Chapter 2

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Ashtons P.O.V.

          Ashton let out a gasp as he was thrown to the ground by his attacker. The wood of his bow splintered under his weight, snapping the string. He let out a grunt, 'Probably an assassin' he thought to himself 'they know what I'm here for' Ashton grabbed they're neck squeezing hard, the attacker still hadn't had enough, they lashed around striking Ashton's arm with their blade. Ashton let out a long scream falling to the ground, a palm pressed tight to the streaming wound.

        His teeth gritted and eyes closed Ashton hadn't been paying attention, the blade slashed at his face causing a small cut. Ashton yelped again, "enough!" he hissed lunging from his position onto the attacker, knocking them into the cold hard ground. He slammed himself onto them with all the force that he could. He reached for the blue cloak that confined their face only to  have his hand slashed once again. Blood spat out of the newly sliced wound spraying across his face. Ashton let out a heaving grunt, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

         Ashton let out a labored sigh as he was shoved off his attacker 'definitely someone who knows what their doing' he thought to himself in frustration. They slammed him up against a tree with all they're strength 'attempting to break one of my bones' he noted 'smart' Ashton clenched his fist and dug it into they're gut with full force. A blue aura surrounded his fist throwing them back against another tree as Ashton's fist made contact. The attacker limply hit the ground causing them to grunt.

         "Not so strong are you now" Ashton chuckled in a menacing tone. His eyes had become dilated, his attitude completely changed. The attacker noticed and stumbled to their feet trying to make a run for it. Ashton let out another laugh "you can't run from death..." the bitter words slipped from his lips as he chanted words of an ancient tongue "a sheoladh ar mian leo a bheith marbh dá n-oíche dorcha". A ball of black hot smoke began to form, the heat radiated against Ashton's skin. Half of him was trying to stop himself, yet the other half wanted to kill..... using the dark arts that he knew so well.

         The smoke sprang from it's position chasing after Ashton's victim, who hadn't mad it far. The smoke swirled and bellowed around them, engulfing the attacker. It seeped into they're skin causing them to fall to the ground with a thud. As they fell the hood of their cloak blew back behind they're head, revealing the intruders face.......It was Peregrine. Ashton gasped in terror looking down at the ruff of his hands. "W-what have I done?" he stuttered with a shaky voice falling to his knees next to Peregrine. He shook her "Wake up!" he hissed with worry.

Ashton knew that she wouldn't survive in the dream realm. Not when so many were after her. If anyone were to here about this, she would surely perish, fore in the dream world you could die meaning you would never wake up from your slumber. Ashton shook his head in disappointment "Only one can save the queen" he whispered grabbing Peregrines limp body in his arms. "I hope she can help at least, otherwise I've practically killed Moria's savior".

"I will have to go into town to retrieve a cart...." Ashton glanced around looking for a safe place to lay Peregrine. He found a small bed a moss under the shelter of some brush, he removed his coat wrapping her in it just in case it were to get cold while he was gone. And with that he mounted his horse riding as quick as he could back to the town.

Peregrine's P.O.V.

Peregrine flickered her eyes open, her whole body ached and burned. She lifted her head and winced glancing at a deep cut on her leg. "What happened?" she muttered not quite remembering her dispute with Ashton in the woods. She rubbed her head before bothering to see where she was. The sky was tinted purple and the overall tone of her surroundings was darker. "Where am I?" she whispered only to be greeted by a deep voice "Your in the dream realm my dear" the voice chuckled.

Peregrine's head snapped around to find a tall man, he had distinct facial features and short black hair. He wore a black robe with red stitching and a long smirk was spread across his face. "W-who are you?" Peregrine stuttered drawing her sword from it's sheath. She stumbled to her feet feeling quite nauseous. The man chuckled, his features moving across his face "I am Morpheus..." he spoke in a deep yet dark tone "The god of dreams". Peregrine glanced at him, her head slightly tilted. He didn't look like much of a god, at least one from the dream realm.

Morpheus took hold of Peregrines hand taking his lips softly to her skin. "It's wonderful to make your acquaintance your majesty". Confused Peregrine jerked her hand away in disgust "I beg your pardon but I am no queen!" Peregrine hissed wiping her hand on her cloak. Morpheus let out a long dark laugh "Oh but darling you surely are! But enough of that nonsense, come with me". Morpheus tightly gripped Peregrines hand clenching onto it with ease. Peregrine had no choice but to follow, her hand still tightly in his grip.

"How did I get to the dream realm?" Peregrine asked curiously, her memories slowly returning. It was all beginning to become clear, that stupid apprentice, the deep cuts she had given him, the most vivid thing and the last thing she remembered was when he dug his fist into her gut, a blue aura surrounding it. Morpheus stopped a smirk still plastered to his face and his grip still very tight on Peregrines hand "He wanted you dead...." Morpheus spoke deeply "He sent you to this realm with dark magic, this realm is much like the real world only you will die without protection, meaning you never wake up".

Peregrine shuttered at the thought 'will I never wake up?' she thought to herself in horror 'did that stupid stable boy sentence me to death?' the thought rolled through her mind continuously as Morpheus pulled her along. She had forgotten about how tightly he held her hand, or how strange the god was. The danger that lay ahead was unknown to her. As Peregrine had finished thinking about her situation, Morpheus had led her to a large tree, bluish petals fell from the petals, neat piles of leaves surrounding the base.

"This is were I ask you to stay, you mustn't leave" Morpheus demanded "If you set foot from this tree you will perish being that you don't belong here." Peregrine walked up running her hand along the smooth bark, the texture was foreign to her. And why must I be kept here?" She asked peeling a piece of bark from the tree "can't you just send me back to Moria?" She spoke in a demanding voice, "Well...." Morpheus nervously spoke rubbing his palm against the back of his neck "not necessarily...". Peregrine laughed in a joking way "not necessarily? Really I'm sure there's some way to return me!" Morpheus nodded, "yes indeed there is, but we mustn't worry about it now" he cooed "all we should worry about now is keeping you safe!" Peregrine glared at Morpheus, the so-called "god" was beginning to get on her nerves. Peregrine sighed beginning to climb into the canopy of the tree. The gash in her leg pained her, but she continued through the pain. As she left Morpheus muttered something under hi breath and with a snap of his fingers a wall of vines slowly encircled the tree in a dome like shape trapping Peregrine inside. "You won't be escaping me as long as I can keep the true Morpheus locked away...".

(Hope you enjoyed chapter 2!!!!! The picture above is of Ashton!)

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