13 deaths (And some more)

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So  I was told to write thirteen things about me. (Thank you shadowsleek

1)My full name has 30 letters in it ( it is 5 words)

2) I prefer reading to writing.

3)I attend school in both Long Island and Iowa. (The latter is normal schooling and the further is a summer school for girls etiquette)

4)I hate school. They jammed the internet.

5)I live in a library not a bedroom. (Well when Im home at least)

6) I have a dysfunctional family.

7) I have lots of pets; a cat named Lucifer, two horses Mike and Ike, a dog named Janis, three birds-Featherbrain, Colby, and Jinkies, and a koi fish called Bittie.

8) Im awesome at lousing my phone.

9) I spend my downtime at my friends apartment or im at the stables checking in on my boys.

10)My favorite food is chocolate.

12) I love music!

13) My grandfather is my only family. (I could care less if the rest knelled over dead.)

I will come up with some people to tag later.

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