Guessing

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     I was surprised that Tiana actually decided to show up this morning , but I was even more surprised at my reaction when she did . This woman is still just as beautiful as she was when she was fifteen years old . Probably more so , in fact . The only thing different than the last time I saw her wearing so little is the ink . I'm a bit curious about her reaction to CC's question about the one on her arm . It's obvious to anyone who can read music that it's not just random notes that someone just inked on , I can actually sound the tune out in my head , but I can't quite place it just now . I also noticed , when I had a chance to look closer , that there are letters inside the rounds parts of some of the notes , which don't correspond to the musical scale , BHK , so I'm not sure what they mean , either .

     A bit later , when Scott filled me in on the problem she was having with the book , I just instinctively offered to try to help . I could tell that she was not only surprised , but very reluctant to let me do it , but she actually agreed . Probably because she couldn't think of any other option . We agreed that I would come over to Bri and Scotts place this evening to pick up the manuscript , to give her time to flag the parts that describe how he wants the characters to look .

     So , after having dinner , and jamming a bit with the guys on a song idea that Jinxx and Jake came up with , I'm walking in the door at Brian's . The three of them are in the living room , along with Inna , and Tiana is holding a large , paperbound manuscript , with sticky notes sticking out of the pages . She hands it to me , along with a few sheets of loose paper .

     "What are these for ?" , I inquire .

     "Scott printed off some pictures to sort of represent the armor that they're wearing . They aren't exactly the same , but they should give you enough of an idea to be able to incorporate the differences ." , she replies , still barely looking at me .

     I had no idea , after all this time , how much that could hurt . I screwed things up so bad between us that she can barely stand to be in a room with me , and I don't have the slightest fucking clue how to make that up to her , if that's even possible .

      Maybe , if I can fix this for her , it will be a start , at least .

     I take my armload of paper , and go back home , where Andy and CC are still out by the pool , as they have decided that they are going to take over my grill and make dinner for the five of us tonight . I decide to put everything away 'til after dinner , as I'm pretty sure that taking it back covered in steak sauce or something would be detrimental to my continued well - being . After all , Scott informed me that she has a third - degree black belt in jujitsu .

     We finally eat dinner , which they miraculously manage not to burn , and I decide to get to work .

    "Why the hell did you volunteer for this , anyway ?", CC wants to know . " You don't even read this sort of stuff , dude !"

     "Just because I don't find it particularly interesting , that doesn't mean I can't muddle through enough of it to come up with a decent picture ." , I respond , "And as for why I volunteered , she needed help , and it's something I can do . After the mess I made of things back then , I owe her at least that ."

    "I can see that , I guess . I'm pretty sure it'll take more than that to get you back on the top - ten list , though ."

     "Oh , I have no doubt of that , C ." , I tell him . "But maybe it's a start ."

     They finally decide to watch a movie with the girls , and let me get started . I grab a sketchpad and some pencils to do some rough outlines , and start looking at the parts that are flagged . I'm not quite sure what to make of it , at first , when I start reading the descriptions . Apparently , I need to come up with an acceptable picture of a teenage girl with iridescent skin and scales , and what seems to work out to be a two - and - a - half foot tall Robin Hood , with a pet fox almost as big as he is . Oh , and the girl also wears chain mail and carries a big - ass sword . What did I get myself into ?

     I sort of idly flip to the beginning , intending to skim it a little to see if I can get a better handle on things , and the next thing I know , Andy is shaking me , and I'm almost halfway through the book .

     "Dude , are you OK ? I've been standing here watching you for almost ten minutes ,  and I don't think I've seen you blink ." , he says .

     I look at him and say , "I thought you guys were watching a movie ." When he says , " We've already watched two , man ."  , I realize that I've been so absorbed in this book that I've lost almost three hours . And that what I want to do right now is go back to where I was , following along with Aschanel , Krimble , and Rust , and their dwarf friend Burgan , looking for more companions to accompany them on their adventure .

     "Sorry , man , I got sort of lost in here . I don't get it , dude , it's like I can actually SEE these people , and what they're doing . I normally don't like this stuff , but I don't wanna put it down until I see what's gong to happen next ."

     Andy whistles , and says , "Sounds like the lady has some serious talent , then . I'm definitely gonna have to pick this one up when it comes out if it can grab an anti - fantasy guy like you ."

     Everyone else decides to go to bed , and I go back to my reading . By the time I'm about two - thirds finished , my eyes are burning , and my vision is starting to blur , so I force myself to put it away and go to bed .

    I always knew that Tiana was smart , she always did well in school , but I am truly blown away by the level of talent she has . Not many writers have the ability to describe what's in their heads well enough to create pictures in the readers mind , but that's exactly  what happened to me .

     I think I already know exactly what I'm going to do for the cover , the picture is already in my head , I just have to get it on paper .

     And I can't help but wonder , would things have turned out the way they are now , if I had thought of what she could have accomplished , getting out of that constrictive environment, instead of assuming that it was what she actually wanted , and that she was going to keep me from achieving my dreams .

  What if we'd had the chance to chase our dreams together ?

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