A feel of irritation

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"Enterprise here," Jim said. "did the doctor--"

"AND THE BIRB SAN' IT'S BEAUTIFWUULL HEART OUT," Scotty sang, drunkingly. "THE BIRDS AND THE BEES FLEW IN A CIRCLE!" and there were other voices singing along with him. They all sounded old. Nyota could hear gorgeous, charming music in the background that went smoothly with the slurred words. Jim rubbed his forehead leaning to his left with his legs folded while he had another hand on the arm rest.

Nyota snickered, shaking her head.

Spock raised an eyebrow at the Scotsman's singing.

McCoy was fighting back laughter as silence riddled the air.

Hikaru and Pavel shared a glance with each other at the first unusual event of the morning.

"Scotty," Jim said, lowering his hand. "Scotty!"

"I," Scotty drawled on.

"Did he get you drunk?" Jim asked.

"Sit bawwwk and relaaax he said," Scotty said. "Eye am havin' the time of my liife! It is fun down here, and the back massages are amaaazzin'."

McCoy was shaking his head smiling from ear to ear.

I did not expect that to happen, McCoy thought to himself.

"Why did you get drunk?" Jim asked.

"He is goin' taeeuue heeeeelp moi after gettin' his mojo back," Scotty said. "I can wait a day! I dinnae sea aniee machines on tee prcowl and it's awl good."

Jim looked over toward McCoy then back to the view screen.

"I am not surprised," Jim said. "you better come back to the ship."

"Ah, dinnae worry," Scotty protested. "the dok ter grooot a guest bedroom. Though, uuhhhhh, they did find a skeleton near a golf course and it is bein' transported tae its restin' place."

McCoy placed a hand on the man's shoulder.

"I am going to send down some security officers for the two of you," Jim said, as the man squeezed Jim's shoulder. "just to be sure that we don't have a repeat of last time."

"Eeye," Scotty said. "Scott out."

The line went dead.

"I am sorry, Jim," McCoy said.

Jim relaxed his shoulders.

"It won't happen again," Jim said, he looked over in the direction of the doctor. "Not after we are done with it."

And oddly enough, that made McCoy slightly terrified with that determined look in his eyes.

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