Chapter 9

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Some time later that day, I think during lunch is where I saw Ryan again sitting with people I didn't know.

At first, I wasn't sure if I should approach them or not but then Ryan waved at me and motioned for me to come over to his table.

I walk over to them and sit down at the table not sure what to expect from them.

"Hey Alice. Welcome to our little group here." Ryan said with a little smile.

"Yeah thanks for inviting me into your group here. Who are your friends?" I said.

"Oh right. Sorry. Guys this is Alice. Alice this is the guys."

"Hey." The three guys and four girls say to me.

"Hey." I said back.

I was introduced to Diana, Katie, Megan, Eliza, Tyler, Dylan and Billy.

Diana had short strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, with smooth white skin and a skinny body along with an round oval face, small nose and thin lips.

Katie had long straight copper brown hair and brown eyes. Her face was round and had a big nose and big lips. On top of that, she also had a good figure like everyone else at the table and had dark skin.

Megan had medium length curly black hair and hazel eyes. She also had a oval face and small nose but her lips were normal sized and wore green glasses. Plus her skin was white like snow.

Eliza had long wavy purple dyed hair and blue eyes and had a round face and had a slight tan to her. Her nose small and lips thin.

Tyler had wavy copper blonde hair and green eyes and had a round face like Dylan and Billy except Dylan had long black hair and blue eyes and Billy had short Brown hair and brown eyes. All of them wore their school uniforms since the school requires you to wear one to school.

I only assumed that they also came from rich families who lived here in town as well like Ryan.

"So, Alice. How is your first day of school going so far?" Dylan asked me.

"Good. The school is really pretty. I can see why people would want to go here." I said to Dylan.

"Yeah it's pretty but one thing that you know is that Dawn is the queen bee around here and doesn't like it when people get in her way of something." Katie adds in.

"Plus she's a total bitch to everyone around her." Billy chimes in as well.

Dylan, Ryan, Katie, Tyler, Megan and Eliza all agreed upon that.

"Is she really that terrible?" I said.

"Yes, she is. Her family is the reason that the annual lake party's tradition is-" Eliza begins to say before Megan quickly shushed her and whispered to her " No, she must not know." That I could hear it from where I sat.

"Must not know what?" I said with an eyebrow raised at them.

"It's nothing. Let's drop it." Tyler said.

"Okay then." Was all I could.

That was weird.

What must I not know? What did Dawn's family have to do with the party coming up?

Did they fund it or something?

Whatever it was, they clearly didn't want me knowing anything about it. But the voice in my head told me that I investigate it, find out what it was and how Dawn and Ryan and his friends were involved in it.

But should I, though?

Should I really press on them to find out what their secret was when they didn't trust me enough to know about it?

I probably shouldn't. It's for the best.

At least I think so at least.

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