Maybe Something Furry

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Focused, fingers tapping away on a small keyboard Jay could not feel his surroundings, nor did he pay attention. In front of him a document that had been blank no longer than fifteen minutes ago sat, important to be noted. His job often involved writing, for hours it seemed to be, nonstop.

Boots rattled by his room, Tim, his best friend since early high school. They did not continue, stopping by his doorframe as a face framed by tiredness, restless nights stared. "Merrick, there's a fucking noise outside,"

He turned to look, eyes darting back to the computer screen once and then locking on his roommate. Cold, light browns stared back, hollow as per usual. His eyebrow raised a bit. "And what the hell do you want me to attempt, Wright?"

Tim crossed his arms huffing in annoyance, eyes rolling slightly. "I want you," His finger points at the kitchen (back door most likely Jay assumes). "To go check it out because I cannot handle how loud it is anymore,"

"Give me four more minutes,"

"I'm not having this shit anymore, go look or I'll burn your rent money, dickhead,"

Sighing Jay scoots his chair back, stretching his arms above his head and following the taller man. Hallways guiding them to a wooden door, rickety in all honesty (that thing was close to falling off its hinges). "My ass will be on the couch until you get back inside,"

Blades of grass tickle his feet, pushing past the fabric of his socks as he steps outside, moans from the already busted door grinding his nerves more. Well if this isn't a fucking blast?! Jay stares for anything in particular to jump out at his face, latch on to his poorly chosen outfit (knee-length shorts were cool screw off Tim). Yet nothing happens, cool just as it had been when he came out.

As he turns around to go back in and complain— meow. Was it his imagination? No way a cat was here! Meow.

"Oh," — Green eyes stared, inquisitive to such a creature crowding its area, white-tipped tail swishing. "Um, hey little thing, what are you doing here?"


"You look a little rough around the edges there. Bad hair day?"

The cat only blinked in returned, fluffing out its orange coat in warning. It padded up to Jay, rubbing against his bare ankles. Loose fur sticking to his skin not that he noticed anyway. "Stay there. I'll be back in a second,"

Longer than a moment's notice another person returned with him, hand flexed around a lighter. "That's what was distrusting my day?"

Stilled silence flowed between them, normalcy day by day when one thought. "I'm calling it Shirmp,"

"No. If you name it you get attached."

Calmly Jay shrugs, going inside to bring Shrimp a bowl of tap water. "Already did the moment I saw it. It's too late grumpy,"

Tim sighs at the remark, shaking his head in a 'I'm not winning this argument' way. Guess I'll have to get it a collar later he thought. Well fuck.

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