?Love wins?

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Hope you dinn't forget this..

Let's continuee..

Sid's pov -


"Avneet Avneet!" I shouted

I held her hands tightly then tears fell down my eyes..

"Avneet please, I want you to live...Donn't die please! Please!!" I begged her..

"Avneet I am sorry!"

I kept repeating her name..

"Avneet I love you...I love you too!" I accepted my afection towards her..

Her heartbeat stopped..Doctor came in and we went out..

I was silent..I donn't know what to do..I was praying and praying..
Two hours had passed doctor came out..

They..they..t.h..ey smiled...

She made it..she survived..

I felt really happy, happy in and out....

We all were happy..that she made it...she is alive..
Days passed, week passed, month passed and finally they were engaged..The wedding has to be held next month..the day she started to notice she was falling in love with me..

We have so many plans..we even planned to travel the world..will have 3 kids, own masion..and live happy life..

Well that's what I thought....


"Siddarth Siddarth open the door"


Basically its a short chapter why?¿

Becoz its the major twist..

Stay turned...will update soon!!



Words - 225

Date - June, 28. 2021

Other books'

1 - Unknown love

2 - Reason Why I irritate you

Your frnd:):♡

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