Episode Two

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"Darling, no. I told you how I feel about kids," Colette said as Max walked down the stairs. He put on regular clothes after changing out of his Wendy's outfit. There was a long silent pause before a exhausted sigh came from her. "Fine, I'll be there at 3.... yes I'm taking a car, are you crazy?!.... just because I can doesn't mean I will... you're impossible, you know that right?... hmmm right. I love you too, I'll see you then."

"Who was that?" Max asked.

No response came from Colette as she gathered a few things. Whether it be because she was too focused on the moment, or she was ignoring him.

Kerr was sitting next to him, munching on bacon. He offered Max a piece and he took it. "That my boy is ex-girlfriend problems, the reason why I don't have a significant other."

"How many times have a told you not to call her that?" She held up her hand, a gold with a diamond wrapped around her finger. "She's my wife."

Max cocked his head to the side. "So trouble in paradise?"

Colette narrowed her eyes at Kerr, who shoved the rest of the bacon into his mouth, seemingly ignoring her looks. Colette mud-brown eyes looked at Max and she shook her head. "No but there might be if she doesn't think first. I'll be back tomorrow, so don't burn the house down or something while I'm gone. I really don't want to see that happen on day one." She ruffled Kerr's hair and patted Max on the shoulder before walking out.

Max took a bite of the bacon before spitting it out. "Dude you did not even cook this all the way."

"Ah, sorry. It's early and I guess I didn't even notice. What are you doing up so early anyway?" Kerr asked taking the bacon from him and cleaning up his plate.

Max shrugged, "Work schedule. I usually get up around seven to leave for work."

Kerr nodded in understanding. "Feel free to make breakfast." Kerr walked out of the room leaving him.


CLANG. CLANG. CLANG. Bjorn banged against his armor after unsuccessful waking up the sleeping girls. Arny had already been up and had nodded at Bjorn when he knocked on his door. They mumbled in annoyance at his knocks, so now they'd have to wake up the Bjorn way.

"BJORN I SWEAR IF YOU DONT STOP THIS INSTANT!" Lyu growled from her room. She had to bunk with Sophia after the unexpected individual should up. Sophia refused to let him stay in her room so one of the girls had to offer their room to him. That unfortunately being Lyu.

Sophia opened up her door and glared at him. Her hair in a mess and she held a pillow in her hand. "Don't move so I can suffocate you."

"Isn't that a little harsh for someone that offered to bruise up that Arny dude when he entered your room?" Bjorn told her. His comment didn't seem to faze her as she continued to walk forward before pausing.

"Do you smell that?" she asked, looking behind him.

Bjorn turned around and nodded. "Yeah, why would someone be starting a fire downstairs. I appreciate them trying to incorporate my culture into this house, but it would be better if they did that outside. But that's just me-"

Lyu, who was standing outside the bedroom, said, "No you dum dum! Someone started a fire!"

"Yeah, but why in the house! They could have cooked outside in a fire pit like a common person!" Bjorn told her.

"Ugh! You're impossible!" Lyu ran down the stairs to face both a distressed Max and a focused Kerr.

"No don't douse it in water! Put the lid on it!" Kerr ordered Max as he tried to pour water over the pan.

"Why?!" Max yelled staring at the flames that shot up and were staring to lick at the wood of the cabinets.

"Do as I say, boy!" Kerr told him as he extinguished the flames on cabinets. Max quickly threw the lid on the pan, extinguishing the flames. He stared at his burned egg sadly and turned off the heat. Kerr looked at the egg then him. "Didn't you say you worked at Wendy's?"

Bjorn and Sophia ran down the stairs but calmed down once they saw everything was fine. "Yo what happened?"

Lyu turned to them and said, "Max doesn't know how to make an egg even though he works at Wendy's. At least his salads are good."

"Oof... he should eat them raw like us. Better and easier to make," Bjorn whispered back.

Max crossed his arms. "Yeah and... you don't know how to make bacon right so... you can criticize me until you like... make bacon right."

Kerr narrowed his eyes at him before shrugging it off. The two relaxed and went their separate ways. Max dumped his sad eggo into the trash can (and not the ground like some people in this house) and went onto making just toast. (Man I'm 840 words in and it's just about Max's poor egg skills).

The rest of the morning went by smoothly before a window shattered near the front of the house. A gun shot broke the front of the window and the group froze.

"Kerr! Come out, boy! Let's play a little game of fetch... you know exactly what I want," a male voice yelled from the front yard. The group looked at each other before glancing at Kerr. Kerr froze in his seat, his eyes visible shaking, almost as if he is searching for something. Another window shattered and the group dove to the ground. Arny did not seem as freaked out as the rest as he walked over to Kerr shaking him from whatever was blocking him mentally.


Welp... I actually wasn't sure what to write at first but here we goooooo

Excuse any grammar/typos
Like always
What does your character do... this ones more of a thinker...
*stabbie stabbie* or *runnie runnie* or idk whatever you want
I would not be surprised if like Lydia turned into that unicorn thing and kicked everyone in the face

Put your response here —>

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