Chapter 29

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(Art by out-drowning on Tumblr)

"Boi! I will smack you with my feet if you don't let me go! I told you guys everything!" SMii7Y yelled out at us with an angry face. "Well too bad pussy lips! You ain't leaving." Tyler told him as he tries to feed him some cereal. SMii7Y accepted the spoonful of cereal but he kept glaring at him as he chewed.

"Assholes..." I mumbled as I went upstairs and went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee with vanilla cream out. The rest of the guys were in their rooms enjoying their weekends with some relaxation and sleep.

I waited for the water to boil up, watching a few bubbles appear and pop out of the water. The morning sunlight shined through the window as I scrolled through the media on my phone.

As the water started to make bubbling noises I got up and turned off the stove, carefully taking the pot and pouring it in my cup. I put two and a half spoons full of coffee and then poured a bit of vanilla cream which made the dark color turn to a much lighter color.

"Perfect. I just need to add a bit of sugar and I'm done." I told myself as I took out a pink bag and put a bit of this granulated sugar in my coffee. "You sure are taking your coffee skills a bit more serious than before." Brock told me which made me jump a bit as I held the pot that still contained a little bit of hot water.

The water got on my shirt and it started to sting a lot, but I tried to swallow in the pain and act like nothing happened. "Well I got bored, what else could I do?" I tell him as I take my wet shirt off and place it over my shoulder, exposing my tattoos and my scarred body.

"Well there is this thing called outside. You can just go out to a club or something and enjoy the hot chicks around you since that's what you like." He told me as he took out a bowl and the cardboard box of Froot Loops.

"I'm got tired of that, all the girls are annoying and flirty. I want someone that can be obedient and be itself." I said as I took a sip of my warm coffee, tasting the sweetness.

"Oh really? Then go to a maid cafe or go look for fucking someone. You are fucking thirty and still single as fuck."

"But I'm not a virgin." I said with a smirk which made him roll his eyes and pour milk in the filled bowl of cereal. "Just try to look for someone. I don't want you dying all alone and still being single like a fucking loser." He told me as he walked away towards his room that was right next to Evan's.

I sigh and head over to the balcony that was near the living room and stared down at the cars drive by and the people walk on the streets. When I looked down at the people, I a familiar figure walking through crowd with his white hood up and wearing his owl mask.

"Oh Evan." I said as I took another sip of my coffee and watched him walk away from our building. I didn't even realize that a group of girls were looking up at me with dreamy eyes and trying to catch my attention. "Sluts..." I mumbled as I finish my coffee and went back inside with a sly grin.


"Give all your fucking money now!" I yelled out as I shot up into the ceiling in this mini store making everyone duck down and crawl against the wall. They all handed me their wallets and the cashier tried to stuff all the money in my black duffel bag.

Once I took the money, I shot all of them like multiple times. Blood started to cover the floor. I stole a few bubblegums and a three bottles of coke as I head out of this place covered in blood. When I stood outside I saw Anthony walking away with a devastated look on his face.

His eyes then landed on me and they widened wide, probably from the amount of blood on me. He pressed his finger against his ear as if he was talking to someone. A cop car instantly parked in front of the store and bother police officers pointed their guns at me.

"SIR! Put your weapon down now!" They order me but I just stood there staring at them with emotionless eyes that were hidden behind this mask.

"As if..." I said as I started to run in a zigzag and shot them both quick, then I ran of and went inside an alleyway and went up some emergency ladders that were attached onto this building.

I ran from roof to roof and then jumped down into a trash bin when there was a big gap, landing safely on the plastic trash bags. "Fuck..." I cursed silently as I got out and made sure that I didn't drop anything. "Where is my gun?!" I asked myself as I looked back inside the trash bin looking for it.

"Mister Vanoss, such a pleasure to finally meet you." I look over at a group of guys and girls that were dressed weird. The two weirder ones was a black guy that had a Adventure time hoodie on and a dude with a huge panda mask while wearing a black and white body spandex.

"Looking for this?" A guy with floppy light brown hair said as he held my weapon. I stayed quiet and gave them a death stare even though they can't see it. "Don't worry Vanoss, we are not gonna kill you or even arrest you. We are FBI and we are hunting down gangs, but we realized that you are a solo person so we are here to just ask you a few questions." Said the adventure time dude.

I sigh and sat down on the floor. "Go ahead..." I said as I listened carefully.

"You moves in this city like about four years ago, am I right?" He asked me seriously. "Um yea..." "Where were you originally from?" He asked me again as he raised an eyebrow. "Canada? Why are you guys even asking me these stupid questions! It's stupid!" I said all irritated.

" are too slow! Step aside bitch." A girl with red hair said as she pushed the guy away and crouched down in front of me, exposing her cleavage.

"Look what we are trying to say is that we need your help hunting these gang called the Nightclub. They are highly intelligent and quickly, being able to hide and get rid of any evidence that they leave behind. So could we count on you?" She told me and then asked me as she made the puppy eyes.

"What will I get in return?" I asked her filled with curiosity.

"Cash and your criminal records getting erased." She told me. "Now I'm interested, count me in." I said filled with interest which made her smile and give them a thumbs up.

An hour pass by as I walked down the lonely sidewalk with my duffle bag in one hand and the other held my pistol.

"Need a lift?" I jump and look over at a familiar looking black car and smiled wide seeing Jonathan in there with his hockey mask on. "Oh hell yah!" I said I hopped in and he drove off quick.

"What did you get this time owl boy?" Jon asked me as I opened my duffel bag and showed him the money. "Money, credit cards with their PIN numbers and codes written down on a sticky note, three cokes, and a couple of bubblegum packets." I told him.

He chuckled and made a sharp turn, heading back towards a gas station. "You better share that bit of money for the gas because this beauty is running low on it." He told me as he reach out his hand for a couple of dollars.

"Here you go." I said as I handed him twenty dollars for the gas and then he park the car in front of the gas pump. He got out leaving the mask in here and went to pay the person. I took off my owl mask and stared out the window seeing his strong muscles that were hidden underneath that blue sweater.

Once he was done paying and filling up the car he drove off again with me holding onto the car door tightly by how fast he drove. "Evan I need to tell you something!" He told me but the engine of this car roared loudly that I couldn't hear what he said.

"What?!" I asked him loudly.

"I need to tell you something!"


"Oh fuck it."

He parked the car in the park's parking lot that was empty and and then pulled me towards him.

Our lips colliding with each other.

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