Lost Forever

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Lost here,

Amongst thousands of people,

Some strong, some feeble.

Lost now,

Amongst seconds racing,

Minutes running, hours pacing.

Lost there,

Amongst fields of flowers,

Heartrending beauty in lovely showers.

Lost then,

Amongst moments that crawl,

Old leaves that slowly fall.

Lost forever,

Amongst sticks and stones,

Under the ground, where the sun never shone.

This poem, I have dedicated to my first and best Wattpad friend, camibauercat . I did so because she's an amazing poet and because she heard me out and helped lift my spirits when I felt down. I don't know where she lives, or what she's currently doing. She may be hundreds of miles away or just in front of me and I wouldn't know. But what I do know is that she's and amazing person and I'm glad I met her on Wattpad at least.  

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