Hangovers and Puppets

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Brook's P.O.V.

I woke up with the biggest migraine ever. What happened last night?

I opened my eyes to find myself not in my apartment. I was lying on a bed not wearing any clothing with an arm draped over my waist.

"Shit!" I whispered.

Ok I need to use my brain. What happened last night?

I was going to go to my apartment but I was stopped by...Colin.

I turned my head slowly to see who the guy was.


"Shit!" I whispered again.

Oh my god I told myself I was never gonna sleep with anyone until I found the one and guess what, I just had a fucking one night stand.

I'm a 2 now.


I just hope he was as drunk as I was and doesn't remember.

I slowly moved his arm off of me and got out of bed without him waking up.

Once I stood up I felt a pain down low. God damn him. It hurt so bad I was limping.

I looked around the room for my clothes. I found bra and put it on. I then searched for my underwear. I couldn't find it until I saw blue material in Colin's hand.

How the fuck am I gonna get that?

Oh forget it. I grabbed the rest of my clothes and put them on.

I then looked at my hair in the mirror. I had a bad case of sex hair. I sighed and left his apartment.

I opened the door to my apartment and entered. I slouched while I limped to the couch. I then collapsed on the couch.

I had my face down.

I lied there until I heard hysterical laughing. I looked up to find Ally sitting on my bed.

"I know that walk. It's the walk of shame. So I'm guessing you slept with a guy while you were drunk and he wasn't Mr. Right?" she said still laughing.

"More like Mr. One Night Stand,". I said sarcastically.

"Who was he? Do I know him?" she asked intrigued.

"No comment," I said getting up,"Im gonna take a shower and by the way the puppet show is 2."

I closed the door of the bathroom and stripped. I went into the shower and cleaned off any trace of Colin from my body.

Once I was done which was 3 hours later. I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my head and body. I left the bathroom to find Ally watching tv.

I sighed and found clothing. I grabbed a black bra and underwear, a white and orange sundress and white flats.

I put it on and sat next to Ally by the tv. She was watching America's Got Talent.

"So who was he?" she asked.

"Look this guy is really funny," I said pointing at the tv.

"I'm going bananas! Is what I tell my bananas before I leave the house," the guy said.

We both laughed

"We gotta go," Ally said pointing at the clock.

It was already 1:45.

I sighed and got up. We both left the apartment and went to the park.

Once we got there we saw Colin lying on the blanket with a little boy. Wow wow wow, did he have a kid from past one night stands? Did he not us anything to prevent that? My hand immediately went to my stomach.

Man I'm so paranoid.

Maybe it's the pregnancy?

Oh shut up I'm not pregnant.


I decided to put all those thoughts back and try not to focus on the situation. What if he wasn't that drunk to remember last night?

Something in me tells me he knows.

"Hey," Ally said.

"Hey," Colin said.

I just nodded. Ally sat down next to the kid and I sat next to her.

"Who's kid is this?" Ally asked Colin.

"He's my nephew," Colin said.

I softly sighed in relief.

"I thought showing up to a puppet show without a child would be creepy," he continued.

"Right," Ally said.

"Wanna say hi Justin?" Colin asked.

"Arrrr," he said.

"He's a pirate," Colin said.

I chuckled and Ally nodded.

Soon the puppet show ended and everyone clapped.

"Alright you're up," Colin said looking at Ally and Justin.

Ally got up and took Justin's hand and they made their way to Gerry leaving Colin and I alone.

"Hi," he said.

I turned to see how close he had gotten to me.

"Hello," I said looking away.

"Are you ok?" he asked me.

"Ya why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"No reason. Anyways about last night..." he started.

Shit he knows.

"Do you know who I slept with last night cause I was so drunk I don't remember. And since we were hanging out I wanted to know if you knew," he said.

Oh praise the lord.

"I don't know. We had a few drinks, talked then you left your apartment to find a victim," I said.

He nodded.

"Let's go wait for them over there," he said pointing to a tree.

We got up and went to the tree. I was still limping.

"What happened to you?" he asked.

"Um nothing I just hit my thigh badly this morning," I said.

He nodded and we continued walking.

Once we got there stood in silence until Ally came back with a boy that definitely was not Justin.

"I can't believe I slept with that guy," Ally said.

"Where's Justin?" Colin asked.

"This is Justin," she said.

"Ally that's not Justin," I said.

She looked at the kid she had and said, "What's the matter with you. Didn't your mom teach you not to walk off with stranger?"

"What's the matter with you! You didn't realize you had a completely different human being!" Colin yelled at her.

"Justin!" Colin yelled running away to look for him.

"Really Ally?" I asked.

She just looked at me. I sighed and ran away to look for Justin.

I ran around until I found him talking to a guy dressed like a pirate. Typical.

"Justin, your uncle's been worried sick let's go," I said grabbing his small hand.

It made me think of how much I would want a child of my own some day.

Soon enough Colin ran up to us.

"Oh thank god," he said, "Where did you find him?"

"You know doing what every kid his age would do. Talking to a pirate," I said.

He chuckled.

"Thank you," Colin said looking down at me.

We were really close now and he started to lean down. What's happening?

"Ew!!!" a little voice said.

God bless Justin.

Colin chuckled and we walked back to Ally. I was holding one of Justin's hands and Colin was holding the other.

"Aw you guys make such a cute family," Ally said.

I glared at her.

"Ya we do don't we?" Colin asked me.

I shrugged.

I do want a family some day but not with him. He would just leave. But god knows maybe we've already got one...




Did you guys see that one coming? Did ya? Did ya?

Anyways sorry for the late chapter. Like I said before I went over my wifi limit sooo...

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