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Hi my name is Janae. I just moved to Atlanta this summer and I will be attending the 12th grade here. First day of school is tomorrow so I am going to pick out an outfit.

I love with my aunt who is on drugs. I used to live with my mom and dad and lived a nice and normal life until my dad started hitting my mom. My mom hated me to see it. But one day she got so sick and tired that she wrote a letter about everything she hates about her life and how she wants mine to be better and gave it to me.

My dad read the note and killed my mom. He tried to kill me but I was able to call the police and he got arrested, then got killed in jail.

Since then I've been living with my aunt who drinks around me, also smokes around me which is very bad for my asthma so I try to stay in my room or to my self a lot.

I hear a knock on my door and open it revealing my aunt smoking a blunt. "So you ready for your first day of school tomorrow?" She asks. I back away coughing a little.

"Yeah I'm picking out an outfit right now" I say. She goes on about how she wants me to do good and school and make it a fun experience.

Once I'm done picking out my outfit I lay it out. I lay in my bed and close me eyes. I'm so excited for school tomorrow! I bet this will be the best year ever.

The next day

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I stretched and got up and took a shower. Once I was done getting dressed I headed for the door.

I waved bye to my aunt and walked to the bus stop. When I get on the bus I see kids that look like they would make good friends.

One boy comes and sits next to me. He has a small curly Afro with a headband on. "Hi this your first year?" He asks me.

I smile. "Yes it is" I say. He smiles back, "what's your name?" He asks. "My name is Janae" I say.

"Cool" he says. What you mean cool.. "yours?" I ask him. "Key" he says.

When I get to the school I go to the office to get my schedule. When I get in there I see a woman she looks about in her mid thirties.

She smiles at me so I smile back. "Hi I'm mrs. freeman your principal" she says keeping her same smile.

"Well hi I am here for my schedule" I say. She looks through some files then hands me a paper with my schedule on it. I walk out the office and I read the schedule to see what my first period is. Okay math.

I can't really find it so I see a girl she's pretty and her edges are laid nicely. I smile and walk up to her.

"Hi can you show me where math is?" I asked her. She smiles back, "sure follow me!"

We started walking. "So this is your first year here right?" She asked. I nodded yes. "Well if you ever wanna know anything about school clubs and after school activity then you could always just ask me" she says.

"Okay what's your name?" I ask her. "Kayla, you?" She says.

"Janae" I smile as we arrive at math class. "Good luck for your first day! Also sit in the middle row, the guys in the front like to throw paper balls at each other" she laughs. I laugh also and thank her.

It's 4th period and I'm going to the bathroom to wash my hands. I go to the sink and see a girl in the mirror applying makeup.

"Oh hi you must be the new girl!" She says. Weird how does she know..

"Oh sorry I know you're probably like weirded out but my name is Aliyah." She Says.

"Hi my name is Janae" I say turning on the sink to wash my hands. "Hi Janae, where did you come from?" She asks.

"I came from New Jersey" I say. "Oh that explains your accent" she laughs.

We talked a little then I went and got going. Time for lunch now. I go in the lunchroom and see that boy Key. I smile at him and he waves and motions for me to come here.

I go over there and sit down at his table and there are a bunch of other guys. "This is my friend Janae and it's her first year here" Key says. I smile and say hi.

"So do you like the school?" A boy asks."yeah I guess" I say. I see Kayla from earlier and I also see Aliyah and some other girl with her.

"Hey Janae!" The three of them sit at my table. I say hi and the third girl speaks, "hi I'm Amaria I already know that your name is Janae nice to meet you" she says.

"Nice to meet you too" I say. We all chat a little. Me and the three girls are going to the mall after school tomorrow and I'm so excited first day and I already have a bunch of friends.

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