Chapter 6

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AN: This fanfic has over 100 views! Yay! *blows noisemaker* Sooo, this chapter is extra long. And kind of sad. But I think you guys will like the next chapter, so look forward to that!

It was about four months after the telegram had arrived, in March. Katherine hadn't received any more information, but she just assumed that meant they hadn't found Jack's body yet. She still missed him more than she'd ever missed anyone before. She still went home and cried every night. But she'd come to accept that he was never coming back, and she couldn't let her feelings affect her daily activities. She was on her way out of Medda's Theater with her notes on the newest show to write an article, when Romeo ran up to her.

"Hey, Kathy!" She glared at the boy playfully. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah I know" he made his voice go up about three octaves, attempting to do an impression of Katherine. "My name isn't Kathy so you can't call me that. You're only allowed to call me by my boring full name, Katherine." She laughed.

"Romeo, you know I don't sound like that." Romeo was still speaking in his 'Katherine voice' when he spoke up again.

"Romeo, I don't talk like that. I just talk in my normal, boring voice." She punched him half heartedly in the arm. He feigned to be offended. "Kath, that hurt."

"You'll get over it, you're tough. Now are you going to tell me what you need, or are you just going to stand here teasing me all day?"

"Oh right, I forgot I actually wanted to talk to you." Romeo teased.

"Shut up, what do you want?"

"Technically it's what your old man wants. I ran into him on the street... my worst conversation of the week, by the way."

"And he said...?" Katherine prompted.

"Okay, he told me he wanted to see ya today once you got don't with the theater. And I'm guessin' you're done at the theater?"

"Yes, I'm done with at the theater. Thanks for the message, Romeo."

"No problem. Hey and good luck with Joe, Kath."

"Thanks." Romeo turned to leave.

"See ya later!" he called over his shoulder before running off again. Katherine sighed as she headed towards The World. She never looked forward to talks with her father. She had kind of shut him out when he wasn't supportive of her relationship with Jack. 'Great.' She thought. 'Now I'm thinking about Jack again. That's a good way to keep myself calm while talking to my father.' She reached The World, where her fathers secretary, Hannah was already waiting for her.

"Go right in, Miss Pulitzer." Katherine narrowed her eyes.

"It's Kelly."

"Sure. Go ahead, your father's waiting for you."

"Alright." She walked into her father's office, but he wasn't alone. Darcy was sitting in one of the chairs across from him. He gave Katherine a sympathetic look.

"Hello, Katherine. Please, have a seat." He sounded too nice.

"I'd rather stand, thank you." She replied coldly.

"Come on, dear, don't be like that."

"Oh, I'm sorry, should I be polite to the father that practically shunned me for the past two years?"

"Katherine! I have something to tell you, you know."

"Oh then by all means, go ahead, because Darcy and I here both know that what you have to say is more important than anything either of us would possibly want to say." Pulitzer glowered at her and she sank into the chair next to Darcy. They shared a knowing glance. She and Darcy hadn't been around each other in a while, but they still considered each other to be close friends.

"As I was saying, you've known that your husband has been dead... fine, missing," he corrected himself as his daughter gave him a look that could, if looks could kill, would strike him down,
for about four months now."

"Yes, I am aware."

"Then don't you think it's time to begin seeing other... more respectable gentleman?"

"Excuse me?" Katherine exclaimed. Her father thought she could just forget about Jack, just like that? Her father ignored her.

"So, I've decided that Mr. Darcy here could take you out this afternoon."

"You've decided. Of course, I don't – "she was cut off when Darcy lightly elbowed her in the side. He gave her a look that said, trust me, so she did. "Very well, father, I will go on a date with Darcy." Her father sensed the fake niceness in her voice.

"Katherine, I don't –" but he was cut off as well, as Darcy stood up sharply, pulling Katherine with him.

"Thank you sir, but I think we'll be going now." He said calmly, and walked out of the office, Katherine in tow. Once they were out of the building, Katherine sighed in relief.

"Thanks. That could've gotten ugly."

"Yeah, I know, and neither of us wanted to see that."

"You've got that right." Katherine turned towards him. "So, where are we going on our 'date'?" Darcy looked at her, amused.

"You're kidding, right? You actually think I'm taking you out?"

"Yeah... my father is making us."

"But your father isn't here right now, is he?"

"No... but Darcy, what if he catches us?"

"You're an adult now, you can't let him control you your whole life, Kath. Come on, I know you really don't want to go on a date with me. You'll always be in love with Jack, nothing will ever change that."

"You know what, you're right. Thanks, Darcy."

"No problem, Katherine. See you later." He turned to leave, and she headed towards her apartment. Once she got there, she practically collapsed on her couch. She missed Jack. She missed his brown hair, and his blue eyes. She missed his voice. She missed the way he would constantly annoy her while she was working. She even missed his trademark smirk. But this was different than the way she'd been missing him for the past 11 months. Now, there was hopelessness, forming a constant sinking feeling in her heart. She wanted him more than anything, but she knew she'd never see him again. Which just made her want him even more. But she couldn't have him. Because he wasn't ever coming back.

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