Hey Guys!

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Dear Everyone,


So, I'm not dead. This may come as a bit of a shock to some of you who haven't seen a single typed word from me in around three years, but I ask that you hear me out for a couple paragraphs, because after so much silence, I have so much to say.

One, I'm sorry. I've been exactly where you are right now; finding something that makes you smile, then realizing that it's not finished and that the author has been missing for far too long. So you ask "please, just don't leave me hanging here." And you know that writers write for, above all, themselves, and you don't want to guilt them into feeling as if they should write for anyone else, but at the same time, you just want to ask them "Please, finish what you started, not just for me, but for all of us."

I've felt that myself so many times, and it took all of these three years to realize that some of my works were what made other people smile.

Here's what happened: I began to hate what I created, and I withdrew from the wattpad community. For three years, I avoided looking at any of my older writing. For three years, I avoided wattpad. For three years I avoided the wattpad community. Then today I, against what I had believed to be my better judgement, opened that little orange app buried away in a folder on my ipad.

And the first thing I saw was people - recent people - asking "Please, just don't leave me hanging here." And it shocked me. And suddenly I remembered everything from when I started writing five years ago: the week-long joy I felt from receiving my very first comment, the nights I stayed up too late to make sure I had an update ready for everyone, the other users who I came to know through first comments and then the in-app chat feature.

And suddenly I remembered how much the wattpad community meant to me.

In these three years, I never stopped writing. My passion for fanfiction has faded, but my love of creating is as strong as ever. The past eight months have been dedicated to a work called The Stars are Always Shining, Which is 32k words, 72 pages, and still going strong. It's easily the best thing that I've ever written, and it's easily my favorite piece of writing that I've done. It holds a deep, deep place in my heart.

I had never planned on showing it to anyone but my closest friends, all of whom have some of their characters in the story and love it just as much as I do, but you guys changed my mind. I've long since forgotten the plots to my unfinished stories, but I couldn't leave without offering something up.

If you're only interested in my fanfiction, then I thank you for your time and love and hope that this serves as closure. If you're willing to give The Stars are Always Shining a chance...

Well, all I can hope is that I can bring a smile to someone's face once again. (Note: you'll have to find it through my profile - it's not coming up on the search bar, even with the exact title.)

You guys touched my heart.

Much love,


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