Chapter 19

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Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls to another Chapter of 'What the Future holds'. The credit still goes to Kross75 for the story. Now, without any further delay let's start the chapter.


"Champion Leon is on his last Pokemon. Will he be able to come back?" Announcer announced. Currently, Ash and Leon are battling each other.  Ash still had his Pikachu ready for the battle while Leon was on his last.  "Go Charizard," Leon said as he brought out his ace. "Go Blastoise," Ash brought out his Kanto water type pokemon. 

"Blastoise, use Hydro Pump on Charizard," Ash commanded. "Charizard dodge it," Leon spoke. Blastoise fired a jet of water at Charizard. Charizard dodged it at the last minute. Charizard then fired a flamethrower at Blastoise. Blastoise resisted it and then used Skull Bash on Charizard. Charizard took some damage and then retaliated with a Wing attack. Charizard then used Thunder Punch but Blastoise barely dodged it. Blastoise then used Brine. Charizard was unable to dodge and got a direct hit. Charizard then used Heat Crash. Leon knew that he had to finish it quickly. So, he G-maxed his Charizard and ordered to use Max Lightning. Charizard used Max lightning causing Blastoise to faint. Ash then looked at Pikachu who jumped into the field.

Pikachu's cheeks were sparking as he was ready to attack. Suddenly, some Red-colored particles begin to rise from the ground and collected onto Pikachu. Pikachu then begins to grow bigger and fatter. His tail glowed bright yellow as a red thunderstorm cloud formed on the top. "AMAZING, PIKACHU JUST GIGANTIMAXED," the Announcer yelled. "PIKA," Pikachu yelled as he looked at Charizard. "PIKACHU USE G-MAX VOLT CRASH," Ash yelled for Pikachu to hear. Ash wasn't interested in Gigantimax and Dynamax but he sure knows about G-max moves and Max moves. Charizard used G-max Wildfire to counter but failed as Pikachu used G-max Volt Crash. There was dust on the battlefield as everyone was waiting for the results. The Red clouds were already down. The dust settled to show Pikachu standing proudly on Leon's Charizard. Everyone in the audience was silent as the once undefeated Champion of Galar is finally defeated. 

"Charizard is unable to battle, Pikachu wins. The match goes to Champion Red," Referee announced. "CHAMPION RED IS THE WINNER OF THE MATCH, FOLKS. RED HAS FINALLY DEFEATED THE UNDEFEATED CHAMPION LEON, MAKING HIM THE WORLD MONARCH," the Announcer yelled in his mic. Leon walked to the center of the battlefield after returning his Charizard. Ash also came to the center where Leon congratulated him.


Ash is currently in Serena's room as Ash wanted to get a book that Serena owned for some research work. Ash finally came to his house (Mansion) with his friends. He had to dodge dozens of Reporters and Paparazzi. Serena was searching in her drawers for the book while Ash was staring at his Phone thinking about his investment. Serena opened a drawer and saw a box in it. Curiosity took over her as she opened the box. She gasped to see the content in it. It was a Necklace with a blue diamond in the center. It was shining brightly. Serena was thinking about when she bought it. She saw a tag inside the box. She reached for the tag and saw the message written on it.

'I thought it would suit you.'


Serena quickly kept the box inside as she continued her search for the book. She was mentally screaming about Ash buying a gift for her.

Little did they both knew, Leaf was watching the whole scene from outside the room. She was praying to Arceus that the plan worked and her brother's rock-dense shell will break or else she would Blast her brother off. 


The said Alpha pokemon was watching the whole scene patiently with all the legendaries. Every legendary was sweating hard hoping that their plan works and The Chosen One's dense shell breaks. Arceus thought that if it didn't work he would go on earth for the first time in many years and himself use all those fighting type moves on Ash.


Serena found the book and walked towards Ash. She stood in front of him waiting for him to look towards her. Ash noticed her and stood up. Serena gave the book to Ash. Leaf quickly moved to a safer distance to watch the whole scene unfolds. Ash was about to walk out of the room. "Wait Ash," Serena said gaining his attention. Ash looked back and instantly Serena kissed him on the lips. Ash felt a jolt of electricity running down his body. Many emotions were flowing in his mind.


Ash felt that something cracked inside his mind as many emotions begin to flood his mind. Those which he never experienced once. Serena broke the kiss blushing hard. "Thank You," Serena said before closing the door. Serena saw Ash's face last time before closing the door. She saw a blush on his face. The first blush she ever saw on Ash's face. 

Meanwhile, Ash was unable to understand what his body was telling. Many emotions were flooding his body. His heart paced, he experienced an adrenaline rush in his body, his face begins to grow warm. Ash was unable to understand these emotions. It was the first that his heart paced that hard. He never felt that rush down his body never during his battles. Never during the time, he nearly sacrificed his life to save the world. 

Leaf was watching the scene unfolding from a distance as she knew that it was her turn to take the matter into her hands. Ash walked to his bedroom confused about these emotions. Leaf also knew that she need to explain everything to Ash walked to her which was near Ash's.

Ash flipped on his bed unable to sleep. He went outside on the balcony admiring the night sky. Ash swore that he saw Serena's face on the moon. "What's happening with me? Why am I feeling like this?" Ash asked himself. Leaf came out of her room on the balcony which was joined with Ash's. "Need some help?" Leaf asked. Ash turned to her. "What are you doing here? You need to sleep," Ash spoke. "Same with you. What are you doing here?" Leaf asked. Ash didn't reply. "If you need any help you can ask me," Leaf spoke. 'I should ask her. She may help,' Ash thought. "If you don't need it, I will go," Leaf said as she begins to walk away. "Wait Leaf," Ash exclaimed stopping her. She looked at Ash. "I want to ask you something," Ash said as he signaled her to sit on the chair. 

"What do you wanna ask?" Leaf asked. "You see Today after the match. I came home. I went with Serena to her room as I needed a book from her. She gave me the book and I was about to walk away but she called me. I turned to face her and she kissed me saying 'Thank You' before closing the door. After that, I don't know what but I felt something that I never felt. Is something wrong with me? I was unable to sleep so I came outside to take some fresh air," Ash explained. "Close your eyes. And tell me What do you think about Serena?" Leaf asked internally smirking as she knew that her and Arceus's plan was coming into action.

Ash closed his eyes and thought about Serena. "She is cute, beautiful, caring, and Determined. When she is angry she reminds me of Mom," Ash said while tearing in the last part. Leaf hugged her brother knowing that he would break down after thinking about their Mom. "You are in love with Serena," Leaf concluded. "What? Love?" Ash asked confused. Leaf facepalmed. "How can you be so dense?" Leaf murmured. "She loves you, big brother. Why do you think she stammers in front of you? Why do you think she blushes when you are near her?" Leaf yelled. "She is in love with you. How dense can you be?" Leaf asked and begin to walk away. "She is in love with me," Ash muttered. "What should I do now?" Ash asked. Leaf turned back smiling as her planning is finally working. "You feel the same for her Don't you?" Leaf asked. Ash nodded. "Just take her to dinner and propose to her," Leaf answered. Leaf then walked away to her room as her plan was working.

"I will do the same, Leaf. Tomorrow is the day. I will propose Serena," Ash thought out loud.


In Hall of Origins, Every Legendary was crying happily as their plan was working. Arceus was the happiest among them. They knew that the Dense idiot of Chosen One is finally gone. Now, they don't have to suffer because of his Denseness.


I know I am late for the chapter but I can't help because I got some important work to do. But now, here's the chapter for all of you.

See ya all, later.

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