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Let's continue...

3 years have past..And I am still into her - Avneet..She's always on my mind..


[ I just donn't feel comfortable writing above apart]

I cried while putting flowers on her tomb stone..

Daam!! I am always crying, I look like a crying baby..

But, maybe this is love..

"Avi, hii. Its me, I'm here again." I said while crying..

"I remember those days..when you are always following me..and you were always telling how much you loved me!!"

"I am soo sorry I was too dumb not to notice your love for me...and I was so fool when I ignored my feelings for you, I wish you were here, I'm sorry!"

"I was too late Avu, too late..Now, I am the one..who's always following you..I am always at here your tombstone..I know you can see me.." I continued crying..

"I cann't stop crying! Do I look like crying baby? You can laugh at me,Its okk. I miss you, I miss your damm smile..your creepy smile..but your creepy smile always makes me blush!!!"

"You know what? When I saw you cried infront of me, it broke me..I was breaking that time, But I ignored it, I ignored that feeling..I thought it was just nothing; but  I was too late to realise that, it was because I love you too..that it breaks me I see you cry.."

I cried and cried, I don't care if anyone sees me like this..

"I am sorry I choose Anushka over you, I just thought that Anushka will make me happy afterall, I was waiting for her to make myself complete again, but I was wrong. You are the one make me feel complete, I choose the wrong person, I'm sorry, Sorry!"..

"I'm sorry for always pushing you away..I'm sorry for always ignoring you..I'm sorrg for always ignoring your efforts..I'm sorry for everything, I 'm sorry, Will you please live again?? I want a second chance!!"

I laughed while crying..

"No, donn't be a Zombie or ghost, But if I found someome just like you, who is willing to do everything just for me..Who will never give up on me..I will not let her go,This time I will treasure her, I promise..."

Then I wipe my tears,

I stood up, "Avi I have to go now, Mom is waiting for me in her car, I will visit you again tommorow, I love you! I love you soo much!!!"



So, Basically it was what planned...

Everystory doesn't have happy ending....

Some thing bad in our life various time became our presious turning point..

Stay turned...


Words - 474

Date -  July, 03. 2021

Other books'

1) - Unknown Love

2) - Reason Why I irritate you!!

Your frnd:):♡

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