Only chapter: "This was a mess."

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-A-Asta... d-don't go so fast...-.-S-sorry... I-I got too excited... I'll try not to Yuno...-.
What did they get into?
Let's rewind.

Mimosa and Yuno flew on their brooms to a town. They had a mission to hunt down some animals there. As the wind brushed their faces, Yuno saw how his partner was shaking. It was also affecting her broom aswell.-Mimosa, are you ok? Your broom is shaking, and so are you. Are you nervous?-he asked. Mimosa visibly flinched, and almost fell off her broom, if it wasn't for Yuno.-Be careful.-he said.-I know. I just hope the animals are ok. What if it was something, or someone that made them attack the town?-Mimosa said, feeling nervous. Yuno looked at her for a moment before speeding up.-Hey! Why are you speeding up?!-Mimosa asked.-Because if we get there earlier, maybe we can help the animals.-he said. Mimosa understood, and tried to keep up with his speed.

-Here we are.-Yuno said. The town was destroyed. Mimosa put her hands over her mouth, widening her eyes in shock.-Oh my god...-she muttered in shock. Yuno slowly made his way in the town. Suddenly, a boar charged towards him. He managed to dodge in time. Mimosa used her magic to trap it. They were surrounded by wild animals. Their eyes were glowing bright purple.-Mimosa. Their eyes.-Yuno said. Mimosa nodded her head.-That means there are other wizards around here.-she said. Yuno took care of the animals, and Mimosa knocked them out.-I think our job here is done.-Mimosa said.-No.-Yuno started, and she looked at him-We need to find the wizards who did this to the animals.-he said. Mimosa nodded her head. Suddenly, an attack was sent to her.-Mimosa watch out!-Yuno said, pushing her out of the way. He took it, and fell to his knees.-Yuno!-Mimosa yelled, running by his side. She looked around, but there was no-one. Yuno fell unconcious.

Yuno groggily opened his eyes. He tried to get up, but his body felt very heavy, letting out a groan that alerted two people.-Yuno!-Mimosa yelled, going by his side.-Mi...mosa...?-he asked, his vision becoming clearer.-Yeah! Are you ok?! Are you hurt?!-she asked.-Yeah... I think so.-he said, rubbing his eyes, trying to see better.-I'm glad that you are ok Yuno. You've been out for a whole day.-Klaus said.-I have? My apologies.-he said, sitting up. Klaus and Mimosa looked like they wanted to say something, and Yuno noticed.-Do you want to tell me something?-he asked. Mimosa looked at Klaus, who nodded his head. They passed him a mirror. When he looked at himself, he widened his eyes in shock. His hair had grew longer, his chest was bigger, his curves were more feminine... Basically, he got turned into a girl.-What the...-he, or she, muttered.-This happened because of the magic attack you took for me. I'm very sorry Yuno!-Mimosa apologized.-Don't worry Mimosa.-Yuno said, patting her back-The problem is, how do I get back to my old body?-he asked.-It takes time Yuno.-Captain William said, surprising the three wizards in the room.-How do you know, Captain William?-Klaus asked. William just looked away in embarrassement.-Wait... don't tell me...-Mimosa started, widening her eyes.-You were in this situation as well?!-they all said, shocked. William just nodded his head.-YUNO!-a familiar voice said. Asta barged in the room.-Asta?!-Mimosa asked.-Yuno! Why didn't you-Asta started, but then looked at Yuno. His jaw fell to the floor.-N-Nevermind.-he said, turning around and walking away. An irk mark appeared in Yuno's face. "That idiot..." she thought.

-A combined mission?-Yuno asked.-Exactly. Captain Yami said that you and me would be going on a mission.-Asta said, scratching the back of his head. Yuno sighed.-Ok, let's do this.-she said. She grabbed her broom.-Get on.-she said. Asta nodded his head, and sat on the broom, right behind her. They flew off. During the ride, Asta leaned closer.-W-What are you doing?-Yuno asked, blood rushing to her cheeks.-Your hair smells really good.-he said with a smile. Yuno's face flushed pink. "Why am I blushing?! He's just my rival!" she thought. They finally arrived at the place: An abandoned house.-What's the mission about?-Yuno asked.-We're here to investigate the disappearances of citizens.-Asta said. They opened the door, which creaked. Yuno gulped, not liking this one bit. When the two of them entered, the door shut with a loud bang.-Eeeek!-Yuno let out, scared by the sudden noise. Asta tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open.-It's not opening!-he said. He grabbed his sword from his grimoire and tried to cut through the wood, but it didn't work no matter how many times he hit the wood.-We're... trapped...-he muttered in shock.-Might as well investigate the house.-Yuno said. Asta nodded his head.

After a while, there was only two rooms to look inside, and were next to eachother.-It smells like something's... rotting in there.-Asta pointed out. Yuno gulped before opening it. Oh, how much she wished she didn't open that door, nor see that horrifying scene. There were rotting corpses everywhere. Some where skeletical, some where still in flesh, and some seemed like they were starting to rot. The most fresh one was a headless one.

Yuno went to the hall to throw up. Asta inmediately closed the door.-Oh my god...-he muttered. That image was still in his head, no matter how much he tried to forget about it. Yuno cleaned her mouth.-Are you ok Yuno?-Asta asked, getting closer to her.-Yeah. But I think I just vomited my lunch.-she said-We still have one room to check...-she muttered. Asta nodded his head. He hesitantly reached for the door knob. He was still traumatized for what he just saw. He slowly opened the door, only for him to see an empty room. He and Yuno slowly entered the room.-This looks... normal.-she muttered. Suddenly, the door closed.-Nevermind.-she facepalmed. She tried opening the door, but there wasn't any door knob. A voice interrupted the silence of the room.

"Welcome to the room where you can't leave! The rules are simple:
You need to have sex to exit the room. Creampie isn't required!
Enjoy your fun!"

Yuno's face became red when she heard that. She saw how Asta dropped his grimoire. "Oh god. We're not gonna get out of here, are we?" she thought, nervous. Suddenly, Asta pinned her down to the floor.-H-huh?! A-Asta?! W-What are you doing?!-she asked. He roughly pressed his lips against hers. "What is he doing?!" Yuno thought shocked. It wasn't like she wasn't enjoying. In fact, she liked it. A lot. However, she also felt like it was wrong. When they both separated to take air, she pushed him away.-What the hell was that?!-she asked.-I-he tried to say.-Next time don't be so rough, idiot.-she said, averting her eyes. Asta widened his eyes.-That means you liked it?!-he asked. Yuno didn't have time to respond, as she was pulled into another kiss, a less rough one. Asta's arms wrapped around her waist, while she wrapped hers around his neck. He licked her bottom entrance, and she let him. His tongue slowly explored her mouth.

However, that kiss that seemed so innocent turned upside down when Asta's hand slowly caressed Yuno's back. She shivered. When the kiss broke, she looked at him, her cheeks were pink. Asta thought that, maybe he should apologize. However, his face became red when Yuno started to take off her shirt.-Y-Yuno?! W-What are you doing?!-he asked.-They said that we need to have sex to leave, right? Might as well hurry up. I don't want to be stuck here.-she said.-Y-Yeah. B-But...-he started. Yuno looked at him, waiting for an answer.-I-I have to prepare you. I don't want you getting hurt before we do it.-he said, fidgeting with his fingers. Yuno blushed. Asta took off his shirt, and Yuno saw his scars.-You need to be more careful.-she told him. Asta chuckled at her words.-I'll try.-he said with his goofy grin.

-Hey, Captain William?-Mimosa asked. William looked up from the book, and turned to her.-What is it Mimosa, Klaus?-he asked.-Where is Yuno? We are looking for hi-, I mean her.-Klaus corrected himself.-She went on a mission with a member of the Black Bulls.-he told them.-What was the mission about? And who did she go with?-Mimosa asked.-She went with Asta, and the mission is about investigating disappearances of citizens that explored an abandoned house.-he said. Klaus pushed up his glasses, realizing something.-Isn't that mission supposed to be for eight people?-he asked. William widened his eyes. He quickly started to look for the paper. Indeed, the mission was for eight people. The captain of the Golden Dawn cursed under his breath.-Mimosa. Klaus.-he started-Call Langris. You're going to the house. But first I'm going to contact Yami.-he said.

And now we're back at the beggining, where Asta introduced his fingers inside Yuno. The raven's insides twitched at the touch. "I wonder what Captain William had to go through. I don't think he went through this, right? Or maybe he did? I'm not sure-" Her thoughts were interrupted by Asta's fingers stopped moving.-What are you thinking about?-he asked. "Oh right. He's giving his all, and I'm not paying attention." she thought. She gave him a peck in the lips.-All I'm thinking about is you right now.-she said with a small smile. Asta's face became red as he looked at the floor.-W-Wait...-she started-D-Did you get hard?!-she asked. Asta just looked away. "Seriously?! Just with that?!" she thought.-I think you're ready.-he said. His fingers exited Yuno's insides. They both took a deep breath.-A-Are you ready?-Asta asked. Yuno nodded her head. The ash blond slowly introduced his member inside Yuno, who shut her eyes in pain. "It hurts. It hurts a lot." she thought, gritting her teeth. When it was all in, they released their breaths.-Are you ok Yuno?-he asked. She nodded her head. After a while, he started to move. Yuno would sometimes let out a whine of pain. Asta, not knowing what to do, intertwined their lips. The raven wrapped her arms around his neck. "I think I should stop for now." Asta thought.-Y-Yuno. I think I'm going to-Asta started, but when he moved, he accidentally touched a zone that made Yuno shriek in pain. "What the hell was that?!" she thought.-W-What were you going to say?-she asked. Asta shook his head with a smile.-Nothing.-he said. He slowly exited Yuno's insides. The raven felt very tired, and her eyes slowly started to close. Asta started to get dressed, and also carefully dressed Yuno, trying not to wake her up. "The door is open now." he thought. He put Yuno on his back, and grabbed their grimoires, putting them in his back.

Mimosa, Klaus, Langris, Finral, Noelle and Vanessa were flying in their brooms towards the house.-I hope their ok.-Mimosa said.-Don't worry Mimosa. Yuno and Asta are very strong. I know they'll be ok!-Klaus comforted her. "I hope so." Noelle thought. When they finally reached their destination, they saw Asta and Yuno outside.-Asta! Yuno!-Finral yelled. Asta waved at them.-We were so worried, you baka! This mission was supposed to be for eight people!-Noelle scolded him.-Hey, what happened to Yuno?-Klaus asked.-She's just unconcious.-Asta told him.-Wait, what happened?! Did you get attacked?!-Langris asked.-No, it's not that. It's just...-he trailed off. He really didn't want to explain what they saw, but he had to.-The reason why citizens were disappearing it's because people... killed them. Yuno and I saw... a mountain of rotting corpses in one room.-everyone gasped-I won't go into details, but it was disgusting.-he added. The fly back was very quiet. Nobody wanted to know what happened there.

The next few weeks, Yuno and Asta had been hanging out a lot more than before. No one knew why, but they didn't question it. At the moment, they were having hot chocolate while staring at the night sky.-It's so pretty...-Yuno muttered.-But you know who's prettier?-Asta asked, and Yuno turned to him-You.-Asta said with a smile. Yuno looked away, embarrassed.-Hey, Asta?-she asked. The ash albine turned to her.-What is it Yuno?-he said, curious.-Do you... like me because I'm a girl? Or do you like me for who I am?-she asked, looking at him in the eyes. Asta put the cup next to him and got closer to her.-Yuno, if I liked you just because you were a girl, that would be extremely rude. I like you for who you are, got it?-he said with a soft smile. The raven nodded. He intertwined their lips into a kiss, one that she happily returned. Her body started to glow, surprising both of them. When it died, she was back to his old body. He stared at himself in surprise.-I'm back to normal...-he muttered. Asta recovered from the shock. He grinned.-You are!-he said. Yuno stared at him in surprise, but then softly smiled. They leaned in for another kiss.

Oh, you're still here?!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the one-shot!
Yuno: I didn't.
Me: Shut up! How did you even get here?!
Yuno: Magic
Me:... Vaya, no encuentro fallas en su lógica. (Wow, I don't see mistakes in his logic)
Yuno: *Confused*
Asta: *Laughing in the background because he actually understood what I said*
Me: Anyways! Thank you for reading this one-shot! It's also my first time writing a smut, so I hope I did well! You know the drill...
Asta: Wait, what's the drill?
Yuno: I'm actually surprised you know what she meant, but not the what she wants us to say.
Asta: Shut up, you handsome jerk!
Yuno: Thank you for the compliment.
Me: *Facepalm* I meant what we say to the readers, you dimwits.
Asta: What's dimwits?
You know what, I'm not even gonna question it. Anyways...
Asta,Yuno&Me: Peace Out! *Doing the peace sign with one hand and the Black Clover salute with the other*

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