Chapter 3

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A/n: sorry if this messes you guys up but I'm gonna start describing the broadway version of Jack because it is easier for me to write like that right now. I'll try not change how I describe him again. Again I'm sorry if this messes you up.

Davey's POV
"HE'S BACK?!", Davey yelled. Crutchie fidgeted with his crutch, "Uh... yeah." Davey was about to explode with anger. "WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS! HE CAN'T JUST LEAVE KATH WITH NO EXPLANATION AND THEN JUST COME BACK AND CONTINUE ON WITH HIS LIFE!", Crutchie stood their awkwardly listening to Davey rant. "Did he at least talk to her?" He asked. Crutchie shook his head, "He hasn't talked to her yet. He hasn't talked to us either. The only time Ise heard him talk was ta sell papes." Davey made up his mind. He was going to punch Jack the next time he saw him. "Do you know where he is?", he asked. "Probably on the roof that's where he is all the time now", Crutchie responded. Davey and Crutchie walked to the lodging house. Crutchie went inside while Davey started to climb the fire escape. On the roof he saw Jack looking over the edge. His broad figure was shaking slightly. Davey walked up to him and as soon as Jack turned around he punched him square in the face. When Jack looked at him again Davey saw tears in his eyes. "What da hell!", Jack said looking angry. "That's for leaving Katherine! Did you really think we would just let it slide?!", Davey yelled, "How could you just leave her like that?! She's devastated!" Jack looked hurt by what he said, but that went away quickly. "If Ise had a quarter for every time someone said dat I'd be richer than Pulitzer", Jack said like he didn't care at all. Davey looked at him shocked. I thought he would at least care what he did to her. "Where were you?!" Davey yelled at him. Jack looked like he was starting to get agitated with him. "Nun ya", Jack said. "What's 'nun ya'?" Davey asked. "Nun ya business", Jack responded. Davey crossed his arms and looked away. He was to angry to look at him. "Its not like ya guys would care anyways", Jack said suddenly. Davey turned to look at him,"Why would you think we wouldn't care?" Jack just shrugged turning to look off the roof again. "You were our friend. And you hurt Kath. Why wouldn't we care?", Davey was just too confused to continue yelling. Jack turned around, "Key word 'were'. We were friends. But not anymore!", Jack said. His voice starting to raise at the end. "Ok then. Why? Why did you leave her? Why on earth would you leave her after promising to meet her!?", Davey just about had it with him and his care free attitude. Jack just rolled his eyes. Davey was starting to get pissed at him all over again,"Did something happen to you!?" Jack paused, "No." This was it. "THEN WHY DID YOU LEAVE!?", Davey snapped. Jack clenched his jaw with anger. "YOUS WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!", Jack snapped back. Tears were starting to fall down his face, "Now leave me alone before I soak ya!" I will gladly leave you alone. Of course he didn't say that out loud. Davey climbed down the fire escape and stormed back to his house leaving Jack alone. Something must of happened to him. Something happened to Jack and he was going to find out what it was.

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