Chapter 5

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A/n: sorry it's been a while I've been really busy
Jack had just finished selling his papes. He was currently hunting down Katherine. He had seen her the past couple days but every time he tried to approach she walked away. Maybe she doesn't want to see me. Jack quickly pushed that thought away. If Kath didn't want to see him he didn't know what he would do. I'll just wait for her outside her work. Jack made his way over to the New York Sun. Wait. She doesn't get out of work till evening. It was currently mid day. Jack spent the rest of the day walking around the Sun.
Katherine's POV
Kath stepped out of her work. She was so thankful to be outside. Now she just had to figure out how to start that new story. Her boss had loved her first story so much that he wanted her to write another. Kath started walking back to her apartment. She so deep in thought she didn't her the person coming up behind. "Kath wait", a voice she never hoped to hear again said. Kath turned around and found herself face to face with Jack. "Go away," she said and tried to continue walking but Jack grabbed her arm. "Kath please", Jack pleaded, "I want to talk to you." Katherine yanked her arm out of his hand. "Well I don't," She said sternly. She saw Jack's face fall. If he wanted me to talk to him he shouldn't have left. "Just let me explain, Kath", he was practically begging. "What is there to explain?", she asked, "You just decided to leave." She was trying hard to keep her voice steady. "I didn't want-", she cut him off, "You promised you would meet me. I waited all morning for you to come but you never showed up. I don't want to talk to you or see you ever again." With that she walked away leaving Jack alone in the dark.
Race's POV
Race was waiting outside the lodging house for Jack to come back. Jack still hadn't talked to them at all. Where is he? It's getting late. The other boys were starting to get worried about. He's been spending all his time on the roof and being unusually quiet. They had been talking about why Jack had left earlier. Crutchie had suggested that something might have happened to him and Mush said he probably went to Santa Fe and was disappointed and came back. Although most of the newsies thought something happening to him was more likely. Race started fidgeting with his cigar. Jack still wasn't back yet. I'm just gonna go inside. He was about to go inside when he saw Jack coming. "Where ya been? We's was starting to get worried", Race knew Jack wouldn't answer but he asked anyways. Jack just shrugged and started heading heading up to the roof. Race went inside. The only newsie still up was Blink. "Is he back?", Blink asked. Race nodded. "Did he say where he was?" Race shook his head. "He looked upset", Race said. "Sniper said he saw Jack walking 'round the Sun", Blink said, "Maybe he went ta see Kath." That probably didn't go well. He hadn't realized he said that out loud until Blink responded, "Yeah. Kath is still pretty upset and Davey is still pissed." Race was sitting in his bed, "We's should go ta sleep." Blink nodded and went to bed.

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