Part 1

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Simon is seen sitting at a bar. He had a chocolate milkshake that his sips on. He was so lost in thought, he hadn't realized that 2 people had walked up next to his booth.

Red: hi! Is anyone sitting here?

Simon glances around a bit panicked, but shook his head no.

Red: well great!

She sat down, Simon sliding to the other side of the booth, but then the blue haired girl quickly sat on the other side. And before he knew it, he was sandwiched between them.

Cherry: Nice to meet you. I'm Cherry! And that's Kelly.

Kelly: beep!

Simon was a bit confused on what she meant by that, but didn't get much of a chance to think it over. Because his mind was filled with confusion, since he suddenly felt a squishy round object being placed into his hand. He looks over and saw Cherry have moved his hand, and put it around her boob. After taking around 10 seconds to process this, his face turned bright red, and he scooted back away from the girl, only ending up in Kelly's arms, wrapped in a hug.

Cherry: you're so adorable!~

She crawls closer, sandwiching Simon tighter between them.

Cherry: I could just eat you right up~

The 2 girls look at him intensely. Hungry.

Simon: I...I...I-I.... I-I-I..... I...

Cherry: you....?

Simon:... n-need an a-adult.

Cherry: I'm an adult~

She strokes his cheek, making him blush harder. But, before they could do anything more...

DD: Cherry!

Both girls jump slightly, before just looking annoyed.

Cherry: Dad! I'm busy!

Simon was at a loss for thoughts. He thought he might if recognized these 2, but learning Cherry was the daughter of such a famous rockstar was shocking to say the least.

DD: You know what I told you.

He then looks at Kelly.

DD: and I'm sure your father wouldn't be happy with what you're doing either.

Kelly stuck her tongue out at him.

Cherry: we're adults. You can't tell me what to do!

DD: you live under my roof, so you do as I say. I say, you're going home. Now.

Cherry: well I'll just move in with my new boyfriend!

Simon nearly died then and there. What the heck was this lady talking about!?

Simon: I-

Cherry: Just leave dad!

She holds Simon closer to chest, almost giving him a nose bleed.

Cherry's Dad looked pissed, and grits his teeth together. After a second though, he grins.

DD: how about we settle it the old fashioned way then?

He pulls a microphone out of his jacket pocket, and Simon instantly got confused. Kelly got up, holding her own microphone. While Simon didn't know exactly what was going on, but he was glad it wasn't a fist fight or something. He felt Cherry pick him op, holding him like a baby. Simon tried to wiggle away, but she was strong enough to hold him there. He was embarrassed, getting carried by this girl who was twice his height up onto a stage in front of a crowd of people. She sat down, holding him on her lap. As soon as he realized he was now being watched by the entire place, he tried getting away, but got held there by Cherry. His entire body was in fight or flight. He didn't wanna be in this situation at all right now. He was so distracted, he hadn't realized that Kelly and DD had started singing.

(Just the song, ignore the animation)

After the song, the people in the crowd cheer. The reality of the situation set it and Simon tried getting away again. Cherry held him there with ease, him staying exactly where he was. The 2 started singing again.

DD: grrrr...

Simon was still dying. More people were looking at him. Cherry wasn't letting him go either. DD and Kelly sing a final song.

After the song, Daddy Dearest storms out. Cherry picked Simon up by his armpits.

Cherry: Great job Kelly!

Kelly: bip bap!

Cherry: wanna go home cutie?~

She asked looking at him. Simon nods.


Simon was finally brought home. He tried closing his door but the 2 easily push their way in.

Cherry: This looks cool!

Kelly: Beep!

Simon: p-p-please l-le-

Cherry: So. Wanna show us the bedroom?~

She got close to his face. Simon shakes his head no. She doesn't listen to him, pulling him towards the bedroom despite his quiet protests. But to his surprise, after getting thrown onto the bed, a pair of arms wraps around him. Instead of the girl doing what he thought she would, she was just cuddling him. This wasn't as bad, but still uncomfortable. Kelly joins in, them soon falling asleep.

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