What you said to them

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People get bullied.

People get called names like "fat, slut, prude, ugly, anorexic" the list goes on and on.

But what I don't understand is how it's entertaining and fun.

How is it entertaining to watch someone want to die because of
what you said to them?

How is it entertaining and fun to watch someone cry themselves to sleep because of what you said to them?

How it is entertaining and fun to watch someone cut themselves because of what you said to them?

How is it entertaining and fun to make someone feel like they did something wrong because of
what you said to them?

How is it entertaining and fun to make someone feel like they deserved what you did because of
what you said to them?

How is that entertaining?

How is it entertaining and fun when someone commits suicide because of
what you said to them?

How is that fun?

How is making someone cry and feel worthless fun?

So think about that before you ruin someone else's life.

Because it's not fun and entertaining to hurt someone and make them cry.

It's not ok to do that to someone.

Because what you said to them can make them do the worst things and feel the worst things.

It's not a hobby to ruin someone's life.

What you say to people can hurt them.

What you say to people can be worse than actually hurting them.

So be carful and think about what you say to them!


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