Chapter 8

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(( Kaitys pov ))
"I have a question for you " Grace asked me, I was already half asleep " yea" I said yawning " we've been dating for a while now and I was thinking ..... we could go on our first date..... this Saturday" Grace asked, moving hair away from her face " o-okay that's cool w-with me" I said,and fell asleep.
~ dream~
Grace and I were going to the park, where Grace asked me out. I laid out a blanket while Grace set up the picnic stuff. We our sandwiches that Grace had made and just talked, it started to rain we said it was just a light rain no big deal, then it starts storming ........ Grace and I getting separated by every drop......" GRACE ....... I LOVE YOU ....... YOU MEANT EVERYTHING TO ME .......I STOPPED CUTTING FOR .....YOU......I LOVE YOU TIMES A BILLION" ...... I yelled, as loud as I could so Grace could hear me from.... wherever she was at. It finally stopped storming, and I find Grace laying on the ground ........ she looks lifeless ....... "Grace ...... Please..... come back to me...... I need you...... with out you I'm just dirt ..... nothing ...... PLEASE .....I NEED YOU TO LIVE ...... GRACE ...... I LOVE YOU " I yelled, shaking the lifeless body laying in front of me ...... tears streaming down my face " because I-I love y-you" I spat and took a piece of glass and cut my vain " I want to be with you".....
~dream ends ~
" KAITY PLEASE WAKE UP....." I heard Grace yell, I woke up to Grace shaking me to wake up " oh my god are y-you okay ...... y-you were s-screaming in y-your sleep ..... what happen" I shook my head no....... I didn't want to talk about it. " okay..... when you're confutable telling me ...... I'm here....... always will be" Grace said kissing me, I smiled. I sat on the couch my face in my knees for an hour now...... not speaking..... what if it were to happen on our date, " I'll tell you now" I finally said, after an hour " it was a nightmare .... we had a picnic ...... it starts storming, and we couldn't see anything ..... we were getting separated ....... you died ....... me screaming ...... I killed myself to be with you" I said starting to cry again, Grace pulled me to her " I will never leave you ....... I love you too much to do that....... only a real bi*** would hurt you " Grace said, kissing the top of my head..... I returned the favor by kissing her lips really fast " love you too" Grace said jokingly, I laughed...... she's the only one who makes me happy ...... who makes me
(( Graces pov))
" I'm board " Kaity said, finishing another book her and her books.... I'm the same way. " we could go on our date early" I said, taking Kaitys hand in mine " okay...... go gets ready" Kaity said playfully shoving me" okay okay I'm going" I said walking back to my house to get ready for our date. I walk upstairs and search my closet and get out a pair of jeans and a white shirt with a cat that was wearing jewelry. I walk back over to Kaity's house, Kaity waiting on the porch " ready " I asked taking her hand " yea" Kaity said with a little smirk on her face. We walked in to the restaurant and took our seats, and looked over the menu "what will you have"I asked Kaity " I was thinking we could get a big bowl of spaghetti so we could share " Kaity said" okay" I said, the waiter came back and took our order and ten minutes later came back with our food " whoa" Kaity said as he set don't the bowl on the table, I just had a shocked face knowing we probably wouldn't eat it all, when the waiter left I asked Kaity " when did you figure out you liked me " Kaity froze " I-I don't know" she said like she was about to have a panic attack " oh c'mon you've gotta know I mean it doesn't see-" I said when Kaity ran off ..... taking the knife with her ....... I started to run after her ..... but remembered that Kaity was a lot faster than me .......
(( Kaity's pov))
~ a little before running away ~
" When did you figure out you liked me " Grace asked I froze, I didn't know how to answer " I-I don't know" I said about to have a panic attack " oh c'mon you've gotta know I mean it doesn't see-" Grace said as the voices in my head got louder....... I ran away with the knife in my hand "KAITY COME BACK...... PUT THE KNIFE DOWN " Grace yelled after me, but I kept running.
I ran to the park Grace asked me out at, I sat on the fountain with the knife up to my chest. " KAITY ....... PLEASE DONT DO IT" I heard Grace yell ..... I can't believe she came after me...... I thought she would be mad and not talk to me ..... letting me kill my self "please...don't kill yourself" Grace putting her hands on my shoulders why shouldn't I ....... clearly no one wants me ...... not my parents..... on one at school, I'm already practically dead if you ask me " I said my eyes starting to water " doesn't matter what your parents think of you ...... or other people ....... I love you for you....... I'll miss you ..... if you do this...... I won't forgive myself" Grace cried " I LOVE YOU TOO" I cried into her shoulder and threw the knife at a tree " I'm sorry....." I said " shh.... you don't have to be sorry ....."

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