Chapter Two: Linh's POV

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         I kept on moving until I got to the boulder that was keeping me in this cave for so long. I gained my strength over the days I was stuck here with Emery. I was finally strong enough to gather enough water to blast the boulder of the cave. The only thing stopping me was the fact that the boulder was two tons and we were one hundred feet of the ground. I also had no way of knowing whether or not someone was in the way. That could only mean one thing. Someone might have a chance at dying today. 

         Each time I thought about Tam I felt this weird ping in my heart that told me something wasn't right. You see, Tam and I have a special connection - no, before you ask, it isn't simply being twins - we have something called an empathy link. (PJO reference XD)  We could feel when something was wrong with each other, communicate through thoughts and dreams, and feel when something fishy was going on. The only downside of it was if he died I have a chance of dying as well. So, if this rock landed on Tam... well I would have a chance at dying. By a chance I mean there is a 99 percent chance of me dying a 1 percent chance of me living. If my ping was correct -which it sometimes isn't- Tam was turning evil.

         If Tam were turning evil would this mean that we are in a new story? A new story where Tam is my enemy and he is evil and I am good? I wouldn't want that. Even if he has betrayed me I'm his twin; we even have a special empathy link. How can we possibly be enemies?   

    I couldn't stress anymore; at least I was getting out of that wretched place. That place he may or may not have put me in. 

"Linh, shut up! Just get out of here. Think of other lives later." I muttered under my breath. 

   I gathered all my strength and found moisture in the air; it wasn't much, but it was enough. I formed the water into a cannon ball and aimed as well as I could. Boom. 

The boulder fell from the mouth of the cave and down. I saw a river at the bottom and... a person bathing in it? Who was that person? I didn't know. It could've been one of my friends, so even though I barely had any strength from my last feat, I gathered all the water from the river and made a cushiony parachute. It gave my just enough time to see who it was. Fitz. 

"Why would you take all the flipping water out Linh?! Now, I'm in a bathing suit without any water!" he shouted.

"You were about to die! I saved you! Now get out of the way I can't hold mu-" 

I collapsed. I don't know what happened to Fitz, but I didn't really care. I mean... yeah, I cared about my crushes life, but I thought seeing your life flash between your eyes was just a human phrase. I mean it is, but I saw not my life, but the life of all elves flash between my eyes.

  I saw Atlantis flood because the psionpaths all died in.... a war. A war against... humans. 

"How did they find out?" I wondered.

 I saw Sophie leading the elvin army. She kissed Keefe on the cheek and said, "I love you and I always will, but now I must fight. I must save you. Even if it kills me."  

They seemed to be deeply in love and I wasn't sure what stage they were at until I saw an engagement necklace on Sophie's neck. 

They're engaged I yelled in my head. 

Keefe didn't seem to take this the way Sophie had intended. 

"No. If you die, I will be alongside you," he said in a tone that said and it's final. 

"I can't be the source of your death." 

"Then you won't fight." 

"Fine. We fight together." Sophie said, reluctantly.

"Girl after my own-" 

"If you dare say 'heart' I will lock you up and I will fight even if it kills me." 

"Sorry, sorry! Woman in con-"

"Shut up and get moving! We - yes, I said we now stop gaping - need to get ahead of the game. Or should I say war?" 

The image changed to the forbidden cities. They were destroyed. It was just the intelligent species and other animals now. Sophie came in with Keefe, Fitz - thank god he was alive - Dex, Biana, Marella, Wylie, Alden, Della, Edaline, Grady, Stina, Elwin, Mr. Forkle, Blur, Wraith, Squall, Livvy, Maruca, Bronte, Oralie, Terik, and me. No Tam. Wait, I was carrying flowers and we all looked devastated. Was he...

No. If I started thinking that way I would break of guilt. 

Sophie started speaking, "Tam may have betrayed us all, but -" I burst into tears "- he did it for good reasons. If I knew what was going on... I would have betrayed the elves as well. We are the last elves. There are no more humans. Atlantis is gone. We have lived through it all. Instead of animals depending on us... we will have to depend on them. I have been alive for 200 years now and seen MANY devastating things, but this might be the most devastating of them all.  Livvy, Elwin, please take it away." 

Elwin looked like he was just pulled out of a trance. "That's right. Livvy, please start." he said. 

"Aright. We need to build up our population. Elwin and I are trying to find ways to bring people back. We don't want you to have a kid with someone you dislike. Don't get your hopes up, but we think we can bring the dead back." Livvy explained. 

Biana raised her hand. Livvy nodded to say 'go ahead'.  

"I- if you are able to - I won't get my hopes up - will you bring-" she burst into tears "- T-T-Tam b-b-back?" 

"That's up to the council," Livvy responded. 

"I vote on yes. He warned me." Sophie said and Oralie, Bronte, and Terik all agreed. 

Biana burst into tears and Dex looked away. 

"What about Wylie?" the other me asked. 

I realized that the person I thought was Wylie wasn't him at all. It was his dad, Prentice.  

"He- maybe. I mean, Linh, he betrayed us," she said delicately before the flashes stopped.  

My mind came back to the present and Tam was there. 

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this! I hope that this one was at least a little bit longer!  ILYASM!! - Me <\3

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