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    I dedicate this very first chapter, to all the people that have suffered from gender disequality. Because we all have a voice in this matter.


     I remember that when I was six years old I had a close friend whose mother was really hardworking, just  a wonderful person. One day I went to her house and listened to her mother who was talking with her sister, rather complaining about her salary. She was an engineer, and let's just say that she didn't receive the same amount of money a person would receive for doing that job. I didn't think it was important because obviously I was little and  couldn't understand those problems. Now that I'm older I can understand this, and I have a simple conclusion: There is lack of feminism in our society.

     If you, my fellow reader, thinks that the word feminism means that women think they are superior to men, then you are wrong. Very wrong.

     Feminism is to think that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Simple as that. But what I couldn't understand was why this suddenly discrimination towards women, in the case of my friend (because feminism is not only for women).  The  fact that she was a woman meant that she couldn't do the job any engineer could? The boss would say: "Oh, because she is woman I will pay her less, only a man can do that job."

     In this case, do only man can really do that job? I believe that a person can do that job. And a person is divided into two genders: women and men. And both can do it.

      What do I think about feminism? I think that feminism is necessary but it has been misunderstood in some kind of way. I consider myself a feminist because I think it's okay if a man wants to be a stylist or if a woman wants to be an engineer. Because I think both can do it and I will not discriminate them for that. Because if a woman cuts her hair too much and likes to use V-Neck shirts doesn't mean she can't be my friend because she looks too boyish. Because if a person is gay  doesn't mean I will not give him the same opportunities I give to others.

     And why we all need it?

     Because there are still jerks in the world that discriminate and contempt people because of what they like, want to do and want to be. They think they are not their equals because of those things, that is why we all need feminism. To eliminate that thought.

     That's what I think about it.

     If you want to know more about feminism I leave you Emma Watson's speech about feminism, it's wonderful and Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch for Elle's UK campaign. They are so handsome 😆😆

    Thanks for reading and comment what I should talk about next time. Thanks to anonteenblogger a dear friend ❤❤


☕"This generation has lost the true meaning of romance. There are so many songs that disrespect women. You can't treat the woman you love as a piece of meat. You should treat your love like a princess. Give her love songs, something with real meaning. Maybe I'm old fashioned but to respect the woman you love should be a priority."- Tom Hiddleston☕


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