Secret Project

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      As we're eating breakfast , Ash looks across the table at me and says , "Could I ask you to do something for me , T ?"

      "Babe , you know you can ask me anything you want ." , I tell him . "What do you need ?"

      He leans forward and says , "Before I even start , I just want to say that I understand completely if you don't like the idea , but it's just sort of been chasing itself around in my head since you came to the studio last week ."

      I wait for him to go on , and he finally blurts out , "Since you came up with such a cool way of surprising me , I kinda wanted to return the favor . So ... , I was sorta hoping that you'd let me set up the nursery . I have sort of a concept in mind for it , and I'd kind of like to do it as a sort of secret project , I guess . But it's totally cool if you have your own thing you want to do , or maybe we can combine our ideas , or ... , I don't know !"

      "You do know you're rambling , don't you ?"

      "Yeah , probably ." , he sighs . "But I don't want to sound like I'm trying to shut you out of anything . I just wanted to give you a special surprise , if that doesn't sound stupid ."

      I get up from the chair, walk around the table to stand behind him , and wrap my arms around his shoulders . "No , it doesn't sound stupid at all , it sounds really sweet , actually . If that's what you want to do , go for it . You're much more artistically talented than I am , and if you do it , I know it'll be something really special . And when they get big enough to understand , we can tell them how it's something that their daddy did especially for them ."

      He pops up from the chair and hugs me , with a huge smile on his face . "Thank you , darlin' ! I'm going to work my tail off to make this the most kick - ass nursery any kid has ever had !"

      "No , don't do that . I happen to be quite fond of your tail ." , I say , giving his butt a squeeze , which gets both of us started giggling . 

      I clear off the breakfast dishes and start up the dishwasher , then go to my computer and get ready for my daily writing session , while he starts putting on his boots . "Going somewhere , babe?" , I ask .

      "I was gonna go pick up some of the stuff I need to get started on the nursery . Unless you need me to do something here first ."

      "No , go ahead ." , I say . "But stop at Einstein Bros. on your way back and pick up some of those cheese bagels , please . I'm thinking that sounds really good for lunch ."

      He grabs his keys , kisses me , and heads for the door , calling back , "Will do ! And I think while I'm there , I might make a run on that little Vietnamese place across the street and grab something for myself ."

      I get to work on my current chapter , which introduces Feather the halfling druidess to the adventuring party , and sort of lose myself in the story . Fortunately everything seems to be coming together pretty well so far , since my deadline is about a month after my due date , and I'm hoping to have it done early . If I can do that , I'll have a bit of breathing room , without trying to stay on top of that and take care of a pair of newborns .

      I've finished the chapter I started with , and I'm over halfway through the next before I hear the door open . I look up , and see Ash coming into the living room , carrying a couple of bags in one hand , and some sort of electronic gizmo in the other .

      "What in the world is that ?" , I ask , getting up from the chair and walking over to hug him .

      "It's a digital level , so I can make sure I'm keeping everything even . Don't want the room looking like I did it while I was on a bender , do we ?" , he replies , handing me the bags of food .

      He takes the stuff to the soon - to - be nursery , then makes three more trips out to the car , carrying in several cans of paint , which also go upstairs .

      "Wow , you're going all out , aren't you ?"

      "You better believe it . And no trying to sneak a peek . I don't want anybody to see it until it's done . Otherwise , it'll just ruin the effect . Promise ?"

      "Okay , I promise . No peeking , I wouldn't dream of spoiling your surprise ."


      "Is Ashley upstairs in the kids room again ?" , Brian asks me . "He's been in there just about every day for the last three weeks , hasn't he ?"

      "Yeah , apparently he's got some sort of major painting project going on in there , and he's trying to make sure everything gets done before they get here ."

      Almost as if he heard us talking about him , Ash comes thundering down the stairs , holding his phone , saying , "Yeah , that's great , I'll see you in a bit ."

      He walks over to me , slides his arms around me , and proceeds to give me puppy eyes . "Okay , what do you want ?" , I inquire .

      "Is there any chance you might have something you need to do today , that doesn't involve being home ? They just called and said that the furniture is ready , and I want to get everything set up before you see it ."

      "Why don't we grab Scott and go check out that new store my friend Robbie told me about ? Apparently his sister says they have really cool maternity clothes . And maybe we can swing by the gaming store after that ." , Brian pipes up . 

      I grab my purse and my phone , kiss Ash goodbye , and head out with Brian . We pick Scott up and go shopping , then stop at a little Mexican place for lunch , before going to wander the game store . Brian's trying to get Scott to take a shot at playing D&D , so he's explaining some of the stuff to him when my phone rings .

      I see that it's Ash calling , so I answer , and he says , "Everything's done , babe . You can come home anytime ."

      "Sweet ! I'll be there as soon as I can get these two finished up in here . Love you , babe !"

      "Love you , too ! See ya soon ."

      "Okay , guys , we need to wrap it up pretty soon . Apparently everything's done , and I'm wanted at home for the big reveal ." , I inform them , so they finally manage to decide what they want , and we check out .

      After driving me home , Scott and Bri help carry my stuff inside , and we find Ash impatiently pacing around the living room . When he hears the door open , he zips over to us and takes the bags out of my hands , then cups my face in his hands and kisses me .

      "Okay , darlin' , are you ready to see what I've done to the nursery ?"

      "I'm ready , Ash . Can the guys come , too , or no ?" , I ask .

      "I want you to be the first to see it ." , he responds , and then turns to the guys and says , "If one of you can call Rick and Shan and see if they're up for coming over , then you can all check it out after Tiana sees it ."

      Brian gets on his phone as Ash leads me up the stairs , stopping in front of the door . "Close your eyes , babe ." , he says , so I do . 

      Even so , he puts one hand over my eyes before opening the door , then slides his arm around my waist and walks me into the room . "Okay , you can open them now ." , he says as he moves his hand away .

      I open my eyes , and my jaw instantly drops open . This room is unbelievable ! I knew anything he came up with would be great , but this goes totally beyond my expectations . 

      The room has been painted to represent a scene in my book , where  Ascha , Krimble , and Burgan go to a street festival . There are minstrels , jesters , and other characters scattered around the room , along with several mythical creatures , such as satyrs , hippogriffs , and even a pegasus . And to top things off , the cribs have been made to resemble characters in my books . One is made to look like Krimble's fox companion , Rust , curled around the mattress , and the other is a representation of the winged cat Prism , who shows up with Feather in the middle of the new book . Her multicolored wings are slightly spread , as if she's preparing to take flight , and the mattress is nestled between them .

      Ash looks at me a bit anxiously , asking , "So , did I do okay , T ? Do you like it ?"

      "No, and no . " I reply , flinging my arms around him . "This is not just okay , it's absolutely fabulous , and I love it !"

      "That's a relief ." , he says , as we hear the sound of the front door opening , and Rick and Shan talking to the guys downstairs . "Well , I guess it's showtime ."

      I take his hand as we get ready to call everyone up , and tell him . "Y'know , when they get a little older and can appreciate this , our kids aren't going to have any doubt about how lucky they are ."

      "Why , because they have such a cool room ?" , he chuckles .

      "Yeah , that , too . But mostly because they have such a fantastic dad ."

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