Chapter 18- New Bonds (Part 1)

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The day that passed was a long one. Most people spoke to Naomi here and there, with the exception of Mikhail who spoke to her more frequently, and Drea who didn't speak to her at all.

Everyone gathered around the campfire area, though all that remained where burnt logs. Duke shovelled porridge into his mouth.

"That's revolting", said Luna.

"Duke, eat like a human please", joked Holly, earning a playful eye roll from Duke.

"Aurelie's only just started making porridge for us again. I'm gonna enjoy it before someone messes up again", explained Duke, glancing at Naomi.

Maaria chuckled. "My sister used to have eating contests with my Dad and I."

Gigi patted her shoulder. "He'd be dead proud of you."

Maaria shrugged. "Hope so."

"Today's the date he went missing, isn't it?", asked Naomi.

"Surprised you remembered", said Gigi.

"Everyone, listen up!", yelled Drea. "Our next area is Aerian's school", said Drea.

"Why do we need to go to his school?", asked Duke.

"Young minds are impressionable", said Aurelie. "His school days could've been the best years of his life. If so, it makes sense for his essence to be there."

"I wonder if we're going to see his old school work?", questioned Mikhail. "What if he was a child prodigy?"

"It doesn't matter", said Duke. "He ended up being a grade A d*ck."

"Of course it matters", said Aurelie. "Even the smallest of things can impact us in a big way."


Luna travelled to Deidre's camp to inform them about their plans for today. Upon arrival, Luna noticed an almost empty camp.

Echo stood with his horse, doing what seemed like checking her for injuries.

"Hello? Echo, were is everyone else?", asked Luna.

Echo jumped slightly, before regaining his composure. He turned to face her. "They went for a ride. Belle's injured so I'm looking after her. What are you doing here?"

"We're going to Aerian's old school to see if we can find the essence", said Luna.

For the first time since Luna arrived, Echo looked at her. Something was different about Echo's eyes, not that Luna noticed.

He approached her and pointed to a clip on her head. "Nice clip."

Luna placed a hand over it, chuckling softly. Oh, thanks. My sister gave it to me. I only just found it."

"Oh, so is it sentimental?", he asked.

Luna nodded. "Yep. I'm not taking this off. It's kind of like she's with me, if that makes sense?"

Echo grinned, a mischievous expression appearing on his face. "Definitely. Sounds nice."

"Luna?", called out Rocco, riding in on his horse, with Deidre and Glenn behind them.

Luna's eyes lit up when shs saw Rocco. "Hey! Just came by to let you know what the plan is for today."

Echo rummaged through his pocket, careful not to draw attention to himself.

"Actually, we've got some information that might help", said Deidre. "I'll tell you when we go to your camp."

"Oh, hold still. There's something on your head!", exclaimed Echo.

Luna's eyes widened and her muscles tensed. "Get it off me!"

Echo reached forward and pressed a small bead into her clip. He moved his hand away. "All gone!"

"When you're done screaming...", said Glenn. "... do you wanna get a move on?"


"Ruby Stone?", questioned Aurelie.

Deidre nodded. "Yes. It's the only thing that can bring Aerian back to life when you have the essence."

"We must find it and destroy it!", exclaimed Giamora. "In the wrong hands, that stone can bring him back. Who knows what he'll do?"

After a long pause, Aerian nodded. "Yes, you are right. We must get this stone."

"But how-", started Drea.

"-MAARIA!", exclaimed a man. He rushed towards them, blood staining his head.

Maaria's eyes widened. "N-No..."

The man stumbled and Maaria caught him. He chuckled. "Still got fast reflexes, ey?"

Maaria stared into the man's eyes, searching for answers. She felt her lungs restrict and she gasped for air, pushing him away.

"Maaria?", questioned Gigi, placing a hand on her shoulder. "What is it?"

Maaria stared at the man for a few seconds, before speaking. "That's my Dad."


Giamora gently applied a white lotion to the man's scalp.

"So, you were attacked by Termes?", questioned Aurelie.

The man nodded. "Yeah. Nasty creatures."

Giamora nodded. "Those Termes have gotten a taste of your blood, so they can track you down. This lotion acts as a Termes repellent. It'll poison them."

The man nodded, before looking at his daughter, who had been staring at him. "Dad, where have you been?"

Her father, Kai, opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Aurelie. It was probably for the best, seeing as he didn't look confident in what he was going to say anyway.

"I'm terribly sorry to cut this short, but we really just be going", said Aurelie. We have ahead of us."

Kai nodded. "I see. But there is something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I know the location of the Ruby Stone."


The group just looked stunned as Aurelie told them about his conversation with Kai.

"So all we need to do is travel to the Akermill Forest and the Ruby Stone will be there?", questioned Drea. "I don't buy it."

"My Dad's not a liar", said Maaria.

"Why didn't he bring it then?", asked Drea.

"He was attacked by Termes", said Aurelie.

"I'm going to get it", said Maaria.

Gigi shook her head. "Héll no. It's dangerous. You're still recovering from being poisoned remember?"

"The stone is dangerous", said Maaria. "We need to get it before anyone else does."

"We need to stay on course", said Aurelie.

"With all due respect, the Ruby Stone is crucial for the success of our mission", said Deidre.

Glenn nodded. "Yeah. What she said. Apart from the whole respect thing."

"I'll go", said SJ.

Shelley and Mikhail looked at each other, before looking at SJ. "Are you sure?", asked Shelley.

SJ nodded. "We have Termes in our area. I know how to deal with them, and I have some lotion myself", said SJ. "If it's just the two of us, the search for Aerian's essence won't be compromised."

After a long pause, Aurelie nodded. "Ok. But take two walkie talkies. Keep us updated at all times."

SJ nodded and left to grab her things. Maaria turned to Giamora. "Look after my Dad, ok? Please."


Originally, I planned for this chapter to take a place a week after Grace's death, as it didn't make sense for them ro resume the quest so quickly. But I miscalculated something and basically, this has to take place quickly in order for something else to make sense.

What's Echo up to?

Maaria's Dad is back! Where has he been all this time?

How will the group get on at Aerian's old school?

Will Maaria and SJ successfully find the Ruby Stone?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?










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