Chapter 1

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(Song: Da Vosk Docta - GENTRIFY)

"Excuse me ma'am but I would like to make a deposit of a hundred dollars." I told her as she looked up from her computer and then let out a high pitch scream making me slightly cringe. I was covered in blood and was wearing my favorite owl mask.

She looked behind me seeing many dead bodies on the floor and on the waiting bench, blood spreading everywhere on the marble floor. "Just kidding, guide me to the vault now." I said dead serious as I pointed the gun up at her head.

Her body shook frantically as she nodded, raising her hands quickly walking out of her spot and went to a specific dark brown door. "Open it." I commanded her as I walked around the the counter and she stared at the other workers, dead on their chairs with their heads hanging low. "W-Why me..." She mumbled as she slowly opened the door which lead down some stairs. "Come on go ahead. I don't have enough patience." I told her seeing her jump a bit and went down the stairs as fast as she could.

We walked further down until I saw the beauty of the shiny, iron, and round door with a security passcode on the side. "Now be a good lady and put the code on or else I'll shoot that big head of yours like the rest." I said as I smirked underneath the mask. She quickly went up and started to type down something.

I stood there waiting until a clicking sound was heard which made me smile. "Good job." I said as I opened the vault and stared back at her watery eyes. "And now go to hell." I shot her head, splattering the wall behind her with blood.

"Sweet baby Jesus! Hallelujah!" I chirped happily as I start to fill up my bag with lots of money as fast as I could. The sound of sirens could be heard off the distance so I hurry my ass up and filled up the two bags instantly. There were some money rest but I left it all behind.

"I'll be back for you beautiful." I told the vault and ran out towards the emergency exit, but once I peaked out, there were some cops already there ready to come in like a sneak attack. "Shit..." I mumbled as I closed it quickly and went up the stair to the second floor.

The sound of multiple feet echoed through the halls as I went further up to the rooftop of this place. Multiple helicopters were hovering above this place as they all shined their lights on me.

I chuckled and backed up a bit, ready to fucking jump. "SEE YAH LATER FUCKERS!!!" I yelled at them flipped them off. Then, I ran full speed towards the edge and took a mighty leap reaching the other building rooftop.

I just kept running as my little feet could go and then jumped again near the edge and landed on the other roof. Then I jumped down in a trash bin filled with bags. As I got out of it I pick the metal lid and went in manhole which led to the sewer, taking out my trusty emergency flashlight.

I know this sewers very well like the back of my head, I walk down here almost every time I try to escape. I went to the right and now started to walk knowing they won't find me here anymore.

"Great now I'm ten minutes late...they must of had got out of the airport by now." I talked to myself as I kept walking and saw the specific mark that I left like four years ago, the year that I moved in here in this city.

I pick up the lid and check my surroundings, making sure no one followed me and there are no cops around. I get out of the sewer and saw the apartments where I live in. HOME SWEET HOME!!!

I start to run towards the entrance and got in. Heading towards my door but suddenly stopped as a small family walked the hall with the kids laughing and running around their parents. I immediately hid in equipment closet.

I just can't let people in here see me like this because everyone in this apartment have a serious friendly bond with me. When I walk around wearing my normal casual clothing for going out or to go take a jog, they will always greet me and sometimes hug me, mostly the old ladies.

I payed close attention to the sound, hearing them walk further away from the door making me sigh in relief and open the door slowly, making sure no one was around. I started running towards my door and immediately open it, getting inside quick.

"Shit! I'm late!"

I undressed quickly and dropped the bags filled with money on the floor, then went to take a quick shower just to get rid of some blood that got on my bare body. I placed my dark clothing in the basket for dirty clothes and started the water.

"Fuck it! I'm going in cold!" I said as I hopped in and squealed, feeling the ice cold water hit my bare body. "Shit shit shit shit!" I kept cursing out.

Right when I finished, I got out by almost slipping and ran to my room. I got dressed quick and brushed my hair with my own fingers. I grabbed a backpack that contained some stuff in it and ran out of my apartment as I hopped away, trying to put my red shoes on.

I take out my motorcycle from the garage and hopped in, driving off fast in such a hurry. "FUCK!!!" I cursed out as I drove to the airport.

Right when I arrived, I saw them barely walking out with grumpy looking faces. I put my dark sunglasses and drove up to them. "Psst!"

That caught their attention and looked at me. "So you must be mister Vanoss. You're alone right?" One them asked me. "Yea I'm alone, I'm always alone. Here's the stuff you specifically wanted." I told him as I took off te back pack and gave it to him.

"Well done, I'll put the money in your bank account once I arrive to my company. See yah later mister Vanoss and don't be late again next time." He wanted me as he checked inside the bag just to make sure I got the right thing.

"Y-Yes sir."

That's all I said as they walked off towards a black car that seemed to be a limousine. "Well...time for work!" I told myself as I drove off and head straight towards my job which is in the strip club, but as a bartender.

Once I arrived, I parked my motorcycle in the parking lot and walked in, heading towards the back room. "You are five minutes late Fong." My boss told me as she in and grabbed a bottle of tequila.

"Sorry, I just had some traffic issues and had to give a 'friend' something that he wanted." I told her as I took out my uniform which was a suit with a pink bow tie. Good thing I was wearing my black skinny jeans.

I took my jacket off and put on the suit and adjusted the bow tie. "Don't be late next time Evan." She told me as she walked off with te bottle. I sigh and head out too, placing my sunglasses in my pocket.

Today sure was a long day.

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