Chapter 1

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AN: Okay, so first off, I know WW1 actually started in 1914, and the draft system didn't originate until 1948, but I don't want the boys to be that old, so in this story they both started in 1900. Now, onto the actual intro. This is my first multi-chapter, and I'm actually really excited for this story! Feedback is always welcome, good or bad, so please review and enjoy!

"You're leaving?!" Katherine Kelly exclaimed, staring at her new husband in disbelief. He had just told her he was being forced to go to war. "Jack, you can't leave now, we just got married last month!"

"I know, and I don't wanna leave either Ace, but I don't have a choice!" Jack pulled his newsboy cap off his head and ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit of his.

"Can't you just tell them that you can't leave your wife?!"

"Katherine, you know better than anyone else that it doesn't work that way. They drew my name, I don't have any physical or mental reasons why I can't go, so I have to leave."

"But can't they pull someone else instead?"

"Ace, whoever they pull, someone is going to be upset. Even if I could back out, it wouldn't help anyone." Katherine felt tears pricking the back of her eyes and she blinked them back. "It would help me..." she said under her breath, but Jack didn't seem to hear, so she continued. "...When do you have to leave?"

"I have a week."

"Only a week?! But that's barely any time at all!"

"Kath, you know its more time than it's gonna seem."

"That's just it, it's gonna seem to go by really fast!" Katherine was extremely distressed.

"Ace, sweetheart, try to calm down. I won't be gone that long. A year at most." Jack was trying desperately to help, but he only seemed to be making it worse, because his wife's eyes nearly bugged out of her head.

"A whole year?! How do you expect me to calm down when you're going to be gone for a year?" Jack sighed. He wasn't happy about this either, but Katherine was already falling it apart, if he let her know that he was secretly falling apart too, neither of them would gain anything from it.

"Kath, I'm sorry, I would change it if I could, but I can't." he said. Katherine closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again.

"I know... I know you can't." Jack smiled sadly at her.

"Then I guess we just gotta make the most of this next week." He sat down on their couch and Katherine did the same, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yes... I guess there's nothing else we can do."

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