Part 2

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I ran to the closet in the hallway and grabbed three backpacks. I tossed canned food into one, the metal cylinders colliding in a mass of coloured wraps around silver cans.

Next, I filled every single water bottle we owned and tossed them into a different backpack. Lastly, I grabbed medical supplies and a few changes of clothes for myself and filled the last pack. I walked to my father's closet and grabbed a pistol. He has it for emergencies, and I tucked it under my belt. I grabbed his extra four ammo containers and shoved them under my clothes.

"Mom! I'm ready to go!" I shouted. My mother ran down the stairs, two bags in her hands.

"One for me, one for your father. Get in the car."

We ran to the car and tossed our bags in the trunk before climbing in it. Mother jammed her key into the car and turned it, causing it to hum with life.

She backed out of the driveway and sped down our street.

The traffic was good until we got to the main road that led out of the city.

Cars were piled up like buffalo in a stampede. The stoplights were ignored completely as drivers drove away in a mad panic.

"How are we going to get to Dad's office? There's no way there!" I said. Mother nodded.

"Hopefully he's out of the building."

Sure enough, as we continued to drive, we saw him on the side of the road, waving his hands in a panic, trying to get someone to help him. Mother drove up and braked the car.

"Thank God!" he exclaimed as he got into our veichle.

Mother smiled at him and we continued in our escape from the city.

I stared out the window of the moving veichle at all the other cars zooming past. I felt my eyes getting heavy, and I willed myself to stay awake, but soon, I fell into darkness.

My head smacked against the door of the car, jostling me from my sleep. The glass of the window shattered, and the broken glass cut into my arms and face. I felt a warm liquid on my forehead. I touched it, and saw red on my fingertips.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked weakly, sitting up.

I heard a groaning from outside and screamed as the head of a dead human reached inside the broken car window, groping for me. Backing away, I fumbled for my gun. I shot it in the head and the creature crumpled to the ground, its limp body sliding out of the car.

Looking in the front seats, I saw both of my parents sitting in their seats, limp and lifeless. I shook their shoulders, but they didn't move. I checked both of their pulses, but they were non-existant.

My throat tightened and my eyes fillled with hot tears. I leaned back in my seat and covered my face with my hands, letting the tears escape.

I was alone.

A/N: Part 2 is done! Hope you liked it! Please leave any editing comments below (this is for an English class after all). It would be very much appreciated!


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