Chapter 5

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I make the engine roar and drove past the cars fast while we kept hearing bangs and see people fall to the ground dead. Who even is doing this? I've killed people but I don't kill people in such a public way.

"Car!" Jasmine called out so I turn and took a shape right turn. She held tightly onto me and I could tell she was scared. I could see the entrance to my neighborhood, but we both heard a loud banging sound and the back wheel of the motorcycle started to create sparks and make the bike wobble.

A car came up to us quick and hit us hard, sending us flying. Everything around me happened in slow motion even when I closed my eyes shut. Police sirens were heard off the distant, including the ambulance.

My eyes open slowly as everything around me spun. Some glass shards were scattered everywhere on the street. Then my vision focused on a crying and screaming figure that squirmed as she gripped her bleeding her leg.

"J-Jasmine..." I mumbled as I reach for my hand pistol that was in my pocket and tried to get up too but I failed. Slowly crawling up to her but a foot stepped on my back making me stop and look up slowly, seeing a dark dressed man wearing a weird white mask and a colorful hat.

"Aww is someone trying to reach for their love one? Kryoz I told you to shut the fuck up!" I heard him say as his finger pressed against his ear.

"Nice gun you got there. You don't mind if I borrow it." He told me as he squat down and took the handgun off my weak grip. "It sure was a good thing to hit you guys or else you might of had escaped." He told me as he walked up to her and lift her up by the hair harshly. Her leg all cut open and her perfect white dress was covered in blood and slightly ripped.

She squirmed as she tried her best to hit him, but I could tell she was weak from the amount of blood loss. "A feisty one, I like it!" He purred out as he aimed the gun at her head.

"My brother will come for that ass of yours, so don't you dare pull the trigger." She growled back and kept struggling. "As if." He said as he pulled the fucking trigger and saw blood explode out from the back of her head.

I scream out from the top of my lungs and reach for her falling body, crawling up towards her quickly. "Jasmine! Jasmine wake up!" I cried out as I pulled her up to my arms and saw her blue eyes now looking dull and grey.

"Now it's your fucking turn." He said as I heard a clicking sound, but I ignore it. All I wanted was to be with her, have someone to love me just the way she loved me.

The loud banging noise was heard and made my ears started ringing. My body slowly started to fall as I hit the floor hard, feeling something warm slide down my face.

"J-Jasmine..." I mumbled out as I closed my eyes slowly with her still in my arm.




"Doctor we are losing him!"

...Where am I?...Jasmine...Oh's all my fault! I'm sorry! I couldn't save you! This is all of my fucking...

"FAULT!!" I yelled out, quickly sitting up while I saw all the doctors and nurses look at me in shock and wide eyes. "Jasmine! Where is she?!" I asked them all slightly paranoid and worried.

"Sir you have to calm down, you still have a bullet in your head." The doctor told me as I look around me seeing I was in some kind of surgery room. "How many people survived the shooting?" I asked them.

"Only you..."

My eyes widened as I stare down at my body, seeing cuts and bruises and also wires and tubes connecting into my body. "W-What..." I sat there shocked until a stinging pain grew in the back of my neck making me groan and look behind me, seeing a nurse standing there with a needle.

"What the f..." Before I could finish my sentence, I fell back asleep on the hard blue bed as they immediately put the gas mask on my face and strap me down just in case I try to wake up again.

Few hours pass by and I wake up with the gleaming sunlight hitting my face. The sound of the heart monitor was heard right by the hospital bed I was on. Some weird tube was in my nose, probably helping me breathe and needles were attached in my veins.

"Jasmine..." I start to cry as the sun irritated me with its light hitting my face. "Jasmine!" I cried out more as nurse ran in seeing me struggle and squirm on the bed so they came up to me with tranquilizers in their hands. "Sir calm down!" They tried their best as one of them injected me in the arm.

My body stopped moving as I just laid there starring out the window. "J-Jasmine..." I muttered as they both look satisfied with their work of being able to calm me. "Check up on him ever two hour just incase." The nurse of pink uniform told the other nurse of purple uniform who only nodded and they both left.

My body felt relaxed as I slowly look up, seeing the painted ceiling that had stars and a moon. "Pretty..." I mumbled as I just stared, completely forgetting about what just happened.

"I'm sorry." I randomly said to myself, until I remembered that weird white mask and colorful hat. "I will kill you, you son of a bitch."

The doctor then came in with a clipboard, writing something down until her eyes landed on me. The same two nurses walked in with a small bag and placed it on a small table, taking out some needles and a bottle of white fluid.

"Eyes are perfectly okay." She said as she shined a bright light on my eyes, making me blink a bit. "Ears are..." She snapped her fingers on every ear but I flinch thinking they were to loud and it was quite painful. "Ears still aren't stable. The gunshots may of had affected his eardrums. He is gonna be using a hearing aid until his eardrums get fixed by themselves." She said as she write it down and walked up to my legs. She touched one of them making me wince.

"Cuts and bones are still in the process of healing." She mumbled as a nurse came up to me and injections te white fluid in my veins. "You sure he is gonna be okay by himself if he goes back home." The pink nurse asked the doctor.

"Don't worry, he won't be alone, a group of boys will be with him and will be able to give him company. Is the medication in him?"

"Yes ma'am, it will show a few side affects like sweating, coldness, etc." The pound nurse said as the other nurse came up to and inject me with another needle with the same fluid in it.

"Sir, whats your name?" The doctor asked me as she wrote down some stuff and then looked down at me. "E-Evan..." That's all I managed to said until I started to feel dizzy and cold.

"Evan what?"

"Evan...FFFF..." I couldn't finish my sentence because I passed out with my mouth half open.

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