Chapter 26

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I scroll through my Timber account rewatching the past videos I did with other people, there were mostly girls than boys. I fucked 15 girls and 3 boys. The last person I fucked was Evan, I'm not even sure if he wanted to have sex with me or not. He did have wet dreams about me, but they were just dreams.

"Yo Del! The milk boy woke up." Craig told me through the other side of my bedroom door. "Okay! I'll be out in a second." I called out.

I let out a sigh and ran my fingers through my fluffy brown hair. "Lets see what this shit has to say about all of this." I mumbled as I walked out my bedroom door and head down to the basement where we locked people up and interrogate them.

Tyler, Brian, and Nogla were here with their masks on. Tyler with his pig mask, Brian with his sunglasses and robot mask that covers half of his face, and then there is Nogla with his paper bag mask.

"Is he awake?" I asked them as I placed my hockey mask on. "Yep, he is sitting quietly on the chair. We even brought out the torturing tools just incase." David said as he leaned against the wall.

I nod and walk in the black room seeing the Smii7y guy sitting there tied up. He was humming like a little bored kid. "Oh! Hey there Delirious." He said with a cheeky smile. I stayed quiet and took out a small picture of my sister.

"Do you know her?" I asked him showing him the pic. He squint his eyes trying to take a closer look and then chuckled. "I can't believe it! I can't believe that you used her boyfriend for all of this. That poor guy must be mad at you right about now." He said with a chuckle.

My blood started to boil up so my first instinct was grab the collar of his sweater and punch his face. A bit of blood slid down his nose while he let out a weird laugh. "You better shut te fuck. This isn't about him. This is about her." I said all pissed off and glared at him.

"Okay then, so let's talk about her. I only shot her because it was part of the mission that we were doing. Some guys came up to us gave us a special mission which is just kill everyone that were in the Pley Grund street and hand us something which they are taking forever to bring. Now it's too late because that bastard killed Ohm and Luke who are like the leaders of our gang." He said and he tried to wipe off the blood with his shoulder sleeve.

"Guys? How did these guys look like?" I asked him as I head over my special tools that were resting on the table. I grab a hammer and swing it around my hand.

"I don't know man! I don't remember shit! I haven't even met these guys. Kryoz is the one that meets them in person, not me." He said fast quickly as he stared the hammer with wide eyes.

"Oh really. Well then, let's talk about him for a bit." I said with a smirk hiding underneath my mask.


I laid on the bed all bored and lazy while wanting a vanilla latte from Starbucks. I'm already starting to imagine the warm coffee going down my throat and tasting it's sweetness.

"AH!! NOT MY FUCKING PINKY!!!" Someone yelled out loudly sounding as if it was in pain. I grunt and try my best to get comfy underneath these dull, but warm blankets, ignoring the loud screams that this person yelled out.

Right when I closed my eyes, everything went quiet which I really enjoy. I like peace and quiet even though I do need a bit of noise to keep my mind awake.

My body automatically tense up hearing the door opening. I thought it was just Brock checking up on me, but when the person closed door I heard him walk over towards me. His huge weight made the bed sink down and then felt his body lay down behind mine.

An arm wrapped around my body and pulled me close to him. My head was pressing against his chest and I could hear him breathe calmly.

"I'm really sorry Evan...I really am. I didn't mean to use you like a sex doll even though I did. I didn't mean to make you mad because I hurt you, I hurt me too....I'm sorry." He said as I felt him place his head against my shoulder.

I take a deep shaky breath and turn my body to face him with a blank expression. "Do you actually mean your apology? You are the first guy I got fucked by, my first time being bottom." I asked him thinking he might be lying about it.

"I do mean it Evan, I'm sorry. I'm rarely even say sorry to people. When I hurt other people or one of the guys I don't say sorry, I just stay quiet and do my own thing." He told me as he blinked his blue eyes that shined against the moonlight.

I look away from him for a bit and start to think. "I'll give you three chances. You break these three chances, I will completely ignore you and hate you forever as if you never existed. Got it?" I told him dead serious.

He nodded his head yes quietly and pulled me close to him with his arms wrapped around me tightly. I sniff his shirt and giggle a bit by saying, "Why do you smell like her? Did you put on her perfume or something?" I asked him curiously.

"No, why? Do I really smell like her? How does she smelled like?" He asked me which made me chuckle. "She smelled like cinnamon and raspberries. You smell like cinnamon with raspberries with a slight hint of honey." I said as I sniff his shirt.

"The honey is from the shampoo and soap that I use in the shower." He told me slightly chuckling as I sniff him again, enjoying his scent.

For the rest of the night we both laid here together, talking and laughing until we fell asleep with me in his arms wrapped up like a burrito.

(Art by Yukinayee)

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