Aftermath | Part 1

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Bonnie's POV:
What have I done?! Yes, I stopped the war, but this cost 3/4 of the planet? I really do not think so.

I just lost Max, I cannot afford the rest of this lost world to die.

"Mom? Where are you? Mom?!"

I looked to the voice, a child was walking through the wreckage. He must've survived this fallout. I ran to him. He cannot unsee what he will see soon.

"Kid! Hey kid!" I yelled to get to him.

"Yes? And who are you?" He responded, acting very shy.

"My name's Bethany. I was told by your mom that I should get you to a good friend of hers if something bad happens." I had to sound reasonable since he would probably not be able to bear his mother's death. "So what is your name?"

"M-my name is Andy. My brother is Trevor, he is a Pokémon photographer. And probably the best at it." He smiled at me with some reignited confidence. "Will he be at Mom's friend's place?"

I stayed silent for a second. Trevor was one of Clemont's best friends. I have to do this for him. I pulled Andy into a hug. He will come out of this almost as scarred as I am. "If I remember his last message to me correctly, I think he was exploring the Orange Islands for more content in his collection."

"So he's not here?" Andy began to whimper, I knew that he would have an emotional breakdown sooner than what I expected, so I looked around for a Pokecenter's remains.

I was just about to give up on my search when I saw a blinking red sign. A sign for Pokecenter's and gyms. Heck, if I could get to my brother's gym, I could get what I need.

"Andy, follow me close, okay sweetie?"

"Sure Bethany." I held out my hand to him, which he gladly accepted. I led him around the paths with the least amount of wreckage possible, so he didn't see any bodies. We walked over to the sign. It was cracked, next to broken, and on top of rubble that went up a few feet.

"Andy, stay right there for a second, I have a hunch." I told him.

He stayed put while I grabbed a metal bar from the wreckage and pried the sign off the pile. I looked into the gap formed and noticed a blinking light and a screen. A working PC! I quickly booted it up and logged into my account, and retrieved a Pokémon Serena secretly got me when I was eight. It could get us to Kanto. I logged out and powered it down. I pulled out the main drive for it and held onto it for safekeeping, dropping it into a satchel I grabbed in the process.

"There" I partially told Andy, but it was for for me. "So, Andy, are you ready to go to our destination?"

"Of course, a friend of mom is a friend of me! Let's go!" Andy responded. He has so much enthusiasm. Too much like Ash.

I blocked the thoughts of of my head and released the pokemon. "Altaria, join me!" I yelled as the blue and white bird formed in front of me. I hopped on her and put Andy in front of me. "Andy, while we are flying, you should get to sleep. It has been a long day"

"Okay Bethany." He responded, quickly falling asleep. I carried on the flight for the next day.

To be continued...

I hope the book is still nice!

600 words

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