You're My Brother

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Sonic was sleeping peacefully in his racecar bed when he woke up to what sounded like muffled sobs coming from Tails' bed.
Frantically getting up Sonic quickly and as quietly as he could went over to his plane shaped bed.
In it the young fox was curled up in a ball his namesakes wrapped tightly around himself, his body shaking as the young fox sobbed.

Feeling his heart practically split in two Sonic gently rested his hand on the kit's shoulder.
"Tails, Tails." Sonic said softly trying to calm him.
This however had the opposite effect as Tails saw Sonic and gasped in shock hugging one of his Tails to his chest.
"S-Sonic, I-I didn't meant to wake you, I'm sor-." Tails mumbled still trembling violently.
"Woah bud, calm down, you've done nothing wrong." Sonic said in a soft voice that would have even surprised Robotnik.

Tails just whimpered and curled up on himself even more.
"Bad dream?" Sonic asked, already knowing the awnser.
Tails just nodded another sob escaping him.
"You wanna talk about?" Sonic asked, that usually worked for him anyway.
Tails simply shook his head, Sonic frowned and tried to think of something.

"Wanna grab a midnight snack?" Sonic asked.
Tails looked at Sonic pondering this, admittedly he was hungry, but didn't want to get in trouble.
"Are we allowed?" Tails asked.
"I won't tell if you won't." Sonic said winking at Tails.
Tails thought it over for a moment before nodding and getting up.

The two quietly snuck down into the kitchen and Tails sat down at the table, Sonic came over and put a glass of water on the table for him.
"What would you like to eat pal?" Sonic asked.
Tails shrugged.
"Not sure." He said.
"I know, you still haven't tried chilli dogs yet have you?" Sonic asked.
Tails shook his head.
"You're in for a treat buddy." Sonic said rubbing his hands together.

Sonic got up and went into the kitchen. After preparing the necessary items he got the chilli dogs cooking.
He then went and joined Tails, leading him over to the couch and sitting down next to him.

Sonic reached over and gently stroked Tails' bangs.
Tails teased slightly, but relaxed when he noticed it was Sonic.
This didn't go unnoticed by Sonic, but he didn't comment on it.

"You were there you know." Tails said softly.
"Where?" Sonic asked.
"My dream, the people from my old village, they took me away from you and the others...made me go back to my old village." Tails said shuddering.
"Hey, you aren't going anywhere bud, you're stuck with us for the long run." Sonic said.
Tails chuckled weakly and gave Sonic a small smile.

"Tails...granted I don't know the full extent of what those people did to you, but it was wrong, it never should happen to anyone, especially not someone as sweet as you." Sonic said.
Tails took a deep breath then spoke.
"The people in my village...they weren't nice, sometimes they'd pull on my tails, break my inventions, once they even threw me into a freezing river, they did...horrible things." Tails said, his tears beginning to renew themselves again.

Sonic pulled Tails into a hug.
"Well it won't happen here, mom, dad, me and Knuckles, we'll look after you." Sonic said.
"You promise?" Tails asked.
"I promise, you're my little brother Tails, and I love you bud." Sonic smiled gazing at the Fox lovingly.
Tails smiled and hugged Sonic tighter, even wrapping his tails around him.

They stayed like this until the timer announced the chilli dogs were ready.
Not wasting any time Sonic promptly brought them into the living room and handed a plate of them to Tails.
"They smell so good." Tails said, his mouth watering slightly.
"Go on, try one." Sonic said encouragingly.

Tails put one in his mouth and his eyes practically lit up.
"Wow, they're delicious." Tails spoke through a mouthful of food.
Sonic chuckled and the two ate their food in silence.
Soon they finished and Sonic put the plates in the kitchen.

They simply sat for a few minutes before Tails yawned sleepily, his eyes barely open.
"Sleepy bud?" Sonic asked.
Tails just mumbled incoherently and yawned again, rubbing his eyes.
"I'll take that as a yes, come on bud, time to go to bed." Sonic said.
Tails nodded, too tired to protest.

Sonic took Tails' hand and led him back up to their shared bedroom in the attic.
Sonic helped the extremely sleepy fox back into his bed and made sure the blanket was wrapped snugly around him.
"G'night Sonic." Tails yawned and almost immediately fell asleep the only sound in the room being his soft snores.
Sonic chuckled and watched him sleep for a moment brushing his bangs away from his face, he couldn't help but smile at the content look on Tails' face.
"Goodnight Tails, sweet dreams little bro." Sonic said smiling before heading over to his bed and getting in.

Sonic could now rest easy knowing his little brother was comfortable and happy.

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