A Light Is Waiting

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Aleen has since apologised to Avi for her mental accusation, she hasn't apologised or checked in on Kirstie, though only because she doesn't know how to get hold of her or where the actual flower shop is. But Aleen will talk to her, she has to, she wants to, Kirstie is lovely, there's no reason the two women can't be friends. That's where her head is at during this comfortable walk in near silence, hand in hand with Avi.
     It's a lot colder, it's a couple of days into winter now, but California doesn't get snow so it's just cold, but not too cold, like comfortable in a sweater cold. Ada's first birthday is approaching fast and the holiday season has well and truly begun. The Kaplan's do a little bit of Christmas with their Hanukkah, like presents and such, but they don't do Christmas music, they do Hanukkah songs, and that is what Avi is currently wrestling with.
     Avi's boss, aka: Aleen's Dad, has asked Avi to start mixing in some Christmas music to his sets at the restaurant. He doesn't want to disturb his and Aleen's peaceful atmosphere, but he needs her advice on the situation, how does he even approach it?
     He decides on a way that is probably as good as any, "Aleen?"
     "You know I'm Jewish right?"
     "Yeah," she frowns, "What does it matter?"
     "No, it's not like that, I just-does your Dad know?"
     "Does he know that you're Jewish?"
     Avi nods.
     "I honestly don't know, why?" Aleen sincerely hopes her father hasn't accidentally said something insensitive to Avi, she knows that if it did happen it would have been an accident because her father would never say something like that on purpose.
     "He keeps asking me to sing Christmas songs, and he's not exactly giving me a chance to explain that I don't actually know any," he nervously chuckles.
     "Oh, oops, he can be a bit stubborn, he likes things his way," she sighs. "Are you totally against learning some... but that's not the point though, you shouldn't have to."
     "That's exactly it, I'm not against it, but I shouldn't have to. I'm just a little worried that if I tell him I won't sing Christmas songs that he'll fire me."
     "He won't, he thinks you're great, and I'm pretty sure that legally he'd have a shit time if he did," she tries to joke and earns half a laugh from Avi. "Just talk to him, sure he's stubborn, but he's not entirely unreasonable, I'll even come with you if you want?" She offers.
     Avi nods, "I'd appreciate that," he smiles before stopping them on their path, pulling her in for a tight embrace that she welcomes.


Josh finally has the time to take Scarlett to her speech therapy session himself. Sam of course is bummed at the news but Josh assures him that he'll get to take her same as normal, next week.
Dr Quinn is surprised to see Josh and not Sam, nonetheless she shakes his hand and briefly fills him in on the last couple of months progress. Sure she's seen him recently, but they hadn't talked about this, there hadn't been the time, nor had it been the place. Then Josh is left in the waiting room to read the magazines and play games on his phone.
     Josh is board after 20 minutes, he doesn't get how Sam, with his short attention span, can sit here the whole hour. Josh is happy though when his ring tone wails at him from his back pocket, it's his mother.
     "Hey Mom, how are you?"
     "Good thank you sweetheart, and yourself?"
     "I'm doing great, just waiting on Scarlett, she's in a speech therapy session."
     "Oh, is this a bad time?"
     "No, no-no, it's great, you've saved me from boredom," he chuckles.
     "That's good then, although I did call you to find out why Avi's not answering his phone?"
     "How hurtful, ringing me just to get to Avi," he pretend sighs.
     "Joshua, no, that's not it at all. I'm very happy talking to you, I love all my children equally."
     Josh laughs, "Mom I was joking, but I don't know why Avi's not answering his phone. Why did you need him?"
     "Well it seems as though he never told Kevin that he was moving in with you."
     "Mmm, in fact I was Kevin's second call, after Jess."
     Josh is taken aback, how long has it been since Avi talked to Kevin? "Did Kevin not know that Avi and Jess broke up?"
     "No, he hadn't. I don't think they've spoken since Kevin left for China."
     "Come to think of it I don't think Avi has ever mentioned Kevin the whole time he's been at mine," Josh frowns, his spare hand going to his mouth as he listens to his Mom and bites his thumb nail.
     "Maybe they had a falling out and Avi didn't tell us?"
     "I they had a falling out then why has Kevin only decided to call now?" Josh's hand still hovers in front of his mouth.
     "Kevin went to China for a year, it's been a year, he's moving back home."
     His hand drops, "Oh."

A/N: And here we have the introduction to Kevin! Yay :D So what do you guys think happened between Kevin and Avi?

Hope you liked the chapter, please vote and comment, it makes my day :)


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