Chapter 16

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Short Chapter

I first went onto my computer in my home office and began typing Vina Valley Academy articles in the search bar to see if I can find anything about it and what happened there.

And of course, I found nothing on it. Maybe the school wanted to cover it up by not saying anything to the general public. But why though? Was it really that bad? Or did the parents not want anything to make the gossip column of the daily newspaper and have the word spread around on what happened. Either way, whatever it was, it was covered up nicely.

That left me with only trying to find Kana or maybe even Ryan and his friends and ask them on what happened at the academy. But I didn't know if they were still in Vina Valley to begin with for that matter. But it was the only other lead I had going for me, so I decided to pack a suitcase and head to Vina Valley to find answers and maybe just maybe find out what happened to Kana. I started packing a suitcase and called Ms. Hale about me being out of town for a few days and to let my clients that they would need to reschedule their meetings some other time.

I then told my wife later that night after I was done packing that I was going to visit my aunt Mable up in Maine for a few days and that I would be back soon. I didn't tell her the truth because I didn't want her or the kids to worry about what was really going on and to be put in danger because of it.

So, the next morning, I left for Vina Valley in search of answers. Answers that would almost get me killed.

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