An OC thing cause why not

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- Pick 10 of your OC in any order. If you don't have 10 characters use canon.
- Don't look at the questions while picking the characters!
- Link back to the blank.
- Have fun! :giggle:


1. Iris
2. Akio
3. Atsuko
4. Hana
5. Haru
6. Jurou
7. Kasumi
8. Warin
9. Eiji
10. Amaya


1. How will [1] describe [6]?
Iris: Oh Jurou? Um...he seems nice. We talk sometimes but only if I run into him.

2. [5] and [4] were locked in a closet together. What does [10] see when he/she found them?
Haru: NO WE BOTH HAVE SH- oh wait you dont...
Amaya: I-I don't even know- *unlocks the door anyway*

3. For whatever reason, [7] decides to kiss [2]. How does [2] react?
Kasumi: Why though? Oh well *kisses Akio*
Akio: *laughs* Well this is definitely despair inducing for both of our ships~! Though your not as good as Green.

4. [2] randomly walks in and sees [9] is at least half naked.
Akio: Hm~ So you are a girl!
Eiji: Shut up! *throws nearby stuff at him*

5. What is [3] theme song? Favorite food if [3] doesn't have theme song.

Atsuko: It was the one with the little girl but I gave that one to Jurou and now I have this one...
Jurou: I-I'm not a girl..!
Atsuko: I know, it just suits you more.

6. And what is [8] opinion about [3] theme song? If [3] doesn't have a theme song make [8] eats [3]'s wallet.
Warin: .... *starts to sign* 'I's a good song though!'

7. [5] has a drink in a bar and discovers [10] is a strip dancer.
Haru: I-I don't even... *lays down on the counter*
Amaya: I-I don't drink...! ... *takes a sip of a drink just to see what it tastes like and magically a few seconds later becomes a strip dancer*
(This poor child why herrr)

8. So [5] was completely wasted and wakes up in bed next to... [9] and [1]?!
Haru: Hm..? How the hell did I end up here?!
Eiji: *shrugs and just walks away* I dunno~!
Iris: did I end up here...

9. Something exploded and now [2], [6] and [8] are gender bended! How do they react?
Akio: Hmhmhm~ I'm a girl again~ I'm a girl again~ *seems way to happy about this*
Jurou: O-oh...*sighs* Only if I have to..
Warin: *confused*
(Ah I haven't drawn a genderbended Warin yet!)

10. [1] suddenly feels an urge to chase after unicorns. What do [3] do to help him/her?
Iris: Atsuko-san. *tries to find her but instead touches Atsuko's face*
Atsuko: Yes Iris..
Iris: I need you to help me find unicorns. I've never seen any before!
Atsuko: ...Honey, sweet small can't see period...but sure I'll help.

(//coughs Ko-chan and Iris are actually really close friends)

11. [4] is getting married to a rainbow dinosaur. How did it happen? Does [7] do anything about it?
Haru: *isn't number 7* I DON'T APPROVE- *gets pushed*
Kasumi: MY decision- *is the one who pushed Haru* but if I can be in love with two people then this precious child can get married to this rainbow dinosaur...wait what.

12. [8] is being chased by evil toys in a locked toy factory with a pen as his/her only weapon. Does he/she survive through the night?
I'm sure this precious child can survive. I believe in him!

13. [5], [7] and [10] is having a picnic. Suddenly a giant pink donut falls out from the sky. Which one of them is likely to get hit by it?
Defiantly Haru.

14. [8] stole [6] most valuable item (or person). What happens next?
Jurou: Warin whyyy... *gets sad* give Aya backk...

Warin: *feels bad because he's a precious child and gives Aya back*

Jurou: Y-yayy~!

15. [10] found a Death Note! Who die?
Amaya: one? How about all t-the bad people in the world..

16. [1], [2] and [4] are stay in [9]'s house while the house is surrounded by zombies! Wait, what do you mean [1] was bitten by a zombie?
Iris: Yes please....oww....somethings bitting me...wait do I smell blood?
Akio: Oh how terrible the small blind child is wounded, whatever shall we do~
Hana: Iris-channnnnnnnn-!
Eiji: Well we can always cut off her arm...

17. [7] found a time machine. What does he/she do?
Kasumi: Maybe go back in time and change the fact when my parents divorced I would be with my mom instead of my dad...for reasons of course...and because I don't remember much about my mom so..

18. [3], [4] and [5] decided to rob a bank. How did it go?
Atsuko: Well time to abandon the name Mycroft for a while...wait no why are we robbing a bank?!
Hana: Because~ I'm gonna cross it off my bucket list and I need you two to go with me!
Haru: could've just left me behind..

19. Oh no! [8] was hit by a fire truck! Who (in the list) will be the first one to show up in the hospital?
Warin: *hurt Warin noises*

Eiji would since she and him have a history together a bit.

20. Tag someone? If you don't do tagging, tell me [6]'s dark secret. :evillaugh:
I'm not tagging sooooo

Jurou: W-why...


Jurou: ....well if I have only secret I actually have is that my hair is dyed...I actually have blonde hair.

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