23 Days Until

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It was a Thursday, which meant that I had my meeting with Mr. McShane. I was still recovering from the bruises of the last time he'd made me a fighter, only to be riding the train toward more of those bruises.

The novelty of the train was wearing off. I was beginning to grow impatient with the commute. I really just wanted to spend time with Sonnet. She kept saying yes to dates, but somehow, they never got planned. I needed to try harder. To do better. I would win her over. I knew it.

I leaned my head back against the seat. The train came to a stop. I had arrived.

I walked into the building, letting the R2D2 Roomba lead the way. Not that I needed it anymore. I was learning my way around. I was building a life here, whether I had intended to or not. I wanted to, now.

I arrived in Mr. McShane's office. It felt like the last thing left of where I'd come from, with its plug-in lamp and flat screen TV. Mr. McShane looked up. He didn't say anything.

"How's it going?"

"It's going. I was looking over your engagement. I actually needed to discuss a few details with you."

"Is there a problem?"

My hands suddenly felt sweaty. There couldn't be a problem, could there? The DSUI was powerful, so they would be able to pull all the right strings, wouldn't they?

"No, everything is going according to plan."

"Oh. Okay, then. What do you need to talk about?"

"Sonnet Alan is a high-profile person. Everyone knows the Alam's penchant for collecting orphans."


"And we need to flex that we have you. The chosen one is here, and he's going to crush the rebellion once and for all."

"What does this have to do with the engagement?"

"We want to announce the engagement with a major event that uses Sonnet's fame and showcases you."

"Oh. I see."

"It'll be a day entirely about you."

It felt like my life had been very much not about me before I'd come to the future. A day that was all my own? It sounded like bliss. A day for me and Sonnet, a day where I could declare my love to the world.

"That sounds great."

"Leave the planning with us."

"When would this happen?"

"In roughly a month."

I nodded. I'd have something to look forward to. It felt good, being excited.

"Now, are you ready for your training for the day?"

I'd forgotten about that part of it. I wasn't ready for my training. I wasn't about to tell him that, so I just nodded. He turned, walking stiffly through the hallways. I followed, with a much less authoritative air.

We were in the training room, padded walls waiting to catch me. Mr. McShane stood, fists raised. I raised mine too.

Five hits before I was on the ground. I was improving.

I could tell Mr. McShane had been hoping for more from his chosen one. I wasn't what he'd expected, but he prided himself on being able to adapt in heartbeat. I was putting that to the test.

6 hits before I was on the ground. My arm hurt. I wanted to go home, but I forced myself to stand.

The afternoon passed in a blur. I was sore all over, wobbling on my feet. Mr. McShane had barely broke into a sweat.

"Have you been building endurance?"

"Yeah, when I have time."

He stared at me with the intensity of a man who saw through my lies.

"Do more, then."

I nodded, turning to go.

"Wait, Robert."

"Is there more?" I hoped not. I didn't want there to be more.

"Not more training, no."

I looked at him blankly, waiting for him to add more to his statement.

"You're one of us now. I want you to feel like it."

"Thank you."

I was one of them. That felt good. I knew where I fit here, which was more than I could say for home.

"Follow me. Stay close."

I wouldn't have dreamed of doing anything else, but I nodded all the same. All the hallways stayed the same, and I was still at risk of getting lost as I wondered about. Mr. McShane seemed to know every step of the building like the back of his hand. Maybe one day, I would too. I hoped so. Mr. McShane had said it. There was a place for me here. I could do good here.

I followed him down several halls. Soon enough, I had to stay close. I had no idea how I was or how to find my way out of the building. I'd learn with time.

We went up several flights of steps and down another hallway. Mr, McShane held a chip up to a door. It swung open of its own accord to let us in. I followed him in.

I looked at the room. People were scattered around the room, all looking intensely at various projects. In some parts of the room, sparks flew. As people noticed Mr. McShane, they stopped their work, saluting him until he dismissed them with a hand wave. Should I have been saluting him? It didn't matter. It'd be too awkward to start now.

"Robert, look around this room."

I scanned the area, taking in the people as they built things. I had no idea what they were working on.

"This room and many like it develop our latest gadgets. This floor is what keeps us several steps ahead of those rebels. They don't have the resources for anything on this scale."

Mr. McShane left the room, letting the door close behind us. He continued down the hall. He stopped in front of a window.

"Here is where we test the gadgets."

"How do you test them?"

"Volunteers operate them, then pass them onto agents. Some we have captured rebels test."

"Is that ethical?"

Mr. McShane acted like he hadn't heard me. I didn't press the issue. He moved on from the window.

He opened another door. "Here's where tested items are. Anything in this room is at your disposal."


I walked around. I picked up a watch. It chirped, with a hologram popping up. My face was there, with my information and a feed of all security cameras I'd appeared on. A button read "files on Robert Quillen." I clicked it, but Mr. McShane began speaking again. I put the watch down without reading my file.

"Let me know when you're ready to leave."

"Can I come back here?"

"Whenever you want."

"What do I have to do to earn all this."

"Be loyal."

I nodded. I could do that. I wanted to do that.

I spun in the middle of the room. The rebels had no chance.

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