Maybe there isn't a pinable emotion here

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"Madame, you cannot," Ricardo said.

"Why not?" Catro asked, as the taller woman walked faster than the shorter man.

"I do not want to jeopardize another person's life by yanking them out of their destination," Ricardo said. "The doctor explicitly requested, numerous times before his departure, that you dismantle it and leave it to the professionals."

"I am the professional!" Catro replied, her six fingers balled up into a fist.

"You are part of a brothel," Ricardo said, hands on her shoulder. "and this is just a hobby."

"So?" Catro asked.

"You cannot afford to do it, again," Ricardo said. "that is why I have dismantled it."

"What?" Catro asked, as her eyes widened and her jaw slightly fell.

"You will thank me later," Ricardo said. "I won't let you ruin someone elses life."

Catro speeded toward the back room that was a lot like a garage being wide and empty save for the remains of what resided there. The only thing that remained of the transporter was a shaky transporter padd. There were cables laid about the room scattered with pieces of rubber on the floor. She screamed in agony at her creation's unauthorized destruction. Her hands slid up to he face and tears began to fall. Ricardo did not feel an ounce of regret but only reassurance. She had no idea what she was doing with the machinery. And she only got into it because of a client.

"Why?" Catro screamed.

"I sent it to the leading scientist trying to establish beaming on land from one place to another," Ricardo said. "I do not wish for you to get yourself killed by messing around without protection."

"I exploit with protection," Catro calmly said.

"You didn't have guards and you don't care about your safety!" Ricardo said.

Her face turned a heated shade of blue.


"It won't be one day," Ricardo began. "and your workers should not lose someone determined on fighting for them in politics for their given right as sex workers," Ricardo said. "scientists exploring these kind of advancements have security personnel nearby to be sure they do not get killed," she was about to open her mouth. "I do not count, Madame! I am your assistant! Not your bodyguard!"

"You are fired," Catro said, trembling and glaring at the man.

"And they are watching you" Richardo said. "I told the government about the admiral." he shook his index finger at her direction. "Don't ruin someone elses life because you want to beam out into space."

Ricardo turned away then made his way out to collect his belongings.

"Good riddance," Catro said. "now I have to start all over again. . ." she sighed, in annoyance.

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