Prolouge: Darrell

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A/N: Short chapter because my hand hurts and this is just simply a prologue. Some parts of this story may not go with the og book, the reason to that is I didn't like some aspects of the og, so I decided to change that here in this book. I'll probably rewrite the og in the future. Enjoy the chapter!

     It's been a few days since my sister ran away. My dad, Lord Boxman, has been very upset about this, but he tries to cover his sadness up by throwing himself into his work more. Raymond, my younger brother, stopped being his usual egotistical self and just became distant from us, Ernesto forced himself into his paperwork, Mikayla also has became distant during all of this, and Jethro is just simply Jethro, but just a tad bit sadder than usual. Our entire household has changed.

Why Shannon, why?

Another gloomy day has passed since since Shannon ran away. I have locked myself away in my room, refusing to eat or do anything, processing my thoughts on this whole situation. While processing my thoughts, I've noticed how much of a terrible father we all have. He used us for his own personal gain, never even bothered to raise us like how you should raise a child. He just raised us like weapons, made specifically for destruction, and I never even bothered to notice until just now. Me and my siblings were being used this entire time by our own father.

I now know what I needed to do know. I have to do what Shannon has done, run away from the factory and never look back. I need to convince my siblings somehow to come along with me. I'm sure Raymond and Mikayla would tag along, Jethro would also come, Ernesto is a hit or miss situation. All I need now is to devise a plan, a plan to run away and maybe stumble upon Shannon while I'm at it.

     I just hope that this plan works out well.

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