Oh god what's this I wonder

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You know what to do. Pick 10 characters and respond to the questions below. DON'T CHEAT. (Or do, whatever. I do sometimes.) This meme will have interactions between ALL characters. That's why it's so long.

Be sure to credit me and most importantly, have fun!

1. Iris
2. Akio
3. Atsuko
4. Hana
5. Haru
6. Jurou
7. Kasumi
8. Warin
9. Eiji
10 Aegeus

1) 1 and 2 go out on a dinner date! Is it good or bad?
Iris: Hm...
Akio: *tries to make jokes but it's always about her being dead*

....not so good.

2) In the middle of the date, a wild 3 appears and kidnaps 1! What happens next?
Iris: Hm?

3) 1, dumped on the streets by 3, starts hitch hiking. 4 picks them up.
Iris: *gives up*
Hana: Smol child on the road~! I'll save you~

4) 1 thanks 4 and returns home, only to find a drunken 5 at their house, and they can't get them out.
Hana: *awkward laughing* I'll just drag him to his room...
Haru: *still has beer in his hand* Nothins wrong thoughhhh..~

5) 1 enlists the help of 6 to try and get 5 to their house, but while driving 6 crashes the car into a ditch!
Jurou: *crashes into a ditch* ...Great..

6) A storm begins. 1, 5 and 6 have to stay the night at 7's house.
Iris: So we're doing to Kasumi's house..?
Jurou: *has a drunk asleep Haru on his back* Uh-huh...

7) 7 suggests telling horror stories to pass the time. During a particularly frightening one, the group hear a large banging on the door. EEK!
Kasumi: *just laughs* Aha..this is to funny...

8) It turns out the banging is 8. 8 crashed into 6's crashed car and so needs to stay here too, however there are only 4 beds. 1 has to share a bed with 8.
Warin: *finds paper and writes down* You don't mind if I sleep with you do you?
Iris: .....I can't read..but if it's about sleeping with me it's fine..just don't let me fall off the bed..

9) 1 has a strange dream about 9, and wakes up with 8's arm slung around them, preventing them from moving. What happens?
Weak child just can't get up and doesn't have the heart to wake him up.

10) While the group are sleeping, 10 climbs in through the chimney and kills 1. What happens in the morning?
Aegeus: *goes Yandere* If I can't have or see you...no one can..*stabs Iris with a nearby knife*
Iris: *holds chest and can see but it's all funny* ...This..again...

11) 2, still looking for 1, stumbles upon 1's dead body as the group are hastily burying it. How do they react?
Akio: Nothing new~

12) 2 spies 3 hiding somewhere nearby, and thinking 3 killed 1, attacks them.
Akio: You killed Iris didn't you.. *somehow more serious*
Atsuko: *is pinned to the ground* No! Why would I kill my child?!

13) 4, who was trying to return the wallet 1 left in their car has to pry 2 off 3.
Hana: *forms a 'x' with her hands* No fighting!

14) 2 seeks comfort from 1's death and so has a brief relationship with 5.
Akio: *strokes cheek* I've been so sad about Iris death...
Haru: *still drunk* I'm not gayyyyy...

15) 6 finds out about the affair and tries to talk 2 out of dumping 5, knowing it would hurt 5.
Jurou: He's drunk just do it so he won't remember...

16) 2 doesn't listen to 6 and cheats on 5 with 7.
Akio: *finds Kasumi siting down and sprawls onto her lap* Kasssuuumiiii~
Kasumi: What the hell get off me! *cannot push him off so gives up*

17) 5 find out about this and hires 10 to kill 2 after 2 more questions.
Haru: *hugs Aegeus sadly* I loved himmmmmm...~
Aegeus: Didn't you just say earlier that you weren't gay? *shrugs* Oh well

18) 2 is dumped by both 5 and 7 and goes into a state of depression. 8 tries to cheer them up.
Akio: Whyyy
Warin: *pat's his shoulder* and signs, 'You have Green though-'

19) 9 takes 2 to the theme park to lighten their spirits.
Eiji: I have no clue why I chose to do this..
Akio: Yay thank you Eiji~

20) 10 corners 2 in the theme park and kills 'em.
Aegeus: *shrugs* I'll do what I have to do I guess~ Haru's orders~
Akio: Oh my... I knew you were a Yandere-
Aegeus: *stabs Akio*

21) 3, still angry about 2 attacking them, dances on 2's grave.
Atsuko: Hah!

22) 4 slaps 3 across the face for being so happy about 2's death.
Hana: *smacks Atsuko* I mean he was pretty rude but still!

23) 3 moans to 5 about 4 slapping them and they form a 'I HATE 2" club together.
Atsuko: I hate Akio
Haru: Samee..

Bam, they formed a club XD.

24) 6 finds out about the club and gives both 3 and 5 a scolding.
Jurou: I mean Akio was pretty rude but still...!

25) 3 ignores 6 and broadens the club to international levels. 7, who was staying overseas after 2's death, joins, and 3 and 7 have an long distance relationship.
Atsuko: *holds Kasumi's hand* I don't know why but I love you-
Kasumi: Why does everyone love me?! Why am I so loveable..?!

26) 8 breaks 3 and 7 up as a prank.
Warin: *signs* No not a prank...Kasumi already has to many people for her-'

27) 3 gets into a fistfight with 9.
Atsuko: You insulted my dead childddddd
Eiji: We all saw it coming except for her-
Atsuko: That's it- *fights Eiji*

28) 10, seeing 3 as a menace, slays them.
Aegeus: Well since I killed the child...better kill the parent.. *stabs Atsuko with a knife*
Atsuko: Im not...supposed to die..?

29) 4, used to the deaths by now, starts dating 5.
Hana: Finally we get twincest~
Haru: Noooooo

30) 4 falls in love with 6 while still dating 5 and starts an affair.
Haru: *doesn't care*
Jurou: B-but-
Hana: Jurou love meeee..~

31) Deciding this cheating thing was kinda fun, 4 cheats on all alive characters (except 10) with each other.
Everyone saw it coming XD So they didn't care.

32) Of course, everyone finds out.
Answered that already.

33) 10 kills off 4 for breaking everyone's hearts.
Aegeus: People like you annoy me...
Hana: And that's why I didn't go for you~ 1. Your gay and 2. I knew you were the killer~!
Aegeus: *sighs* And this is why I'm going to kill you.. 1. You annoy me 2. You remind me of every girl who tried to date me.. *stabs Hana with no hesitation*

34) 5 starts crushing on 6.
Haru: Maybe I can be gay-
Jurou: B-but -

35) 5 realises 7 is dating 6 and kicks them out of the club, leaving 5 the only member.
Haru: Everyone's dead or dating the people I love.
Kasumi: Well Jurou I didn't know we were dating
Jurou: Neither did I...but we both have ships so this just feels so wrong...

36) 5 tries to recruit 8 and 9.
They reject his offer.

40) 10 is bored of the club and murders 5. Only 5 characters left!
Aegeus: *already stabbed Haru*
Haru: Not the..first time I've been stabbed at..least..

41) 6 proposes to 7 and they accept!
Jurou: M-marry me..?
Kasumi: Sure..so I marry Akio in one and now I marry Jurou...why me?

42) 6 chooses 8 to be their best man/maid of honour. Do they accept?

43) 9 throws 6 a bachelor/ette party.
Eiji: Hell yes...

44) 6 gets cold feet and flees, leaving themselves exposed to 10's fury. 10 likes weddings.
Jurou: ...I-I can't do this I-it feels so wrong...!
Aegeus: Hnhmhmhm~ I do like weddings..~

45) 7 spirals down into depression and becomes an alcoholic.

Kasumi: I knee this would happen...but I'll never be my father...hopefully...and if I do..someone just needs to kill me for that..I don't wanna live like him...

46) 7 is put into therapy with 8 as their therapist.
It doesn't go well since he can't communicate with her...

46) 7 starts crying on 9's shoulder.
Eiji: *sighs and let's Kasumi cry on their shoulder*

47) 10, who can't stand melodrama, knocks off 7.
Aegeus: ...your already dead anyway so what's the difference-
Kasumi: ..true.. *doesn't care that she's gonna die, she saw it coming*

48) 8 quits their job as a therapist and becomes a private investigator in hopes of finding out who the killer is.
Warin: *becomes Naoto*

49) 8 figures it out and tells 9, who is a secret agent.
Warin: *signs* 'It's Aegeus'
Eiji: *signs* I knew it...

50) 10, thinking 8 knows to much, kills them.
Warin: *gets stabbed by Aegeus and can talk a little* ...n..no..

51) Flip a coin. If heads, go to 52a and skip 52b, if tails skip 52a and go to 52b.

52 a) 9 confronts 10 and is the victorious champion, and the only character to survive! Describe the epic battle.
Eiji: You killed Warin...and the others but I don't care about him...*fights Aegeus and somehow wins*

52b) 10 tracks down 9 and murders them, but 10 actually has a crush on 9! Describe 10's turmoil.

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