Stapling Jello To A Brick (smut)

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       "What do you think of this one ?" , Ash inquires , handing me a drawing he's been working on , which is a rough draft of new character in the sequel I'm working on .

       "I love the general concept , the features are perfect , but the coloring is off ." , I tell him .

       "But you said he was black !" 

        "Not black as in African - American , babe , he's actually black . Like your car . Pitch black ." , I say , pulling a book off of one of the shelves . "He's the same race as the guy on this book , only with a white crescent - moon birthmark on his cheek ."

        He takes the book and inspects the front cover , then says , "Okay , then . Same features , black skin , white hair , big - ass ears . Got it ."

        As he goes back to his sketchbook , there's a knock at the door , and Scott peeks in . "Hey , is it cool if I come in ?"

        "Since when do you need to ask , dude ?" , Ash calls out .

        "Since I don't want to traumatize myself by walking in on you two doing ... whatever ." , he replies , entering the house and closing the door .

        "If we were gonna do ... 'whatever' , out here , we'd lock the door , bro !" , I tell him .

       He sits down on the couch , looking slightly uneasy , and finally says , "T , I'm pretty sure I wasn't intended to hear what I heard last week , but don't worry . Nobody else will hear it from me , or from Brian , either ."

       "Don't be too sure of that !" , I snort . "He seemed pretty determined the other day . I figured I would've already heard from Mom and Gavin ."

       "Yeah , but he decided that he wasn't interested in being single again , so he gave up on that idea pretty quick ." , he says , and Ash almost drops his phone .

       "Excuse the fuck out of me , did I really just hear that !?" , he shouts .

       "Yeah , I told him that it wasn't up to him to make that decision , and that if he did it , you wouldn't be the only one moving out ." , he says , looking in my direction . "He got pissed off and slept in the guest room for a couple of nights , but he gave up when he figured out I wasn't gonna change my mind ."

        "Sorry , man . Causing drama between you and my cousin wasn't my goal here ." , Ash says .

        "I know that , he's just got some weird idea in his head that this is going to turn into some big flaming ball of disaster , and I can't get him to change his mind . But I do know that he's pretty bummed out that you won't talk to him , T . I don't suppose that there's any chance I might get you to change your mind , is there ?"

        "Nope . None whatsoever ." , I say . "Until he gets it through that hunk of granite he calls a skull that he's not in charge of my life , he's invisible , as far as I'm concerned ."

        "I kinda figured you'd say that , but I had to give it a shot ." , he sighs . "He won't budge either . I swear , trying to get either one of you to do something is like stapling Jello to a brick ."

        I walk over to the couch , give him a hug , and say , "Scott , I'm sorry you're stuck in the middle of this . I don't mean to make your life difficult , but I have absolutely no intention of putting up with anybody thinking that they're going to tell me what I can or can't do ."

      "Yeah , she's already informed me that I don't even get to do that ." , Ash tells him .

       He hangs out and talks for another half hour or so , then Brian calls to see if he's coming home for lunch . He leaves , and Ash and I go back to work on our book projects . His next drawing is spot - on , and I actually manage to get three chapters finished , and introduce Tevyk , the dark - elf cleric Ash just finished drawing .

       When we finish up , I make some chicken salad for lunch , and we decide to go out and do some shopping . When we get to the mall , several people stop and ask Ash for autographs or pictures , which is pretty standard , but it still seems a bit weird when a couple of them do the same with me .

       "You'll get used to it , babe , trust me ." , he says . "It was a little odd to me the first couple of times , too , even though it was what I was actually hoping for ."

       We hit a few stores , and we both find some cool new cowboy boots . He gets a black pair , with steel toe - caps and silver conchos on the sides , and I find a pair of flamingo - pink ones , stitched with a feather design . He also picks up some new jeans , and helps me pick out some new lingerie at Victoria's Secret .

      After the lingerie stop , I decide to check out the gaming shop , and Ash says , "While you're doing this , I'm gonna run grab a couple of things . If I'm not back by the time you finish , call , and I'll tell you where I am ."

      "Okay , have fun !" , I say , kissing him before he takes off .

       I get asked for a few more autographs at the game store , and let the shop owner take a picture of me at the front counter , so he can put it up later . I wind up buying a couple of vintage D&D 2nd edition guidebooks for my collection , a really cool set of malachite dice , and a new book by one of my favorite writers . Just as I'm checking out , Ash comes back , signs a few more autographs , and we haul our stuff out to his car and go home .

      We order in Chinese for dinner , then decide to watch a movie , and wind up putting on some comedy , which I figure out isn't particularly funny . I get bored within twenty minutes , and decide that I'd rather be doing something else . Like ... "whatever".

      I lean over and start kissing along his jawline , down to his neck , while undoing the button on his jeans at the same time . He raises an eyebrow , and says , " Are you trying to say that you're not feeling the movie ?" 

      "I'd much rather be feeling something else ." , I answer , opening the zipper and sliding my hand inside his jeans , rubbing him through the fabric of his boxers . He comes to attention immediately , and turns his head to mold his lips to mine , slipping his tongue past my lips , and using the tip to tickle the roof of my mouth .

       He gets up off the couch , picking me up so that my legs are wrapped around his waist , and carries me to the bedroom . He puts me down , and starts pulling off my shirt the instant my feet hit the floor , then takes off my bra and immediately wraps his lips around one of my nipples , flicking it with his tongue , as his thumb caresses the other .

       I reach out and start to work his jeans down past his hips , and he steps out of them , then drops his underwear , giving me free access to his fabulous cock . I wrap my fingers around it , and start to stroke him , causing him to moan , which creates a very interesting vibration on my nipple , causing me to moan , too .

       "Babe , you need to stop now ." , he rasps . "If you don't this is gonna be over way too soon ."

        I release my grip , and he pulls off his shirt , then my pants , and asks me to kneel on the edge of the bed . I get into position , and he rolls on the condom and slides into me from behind , his hands roaming my body , gripping my hips one moment , then fondling my boobs the next .

        "Oh damn , Ash , you feel so good !" , I whimper .

        "So do you , darlin' !" , he pants . "I want you to tell me when you're going to cum , Tiana !" 

         He increases his speed , and before long , I feel myself getting ready to go over the edge . "Now , Ash , I'm gonna cum now !" , I say , and he instantly goes still .

        I try to thrust myself back , but he's holding my hips , so I can't move . "Not yet , love ." , he whispers .

       He starts moving again , taking me right to the edge , then stopping , several more times , until I'm almost in tears , then he brings his hand around and starts stroking my clit as he moves in and out . When he does this , I climax almost instantaneously , literally screaming his name as I do , with spots of light in my vision .

       He pumps into me a few more times , then lets out an animal - like growl and slumps onto my back , breathing raggedly . After a minute , he disengages himself and tosses the condom , then lays down next to me , cradling me against him .

       When I'm able to talk , I look up at him and ask , "Where the hell did that come from ?"

       "The idea popped into my head the other day , and I was curious to find out if it would work like I wanted it to ." , he admits .

       "Well , if you were trying for complete sensory overload , I'm guessing it did ."

        "Mission complete ." , he chuckles .

         We lay here , not saying anything , for a few minutes , then he says , "Earlier today , when Scott was here , we talked about how I wasn't going to try to tell you what to do . Well , I meant that , but I wondered if you'd be okay with me asking you to do something ?"

          "Of course not , babe ! You can ask me anything you want , but I can't guarantee that I'll know the answer ." , I reply .

         "If you don't , then nobody does ." , he says , then leans over the edge of the bed , picks up his jeans , and takes something out of the pocket .

          "I've been racking my brain all day trying to figure this out , I was gonna try to put together some big , elaborate thing , but I just can't wait that long !" , he blurts out , raising himself up , so he's kneeling on the bed next to me . "Tiana , I love you so much I can't think straight , and I want to spend the rest of my life with you , so ... Will you marry me ?"

         As he says this , he opens up the box he has in his hand , and shows me the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen . It's a gold band , shaped to look like there are a pair of hands holding the stone , which , instead of a diamond , is a stone that seems to be several colors at once ; deep purple , green , and midnight blue , shifting with the light .

         "The guy at the jewelry store said it's called a mystic topaz . When I saw it , I knew it was the one , it's unique , just like you ." , he says , with a hopeful , but uncertain , look on his face .

         "Ashley Purdy , I've adored you most of my life , even when I didn't want to , so how could you even question my answer ? Of course I'll marry you !" , I tell him , and hold out my hand , so he can put the ring on my finger , which he does immediately .

          We snuggle back into the bed for a few minutes , then I look at him and say , "Hey , Ash ? You still awake ?" 

          "Yeah , why ?" 

           "Because ," , I say , while slowly sliding my hand toward his member , "I think this calls for some more celebration !"

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