The feel of friendship

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Telling Jim was one thing. Keeping Spock out of it was another. Spock really didn't know how it would feel to be a saved by his counterpart. True, he had been given a pendent that had been shown to the old fashioned country doctor. But he was not really saved at all. What did he spare him from? Being attacked, probably, by the rover. The doctor felt like he could explode if he didn't tell Jim right now in the foresaken corridor. It was gnawing at him. It gnawed at his bones and his patience. McCoy had a quick breakfast at the mess hall. McCoy felt tempted to let it spill before the captain with Spock there.

"We are going down on planet side at eight thirty-three," Jim said. "and hopefully, we will take care of everything before we meet the world leaders."

"If we don't get people killed, that's a plus!" McCoy said.

"Yep," Jim said. "and the elderly can enjoy their time there."

"A enjoyable resort with no threats is a preferable place to rest and be enchanted," Spock said. "not one inhabited by killer robots."

"Did ya just hear him?" McCoy said. "he said, 'killer robots'."

Spock raised a eyebrow at his bondmate.

"Have you been forcing Spock to watch bad syfy movies?" Jim asked.

"He has not," Spock said. "I have been forcing him."

"Surprisingly," McCoy that. "that Vulcan's kink is science bein' done wron'."

"I have a assignment to check on inside the zoology department," Spock said.

"Is it the unidogs that we picked up yesterday on Delta I?" Jim asked.

"The Enterprise was tasked with studying, observing them, and breeding them. . ." Spock elaborated. "I believe the breeding and cross breeding will show that they are preferable companions in every form." Spock went in the direction of the turbo lift. McCoy watched his attractive, well fit figure passing a corridor corner and Jim had a adoring look on his eyes that looked more of an admiration and pining. They sighed at once when the Vulcan left their line of sight.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Jim asked, his head turned in the direction of the older man.

"Jim, you met Spock's counterpart in a cave," McCoy said, as they headed down a corridor.

"Yes," Jim said. It wasn't a fond memory but it wasn't the exact way he preferred to meet Spock's counterpart.

"I met mine behind a bush," McCoy said.

Jim raised his eyebrows.

"Is that a punchline to a joke that you are going to made?" Jim asked.

McCoy shook his head.

"He is . . . Right around the Ambassador's age," McCoy said. "we quite literally met behind a bush."

"Does that mean Spock is going to meet my original counterpart in a forest?" Jim jokingly said. "I mean, I am okay with the anomaly's and not disclosing meeting several variations of ourselves in the reports. . . but one who doesn't belong in our world staying?" Jim frowned at the thought. "Trapped here in a place he doesn't belong."

"He must feel terrible about that," McCoy said. "I happen to know a lonely old Vulcan who feels the exact same way."

"We do," Jim agreed. "perhaps he can help us find her."

"Jim. . ." McCoy said, getting in the man's way placing a hand on his shoulder. "I do not think that Enricay is still alive." They locked eyes.

"We have to be sure," Jim said. "and we have to help the others who don't want to die."

There was a look of sincerity in the man's eyes.

"All right, Jim," McCoy said. "but. . . I am not sure how talkin' to ya might convince him to come aboard the Enterprise."

"He was reluctant?" Jim said, concerned.

"If he is as old as Spock is then he might be retired," McCoy said. "logically."

"Hmm, then Scotty would make a great convincer," Jim said.

McCoy looked horrified.

"Jim," McCoy said. "I don't know how our chief engineer can convince a weary, tired old man to join the Enterprise. . hell, he might even convince the older me to stay on the planet without intendin' to do so."

Jim laughed.

"Bones, he just got better from his cold and," Jim held up a hand. "I happen to know that he brought a security officer out of retirement by some illegal drinks."

"Over drinks," McCoy stepped aside.

"If Scotty and senior are drinkin, then Scotty will say something that will either, one, bring him to come aboard, or two, dare him to do something, three, say something that makes him want to come aboard and lecture me about drawing people out of retirement," Jim explained. "I see any of those happening. Or, by lying that I volunteered senior for something."

"Jim, no," McCoy said.

"Jim, yes," Jim said.

"That is not a good idea. He's. . ." McCoy said. "he probably is not in the mood for being voluntold."

"You like being voluntold!" Jim said, pretending to be insulted.

"I am not over a hundred and I am not easy to break,"McCoy said. "Bein' three years older than Spock comes with its disadvantages. . . . Wait, Spock might be older than other me." McCoy stopped in his tracks horrified as it dawned on him.

"I can't wait to hear the Ambassador pulling respect your elders," Jim said, chipperly resuming his trek down the hall.

"JIM, HE WOULDN'T DO THAT!" McCoy raised his voice following after the man.

"He is not like your Spock but okay," Jim resumed his trek down the hall.

"I know he is different but I would not pegg him as the type," McCoy said.

"You never know," Jim said. "he might be interested in video games."

"Spock, as a old man, still playin' video games?" McCoy repeated, in disbelief.

"We have seen stranger things," Jim reasoned.

"But that would bust the basis of reality," McCoy said, as our scene panned to reveal Spock Prime wearing a head set in between two young Vulcanians holding game consoles. The Vulcan's brown eyes were directed on the screen while apologizing to fictional characters for killing them and the children were focused ignoring his comments. "If anythin'. . ."

"Allright, all right," Jim said, shaking his hand. "I will consider Pavel."

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