Chapter Nine

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I walked out of the hall and to the front mans office, and knocked on the door. It was a few minutes before he answered

"Come in" I grabbed the door knob with a heavy heart and opened the door and seen the Front Man, my heart my was pounding very fast. Like fast, like a lions running

"What was you doing with Y/N?" Okay, what was up with guy and Y/N? Did he like her or something?? Not like I care.. right?

"With all respect, why do you care?" He sighed hard

"Because I..." Ugh just get on with it already, it was a whole hot minute

"You?" The Front Man stood up and handed me a glass of wine

"Your one of my favorite guards number 29, drink with me" I knew that was a lie, plus I don't drink

"I don't drink sir" I noticed the gun in his hand, was he gonna shoot me?

"Let's practice something" I nodded and he took the gun and pointed it at my chest

"What is it?" He reloaded the gun and put his hand on the trigger

"Shooting exercise" He pulled the trigger hitting me straight in the stomach, I groaned a bit.

"I'll be right back sir" I ran out of there and straight into the bathroom, it was intense bleeding. I took the bullet out and with the paper towels I rapped it around my stomach

"I thought I was a goner..." I was breathing heavily. Just then I heard some footsteps, was it the Front Man?

"Jackson?" I turned around and seen Y/N, this woman is gonna give a heart attack.

"What the- how did you get here?" Y/N smiled, that smile... it looked familiar...

"I snuck out" Y/N grabbed my mask, shit shit shit. She was gonna take off my mask

"What are you doing?" I backed away

"Can't I see your face?" Y/N got closer towards me

"No Y/N, I'm sorry" Y/N groaned

"But-" Just then I heard more footsteps coming towards us, I grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her into one of the stalls

"Shush." Some talking, I recognized the voices. It was the VIPS

"Number 29? Where are you?" I looked at Y/N

"Stay right behind me, okay?" Y/N nodded and I left the stall, Y/N was right on my tail. I feel like an owner of a puppy

"There you are number 29" I nodded

"Who's this behind you?" One of the VIPS said

"That's Y/N" Y/N came from behind me and waved a bit

"She is very pretty" All of the VIPS were staring weirdly, I put my arm around Y/N's shoulder

"Keep your mits off" The VIPS walked away with The Front man and I followed until we reached a strange room which I haven't seen before

"Hey Y/N come here" The Front Man wagged his finger, what a creep.

"Just go, if anything weird happens. I'll deal with it" I gave empty promises, but it was the only thing that would comfort Y/N. Y/N nodded and walked towards the Front Man

"If you could get anything you wanted in the world, what would you get?" What type of question was that

"Uh, why do you wanna know" I bit my lip and closed my eyes

"Just asking" Y/N sighed and I slowly opened my eyes

"Well I would get money to get my brother out of the shelter, and we would move out of New York. For a better life"

To be continued...


Hey guys, long time to see. Hope it was worth the wait make sure you vote, add to your reading list and comment your opinions below. Have a good week!

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