Chapter 40

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(Art by unknown, couldn't find the real artist. By the way I have new POV style)
"Sorry to say this but your kid will never have a normal life like the rest of us, we tried everything. We used the antidepressant drugs, Ativan, Valium, and Xanax. We even tried to bring other kids in here to give him company and be able to at least cheer him up." The doctor told my parents as I sat there on the hospital bed that was in my room with so many drugs going in my veins.

"Thank you for telling us this. I guess there is nothing to be able to fix him." My dad told him as he took out a gun which made the doctor's eyes to widened. He aimed at the head which made the doc to try run out of the room, but my dad pulled the trigger quick. Blood was all over the wooden door and the body fell to the floor with a slight thud.

Mom came up to me and sat down beside me with a slight smile on her face. "Evan, we might of had been a bit too harsh with you, but it was for your own good. You might not remember all of this because of all the medications we put you in, but we do love you so much. We want you to be happy and be the next leader of our group, but since you got most of my characteristics, you will need to find the right person that makes you feel these weird and unusual feelings." She told me as her rough fingers brushed against my face.

"I actually don't want him to be happy." My dad told her as he put his gun away. "I want him to be a cold hearted murderer just like his cousins, uncles, and aunts." He said with a dead serious face.

"But I want him to have someone close to him. I don't want him to be all alone." She talked back with a slight of anger in her eyes, getting up. "He is barely 10 years old! He is already shattered to pieces and no one will be able to fix him up. No one will even love this son of a bitch!" My father yelled at her, slapping her across the face. "Remember what his so called friend did to him? He fucking gave him his cold back and walked away from him!" He yelled out more at her face.

That's when they started to argue while I just sat there, staring off into oblivion. My finger would twitch, feeling the urge to hurt myself.


I slowly took off my bandages and saw my opened up skin and multiple scars on both wrists. There was a bit of fresh blood on them still.


My eyes widened seeing my uncle standing there in front of me. I was tied up onto a chair and my head was pounding hard from the hit that Bryce gave me. "Good morning Evy. Had a nice sleep?" He asked me with a grin, but I just stayed quiet, glaring up at him.

He sighed and walked towards a table which contained all of my stuff, including my owl mask. "I'm actually a bit surprised to see you kill a few of my men." He said with a slight chuckle at the end.

He grabbed my phone first and turned it on, seeing the wallpaper of me and Jonathan kissing. "Hmm, he seems a bit too old for you Evan, but at least he looks strong. I don't mind what your sexuality is, I'll still accept you as my nephew." He told me as he grabbed my finger and place it on the home button, unlocking my phone.

He went through my contacts and then to my photo gallery. His lips formed into a wide smirk, probably seeing the nude pics of Jonathan and I or maybe the picture of us getting all bloody when we went for a simple killing spree in the middle of the night.

"I'm liking this guy already. Well I'm gonna show this to your parents." He said catching me off guard when he mentioned them. "T-They're here?!" "WOW you can talk. And yes they are here." He said with a wide ass grin. "Toodles~" He winked at me and walked out of this room with my phone.


"Jon eat." Brock ordered me but I just played with the jiggly egg by stabbing it with my fork. "I'm not hungry." I mumbled out.

"Jonathan, I know you're depressed about Evan but you have to at least eat something. Do it for him Jon." Brock told me as he held my hand like a comforting manner. The rest of the guys already ate early in the morning, but I woke up late because I cried all night long. Brock was the only one here by my side to watch me eat like a protective mother.

Bryce walked in the dining room seeing me stare down at my food with a sorrowful face so he came up us and sat down across from me. "Delirious, please eat. They all need the good old leader that you used to be. The crazy but also unmerciful murderer that we all love." He told me with a slight smile, now holding my hand.

"Bryce, please let him be. He is not in the mood right now." Brock told him slightly serious which made Bryce flinch. I just realized that Bryce had never heard and seen Brock get anger or even be dead serious about things.

Bryce sighed and got up, walking out of the room with a bit of a frown.

"Jon, eat." Brock told me with such a demanding tone. So I gave in to his command and ate all of this to satisfy him. Then from that I wash the dishes to have a bit of this stress out and then head to my room.

I closed the door behind me and felt my eyes get watery again, but two arms wrapped around my torso. "I'll help you forget." His voice was so venomous like in the past. "Bryce?" I turn around and felt his lips smash against mine. My eyes widened and get pushed down onto my bed.

Then he kissed me again, unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down, including my boxers. He pulled away and leaned down to my cock, starting to lick it around and then bob his head up and down.

"Ah!~ Bryce stop please! Ngh! BRYCE!!~" I gripped his blond hair as my back arched and small trails of drool slid down the sides of my mouth.

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