Chapter 6

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Originally from Kross75. I am just continuing the story all the credit goes to him. All the chapters are the same and the storyline is the same as he wrote. Be sure to check Kross out. He makes great stories.

[Third Person]

It was a Monday morning and Ash just got thunder bolted awake by a fellow fur ball, it was painful, Yes but he couldn't hate him for it, it's way better than Gardevoir or Lucario, for that matter, he was training with his Pokemon, Dragonair being a new addition to the family, given to him by his only Grandmother, it was still early in the morning, he had just finished my run, he felt that Dragonair was really close to Evolving and a few battles with Garchomp should be enough, so he called them both,

"Alright, Dragonair and Garchomp, time to spar," he said just then Garchomp came and bit him, then Dragonair came and Wrapped herself around him embracing him, it reminded him of that one time on Mt silver, when he was with Serpireor and a wild Pokemon attacked me, thankfully Serpireor was fast to react and knocked the Pokemon down in a single move, then she wrapped herself around him just to make sure that her trainer was alright,

"Alright guys now let's train, 'Kay," he said as both of them took their stances, Garchomp was one hell of a beast, in the 3 years that we trained together he had become really strong, in fact, he could give Charizard a run for his money, with that they started training, it had been just an hour, and they were at their final blow,

[Ash's PoV]

"Dragonair, Dragon dance into Dragon Range, one last time," I said to Dragonair, "Garchomp, you know what to do," I said as his hands started to glow green, using Dragon claw to block, Dragonair came towards Garchomp with Massive speed, Garchomp braced himself for impact,

'This is new, he never does that' I thought to myself, Just as Dragonair hit Garchomp, they were going neck to neck, just as Garchomp started to overpower Dragonair, her body started to glow as, she got to hands and her body color changed from Blue to orange, that's when he realized that Garchomp really was going down, not a few seconds later Garchomp was out cold.

After getting Both Garchomp and Dragonite treated I head inside to take a bath before my day full of College Lectures, Today's special class is Mega Evolution with Prof. Sycamore like last Monday, then, of course, there the Cafe, I head down for breakfast, which was Pancakes!

I Flew to college on Dragonite today, Pikachu on my shoulder and Lucario and Gardevoirs pokeballs on my belt, I landed in the clearing in the forest behind The college, but when I landed there it was unusually cold, but then it was a sunny day, oh well college was gonna start in a few minutes better hurry up, I thought as I ran to my first class.

Nobody was even paying attention anymore, the bell was gonna go out at any moment for the last lecture of the day to end, the bell finally rang and I exited the classroom only to be greeted by Serena

"Hey Ash," she said, "Hey Serena, it's good to see that you aren't sick anymore," I said sarcastically, "Yah, yah very funny, anyway about our project, when do you want to start on the poster?" She asked, now that I think about it we ever discussed anything other than the poster, the topic was fairly easy for us, everyone got different topics in the class, ours was The Bond between Trainers and Their Pokemon, this was one of the things that Prof. Oak was an expert at, to this date he still does,

"Yeah about that, should we do it at my place this weekend, I could take the weekend off, but if you want we could go and discuss more at the cafe, we'll it's almost opening time and the guys will kill me if I don't get there before they open up for customers, " I said, "Alright, I wanted to get some coffee myself," she said, I nodded as we walked over to Poke Café

We got there just Half an hour before opening, the guys already made it there because the Back door was open and Mark was just getting the supplies in, "Hey Serena, why don't you come with me to the kitchen, we'll discuss overwork" I said as we both went in, the ambient music was playing, Sophocles had already switched on all the Tech, Mallow, Lillie and the girls (Dawn, May, Shauna, and Miette) were already in the kitchen busy baking cakes and cookies for the day,

although we do continue baking throughout the rest of the day, we do need to complete college work as well hence why we make some extras, today's Special was The Malasada Cake, One of Mallow's Specials, every week the Specials Change if this week is Mallow's then the next week could be mine, or Lillies or Any other chef for that, Brock and Cilan help with the Pokemon food since it is kinda their specialty.

After helping out for some time I decided to go over to Serena who was Talking to someone who happens to be my Grandmother, I went over to her and seat myself in front of her, she looked at me and Said Goodbye to Grandma,

"So Ash, I was thinking that we should make a poster on The Bond Phenomenon, there is only One Greninja in existence that could do this Transformation but alas nobody knows about the trainer and Greninja," she said with a sad face, but I nearly spat out the water I was drinking, Coughing hard, The only Greninja that could do the same was at home training with the Big Guns, after Reuniting with him a 2 months ago we have been Training Every-night perfecting the Bond Phenomenon, and we are really close,

"I think that your idea is great," I said with a smile then we discussed for about half an hour, the Cafe was about to open for customers, Serena said that she was gonna go back to train for her Performances with Aria, I asked her to convey my regards to Grandma Palermo and then sent her off, as soon as I got back into the kitchen I was greeted by 6 girls who were Smirking, "Done with your little Date," Dawn asked, "What do you mean?" I asked confused, did she not know what date it was today, "On never mind, I feel like sending out Tsareenaa to use a brick break on you," Mallow said with a sigh, "Hey!!" I retorted, they all started laughing, I huffed and got back to work, the store was already full in just 10 minutes, oh god today's is gonna be a long day

[Serena's PoV]

I was going over to Palermo's House with Aria who was driving, "Hey Serena, how much progress have you made with Mr. Brick head" She asked me with a smug look on her face, "I'm trying but he's. Just. So. Dense" I said frustrated, "How about you and Alain" I asked, "Well we did go out a couple of times, but I'm waiting for him to make his move," she said, as we finally pulled up to Palermo's house,

"It's unusual for her to call us here unless there something special," Aria said as we got out and she locked the car, "She said it was urgent so I didn't question her much," I said as we waited at her door, after ringing the bell, a few seconds later She came over and opened the door, "Hello Girls, sorry to disturb you but we have a special program in Alola and I want you both to do a duet" she paused before continuing

"The 5th MT Lanakila conference is gonna take part and The winner gets to Battle Against the mysterious Champion of Alola, although Just an Exhibition Match, Alola is one of the strongest Leagues and We have to do the Performance just before The Exhibition Match which gives us just a tad over 3 weeks in Preparation" She concludes, "Alright when do we start," Aria asks anxiously, "Well We could start from Tomorrow Morning, I'll be going over to Ash's Place for the next few weeks, so you guys can come there, practice will start at 5 Am sharp, and he said that he'll get the front yard prepared," Palermo said, "Well all that is good but we don't know his place?" I asked, "I'll send you the location by tonight, just get ready this is a major event and we don't want to mess this up and Serena don't get your hopes too high," Palermo said with a smirk.

Aria and I got back to the Dorm, "That was eventful" Aria said as we plopped down on to the Couch and Switched the Tv on, "Sure was" I said, "Hey you get to go to Ash's Place" Aria said with a smirk, "At 5 am, so you really think that he's gonna be up" I asked in a matter of fact tone, "Well, what if he is, he is really fit for his age and I don't think that is genetics Sere Berry, he has to work out, he doesn't have time later towards the day but he does have All the Morning to himself" Aria said, "I like your Hypothesis" I said as I went to take a Bath and complete my work and get to sleep as we did get the address to his place and we need to get ready for practice in the morning.

[Palermo's PoV]

"It's good to meet you again Grandma," Ash said as I entered his house (Rather Mansion) it was 10 pm, "I'll take my leave, I need to practice for the Exhibition Match against whoever with the conference," Ash said as he left leaving me with Emma,

"Is he always like this, training with his Pokemon and not giving him any time," I asked her, "It's like his way of having a good time, training with his Pokemon, they're his family and number 1 priority other than llene and all of us, everything else he does is just to satisfy others, sometimes I wonder if he even cares about himself," she said with a sigh,

"He'll change soon, all he needs is someone in his life, but it doesn't help that he's as dense as a Brick," I said, Emma, giggled at this, "Anyway Miss Palermo I'll take you to your room," Emma said as I nodded and we went over to my room to take some rest.

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