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Brook's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and got out of bed. I was wearing my normal sleep wear which consists of my bra and underwear. Not all the time but it happened to be today.

I started walking to the bathroom when I turned to see a man sprawled on my couch.

"What are you doing here?" I asked grabbing a bathrobe and putting it on.

"Waiting for Ssss... Amy to leave," Colin said.

"You hooked up with someone after I went into my apartment last night?" I asked.

"Hooking up sounds so crass. We shared a romantic experience then I told her I had an early dentist appointment and I'm hiding on your couch till she leaves," he said smiling.

"Maybe you could use this time to do some work," I suggested as I found a dark blue t-shirt and white shorts.

I put them on and removed the bathrobe.

"I am working I set up a Facebook account for the both of you," he said sitting up.

"I don't wanna be on Facebook," I said walking over to him, "what picture did you use?"

"Well for you I used this sexy picture I found on the internet of you in a bikini all wet and for Ally I couldn't find anything so I took a picture of her while she was sleeping," he said and I mentally face palmed.

"I think this is gonna be better. While Ally's looking for them they can be looking for her. And since you're so keen on finding Mr Right maybe he'll just find you," Colin suggested.

"Fine but I refuse to tweet," I said going to the kitchen.

"Ooh number 14 Evan Slatter has friend requested Ally, he tagged her in a photo and he suggested she become a fan of Tito's Tacos," Colin said.

I walked back over to him.

"Ooh Ally liked him," I said.

"Ya who doesn't like tacos," he said.

"He's adorable..." I said.

I clicked one of his photos.

"So are his wife and kids," I said getting up and went back to the kitchen.

I really needed my coffee.

"Well he clearly doesn't understand what Facebook is for," Colin said.

"You know if you don't start taking this job more seriously you're fired from using my apartment," I said.

I then went over to my coffee pot but it wasn't there.

"Where's my coffee pot?" I asked.

"I broke it if you were on Twitter you'd know that already," he said.

I sighed and went to the bathroom to change. Once I changed I went to Ally's.

She was already getting dressed.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Someone broke my coffee pot I need to get a new one," Ally said.

I chuckled.

"Well come on let's go someone broke mine too and that someone was Colin," I said.

Soon she was fully dressed and we went to get coffee pots.

(When we came back)

Once we arrived back at the building we started walking up all the stairs.

"You owe me 9.95," I said to Colin who was waiting at the top of the stairs.

He was eating Chinese food out of a take food container with chop sticks.

"Ya me too," Ally said.

"How about I pay you guys back in Chinese food? I ordered Charlie Chan," Colin asked.

"Did you get the itty bitty spare ribs?" Ally and I asked.

He picked one up with the chop sticks.

"K we'll be there in 5," I said and we both went into our apartment and put the coffee pot in place.

I then left my apartment and went to Colin's. Ally was already there.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey come on in," he said.

I entered to see a huge board with pictures and info on each guy Ally was looking for. I was amazed.

"I know right," Ally whispered to me.

"Wow," I said.

"Ya, dad didn't take me to too many ball games but we did go on a lot of stakeouts," Colin said.

"It's impressive," Ally said.

"Ok so Mike Miller and Eric Hamilton are married. So is Valerio the guy from Italy," Colin said as we ate the food.

"Can you pass me another beer?" I asked him.

He was about to but he stopped,"Aren't you underaged?"

"Ya so gimme," I said.

He laughed and handed me another.

"Anything on Jake or Terrence yet?" Ally asked.

"No sorry I told you rich people are very good a protecting their privacy just be patient we'll find him. What about Simon Forester? He's separated and his house just went on the market so I'm guessing a divorce is right around the corner," Colin said.

"Uh ok let's try Simon," she said.

"Simon!" Colin said.

"Ok what's my plan. Guy getting a divorce. I can find out who his lawyer is and get a job there as his assistant," she said.

"Or we keep it simple and you just go look at his open house," Colin suggested.

"Huh," Ally said taking another bit of her food.

So it was settled tomorrow we were going to look at Simon's open house.

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