Chapter 10. Valentine's Day

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Today is Valentine's Day...

        I woke up from bed. I kept thinking about what Frisk had said yesterday.

       "I want to tell him so bad but I don't have the heart to do it. It's just too hard."

        What did she mean by that? I felt so confused.

        I left my room and Papyrus got up. He helped made breakfast and told me that today was the day that he will finally confess his feelings to Mettaton.

        I smiled at him like I always do. Today was Valentine's Day.

       I left to Dreem highschool and went straight to the cafeteria. Papyrus just followed me. We were sitting with everyone except Frisk. Where's the kiddo??" I asked.

Also Toriel and Asgore were having their own Valentine's breakfast in their office. I'm just mentioning this.

        Chara smiled. "Ohhh some guy came up to her and wanted to talk to her, so we left her alone. That guy probably likes her and wanted to tell her, his feelings."

        Asriel smiled. "Heh heh. I guess it's my turn then!" Asriel said to Chara. "Wha-what?!! Your turn for what?!!" She asked while blushing a bit. Alphys and Undyne looked at them weirdly.

      "I love you Chara!! Ya know, ever since you fell in the Ruins, I liked you. I got to know you more and more. Like I always said, I'll be right by your side!!" He gave a thumbs up.

Btw, Asriel and Chara were best friends so I just wanted this to happen. Plz don't hate me XD

      Papyrus was sitting right next to Mettaton and thought that, Asriel's comfession was cute. Alphys was waiting for Chara to respond to his confession and Undyne was just chuckling at Alphys.

       I thought it was weird. "Uhhhh....Asriel??" Chara asked.

     "Yes Chara??" Asriel answered.

     "I..I love you too. Afterall, you've always been there for me all the time when I needed it. I really liked that about you. You try very hard just to impress me." She blushed a bit harder and then Asriel started to blush himself.

     "Heh thanks Chara." Asriel finished. Then Chara gave him a kiss on the cheek. "No you're wrong!! I should be thanking you for all the good stuff you have done!!" Then they both started to laugh.

      I was suprised though. It was pretty weird that I had to see Chara giving Asriel a kiss on the cheek. Mettaton was getting her cameras and taking photos and Papyrus just laughed.

     "NYEH heh heh!!" Alphys squealed and Undyne laughed again. "Fu-hu-hu!!"

    Then Undyne and Alphys were hugging eachother and Papyrus plus Mettaton were finally going to confess eachother's feelings.

      "Mettaton!" Papyrus had an orange blush on his face.

      "Ye-yes sweetie!!" Mettaton got startled.

      "I love you!!" Papyrus said very quickly.

  Mettaton smiled. "Hey Papyrus." Papyrus looked at her with his blushed face. "Ye-yes??" He answered.

"I brought you a gift." Mettaton took out her gift and it was a heart shaped box with spaghetti in it. Papyrus took it and thanked Mettaton. Also Mettaton told Papyrus that she loves him too.

        I was just gonna laugh because the heart shaped box with spaghetti in it was pretty funny but then I saw Frisk enter. She had one hand on her cheek and she has dirt on her legs. Everyone saw her and ran up to her.

     "What's wrong kiddo??! What happen!?!" I yelled out to her and she didn't respond. Then everyone was telling and asking her questions.

  Then she spoke. "I tripped over a rock and fell into dirt." I knew that she was lying.

     "Frisk, let me look at your cheek!!" I demanded and she refused.

  She turned around and tried to run away but I grabbed her other hand and pulled her to me. Then I grabbed her other hand that was on her cheek and saw it all red. Frisk started to cry a little.

"What happened??" I asked in an angry way.

"Please, I just need some time to be alone." Frisk got out and left the cafeteria.

     "What the hell happened with that stupid freakin confession?!!" I growled with anger.

I turned to look at Chara. "Hey Chara, tell me about the guy that confessed to Frisk cause right now, he's gonna have a bad time!!!" My left eye started glowing bright blue and I was about to burn everything.

Papyrus came and tried to calm me down and all the students in the cafeteria were scared because of me. I stopped and my left eye stopped glowing.

Undyne told me to control myself and not to worry too much. Alphys was really worried about Frisk and so was I.

    "Sans?? Please, I'm worried about Frisk too. But I don't want you to get too mad and be at that point where you'll kill somebody just for hurting your friends." Papyrus hugged me and made sure that I was alright.

Asriel and Chara talked to eachother for a minute and had a serious look. "Sans!! Let's go find Frisk and talk to that freakin guy who made Frisk cry!" I nodded. I was still angry but not too angry.

As I walked in the hall, Chara and Asriel came by. "Hey guys!!!" I went to them. "Hi Frisk!!" Chara said excitedly.

"Howdy Frisk." Asriel winked at me. Then a guy was running to me.

     "Uhh hey!! Can I talk to you for a bit!! You must be Frisk right??!" He asked.

"Uhhhh ok sure!!" I nodded and he held my hand and went to the field.

     "Ummm Chara, Asriel, I'll see you guys in the cafeteria in a bit!!" Then they smiled and nodded.

When we got there, he started to talk to me. "So uhh Frisk, I really like you a lot!! Could you please be my girlfriend??" He asked and was blushing. He said it all of a sudden and it suprised me.

       I met him just once when we were in the library and he needed a book so I helped him out.

It was silent for a few moments. "I-I'm sorry. I can't!" I answered and looked away a little.

"What why??! Just please be my girlfriend!!! I promise that I'll be the best boyfriend that you'll ever have!!" He finished.

"I'm sorry but I like some one else. But umm listen, there is always someone else out there that is better than me. Plus I'm sorry but I don't like you the same way." I looked at him. Then he got mad.

"What the hell Frisk!!? I liked you a lot and are just a stupid weird girl!!! You were always kind to everybody but you were spending too much time with those ugly monsters!!! What did they do to you?? Why do you always hang out with them?!!!" He then slapped me on my cheek and I fell down.

I got back up and felt the pain on my cheek. I felt like crying but I kept my tears in. "Don't you dare call my friends that way!!! And you know what!!! If you liked me, you would like me for being me, but you don't!!! What kind of person are you!!!!" I was about to continue but he pushed me on the ground and I got dirt on my legs and my back.

"Frisk, just get out of here!!! No matter how much you hang out with your monster "friends", they will never love you because you aren't one of them!!" Then he left. I got back up.

"Heh heh." I laughed sadly. "That's right. Why would Sans like me?? I'm not a monster like him." I sighed.

"We are just too different but that doesn't mean that I'll start to like human boys or anything. Maybe I'll just let out all my feelings to Sans even if he rejects, I'll be ok. We are best friends after all. It's time to get it over with." I started walking to the cafeteria, thinking if it's the right thing to do or not.

Last chapter is comin right up. Plz comment if you're filled with tearmination because I am... Also vote and follow.

Final chapter, Confession

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