Chapter 52

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(Song:IT' OK - I like you)
3 years later

Jon - "Vanoss! Activate the C4s now!"

Jon called out through the earpiece, but I was busy fixing one them because it started to malfunction. "Hold on! One of them is malfunctioning." I told him, hearing everyone curse. "Don't worry guys. It will only take me a minute. Just distract those guys while I fix this."

Tyler - "Hurry your ass up bitch! I'm running out of ammo!"

I chuckled as I tied two wires together that were somehow cut. "Calm your tits Wildcat. It's just one minute." I said with a slight grin. I could hear the gunshots, yelling, and the guys cursing out nonstop, yelling at me to hurry up.

"Weird, someone must of had cut the wires." I mumbled until I heard a gun click behind my head. "H-Hold it right there." I slowly turn around seeing his masked face. "Why hello there. I believe that you already know me, but I'm Vanoss. Vanossgaming. It's so nice to meet you."

Craig - "Vanoss with who are you talking to?"

I immediately shook his hand which got him all confused, not knowing what to do. "Uhh..." "I know that you're wondering why I'm being so nice to you and not greeting you, but it's just that...I'm a little crazy!" I told him, not letting go of his hand while he kept aiming at me with his gun. "You see this C4 right here." I pointed the one that is now fixed and ready to go. "These are mine. I made them. Have you ever exploded one of these cuties before?" I asked him.

He slowly shook his head no which got me even more excited that I nearly moaned of excitement. "Well you're in a luck. Let's go further back and you'll see the magnificent power of a simple C4." I grabbed his arm and pulled him further back. I take out a remote and hand it to him. "Just press this button and it will activate." I told him.

He handed me his gun and looked down at the remote while I grinned wide behind my owl mask. "Come on, press it. There is nothing to be afraid of." I encouraged him. My blood was boiling up from excitement. His finger softly stroked the red button and then pressed it. We stood there, waiting for the explosion to happen until...BOOM! I started to jump up and down from excitement, happy that my C4s work.

"Good job! Now die." I said aiming his own gun at his head and pulled the trigger, seeing blood come out the side of his head while his body flopped down to ground. Two strong arms slither their way around my waist, almost making me moan just by feeling this sensual movement. "Good job cutie, good job." His husky voice sounded so good that I got a boner.

He picked me up, placing his arm underneath my ass, causing me to giggle. "Where are the others?" I asked him, staring into his blue eyes. "Oh there are in the truck, waiting for you to blow up this place." He told me, lifting our masks up and placing his luscious lips on mine.

Tyler - "Stop fucking around and get inside assholes! I'm tired as fuck!"

I giggle hearing Tyler yell out at us through the earpiece. "Once we go home, I will fuck you senselessly." Jon growled at me, seeing my face flush red and wrap my arms around his neck, letting him carry me away towards the truck. We got inside seeing the guys glaring at us. "Mind your own fucking business bitches!" Jon yelled at them.

The whole ride back home was loud! Everyone were arguing about what to eat and who will take a shower first. Of course, Jon has his own personal bathroom.

Once Jon parked the truck in the garage, the guys immediately ran out by pushing each other and racing to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes as I hopped out the truck, being greeted by Batcoon that was having a small stroll around the house. "Jon! Your son is attached to me again." I told my boyfriend while I watched Batcoon hump my leg.

"Hey hey hey!! He is mine." Jon told his son with glare. He came up to me from behind and picked me up. Batcoon hissed at Jon and kept humping my leg. They both glare at each other until Del ripped Batcoon off my leg and ran inside the house quick with the small raccoon chasing after us.

Jon threw me on the bed and immediately closed the door, locking it. "Hah! I told you he was mine!" Jon yelled through the door, hearing a hissing and scratching noise on the other side of the door.

I chuckled, but then squealed when Jon tackled me down onto the bed. My face flushed red, feeling his lips brush against my neck and nibble around. "Mmm...J-Jonathan~" I slightly stuttered while he kept nibbling my neck.

He pulled away, making eyes contact to me. His lists formed into a slight smile and leaned to kiss my lips, bumping our noses. We chuckled, seeing him blush and hide his face into the crook of my neck. "You look cute when you blush of embarrassment." I told him which made him groan and nibble my neck again.

My breath hitched up and my hands gripped his shoulders. One of his hands slid down my body, slithering in my pants. My body twitched when he wrapped his fingers around my dick and started to pump me slowly. "J-Jon~" I stuttered out.

"And you look cute when I'm touching you." He purred into my ears. He pulled away his face from my neck and brushed his lips onto my lips. When out lips touched, my body tingled, my chest rose, and my breath got taken away from him. My mind slowed down, time became unknown and everything's beautiful.

My face flushed even red when our clothes were already gone and thrown somewhere around this room. He pulled away, spread my legs wide while my was completely red with my mind all blurred up, only focusing on him.

He leaned in, feeling his hot tongue lick my 7 inch dick and placed a small kiss on the tip. My breath was shaky while he caressed my thighs and my cock. He reached for something underneath the bed, the bottle of lube, and poured some on his fingers. "You're so beautiful, sensitive, sexy. Just look at yourself!" One of his fingers rubbed around my hole, feeling the cold sensation of the lube touching my pale skin.

"F-Fuck~" I moaned slight once he pushed his finger inside. "Be gentle please..." I told him in a low tone, but I heard him chuckle and said, "I don't know if I will be able to hold back and just fuck you senselessly." When he removed his fingers I pouted, wanting more, but something huge pushed inside my ass making me whimper and cry a bit.

"Shh baby, shh. Relax Evy, relax." He whispered against my ear as we wrapped our arms around each other's bodies. "Let me see that beautiful face of yours." He told me, slightly grunting, starting to rock his hips back and forth slightly fast. "Fuck...Jonny!" I moaned as I panted almost as if i was begging for water in a hot day.

We made eye contact, only focusing on his eyes. Our eyes could't move away from each other, only feeling pleasure and love that we are creating together. My moans were now turning into screams and whimpers, digging my nails into his back. He grunted and groaned as he kept fucking me, nonstop. "I love you Jonathan!" I screamed of pleasure, not breaking eye contact with him.

"I love you too Evan, I love you too." He told me as my eyes rolled back and my toes curled, arching my back. We held hands the whole entire night, releasing multiple times and not letting the guys sleep. I never thought that I would fall in love with a man like him, a man that was my ex's brother and pretended to be my PCT just to find answers of her death. He was the first man that fucked me and not the other way around. I also never knew that I could become bisexual, thinking that I was straight my whole entire life.

You were right David. I'm straight up gay for Jonathan Dennis, my delirous boyfriend.

The end

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