Chapter 19

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(( Look up Without you by Breaking Benjamin it's a good song, also read the AN at the end of this))
(( Kaitys pov))
Fu**ing four in the morning and I can't get over the stupid nightmare I had. I don't want to disturb Grace so I'm just sitting here alone on the couch with my tear stained pajama pants. I slowly get up and walk into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I get my water and walk back to the couch...... but when I did I tripped and hit the corner of my eye against the table in front of the couch. I put my hand over my eye and run upstairs to the bathroom and turn on the light and look in the mirror, and I start to get a headache from all the thoughts I'm thinking. I sit on the floor in the bathroom crying, when I hear footsteps coming into the bathroom "Oh my god a-are you okay" Grace said opening the door looking at me on the floor, I look up at her my face stained with tears "I ......I ....." I cried when Grace crouched down face to face with me pulling me to her (( AN just so you know while I write this I'm crying, is that bad!? Crying at my own story)) "Shh..... What's wrong..... what happen to your eye" Grace said putting her hand on my cheek "w-well I h-had this n-nightm-mare and I was a-awake and I was thirsty ((AN don't even think about it)) so I g-got some water and on m-my way back to ........ to the couch..... I ....I tripped and hit my eye on the table" I said curling up closer to Grace, truth is I wasn't crying about my eye I was crying about the nightmare. We both got up and walked into Graces room "I knew I shouldn't have left you downstairs by yourself" Grace said to herself, taking my hand as we sat on her bed "what happen.... in your nightmare" she asked me pulling me closer to her, and I curled up to her. I told Grace what happen in the nightmare tears going down my cheek "I tried to s-" I said when I was cut off by Grace putting her lips on mine "It was just a didn't happen ......I'm here.....always will be" Grace said putting her forehead on mine "Promise?" I whispered and then closed my eyes "I promise" Grace said, then kissing my cheek and I drifted off to sleep.
((Graces pov))
I wake up to Kaity curled up close to me, I smiled putting my arms around her kissing the top of her head, which woke her up "morning sleeping beauty" I said sitting up "you call this beauty" Kaity said pointing to her sleepy morning face, I kissed her "Yes!...... I do..... it's beauty to me" I said leaning my head I her shoulder, and then Kaity started humming something "whatcha humming" I said looking up at her smiling "n-nothing" she stuttered "sing it.....for me" I pleaded like a little kid "n-no ...... I don't sing ......not in front of people" Kaity said shyly looking down at her hands "oh c'mon pleeeease .... it's not like the world is watching" I said shaking her shoulders "N-No ..... I don't even raise my hand in class to answer questions" Kaity said ((AN which is true I'm the most shyest most quietest person you will ever meet it may not seem like it over the internet but meet me in real life and you'll see ask sweaterbro5 )) "grr .... how dare you use that on me" I said playfully, making Kaity to laugh "you're welcome" she said, and got up, took my hand and walked downstairs into the kitchen "I hunger" Kaity said opening the fridge "let's see ..... eggs and bacon" I said "why not" Kaity said getting the pans.
Once we finished making it we sat I the couch and just stuffed our faces with the food on our plate. "I love you" I said taking Kaitys hand "I love you too" Kaity said leaning her head on my shoulder and we sat their cuddling for the rest of the day 'I love you Kaity..... I always will..... I won't let you go .....not again'
((AN the end of this story is coming up soon 😔 I know it's very much sad but hey Caddie What really happen will be up so that's good news yay ))

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